Tsuchino-no-kuni, Iwain Village, Tsuchikage Building.

"Lord Tsuchikage, I just received information from the battlefield of Konoha and Kumohi!"

a Iwahide ninja half-knelt on the ground and reported to the third generation of Tokage Onoki.

"Say it!" Onoki looked at the documents on the table without lifting his head.

"Lord Tokage, according to intelligence, Yunyin has surrendered and is about to start peace talks with Konoha!" said Iwain in a deep voice.

"What?!" Onoki jumped up directly when he heard the news, "Is that guy from

the third generation of Thunder Shadow so useless, Yunyin was defeated by Konoha so quickly?!" "It is said that the combination of the third generation of Thunder Shadow and Yunyin's Abby was injured, so that the confrontation in the frontal battlefield was not as good as Konoha, so the third generation of Thunder Kage decided to surrender and make peace with Konoha. After

listening to the words of the dark part in front of him, Onoki had calmed down again, and now the main thing was what they should do.

If Iwain continued to fight with Konoha, then when the Konoha ninja troops on the other side of the Yunyin battlefield were transferred to the Kusanagi battlefield, they would not be able to resist it with their current situation.

Then it seems that they can only retire from Yanyin.

"But..." Onoki thought that the three generations of Thunder Shadow and Abby were all injured, and made a decision in his heart.

"Can't let the three generations of Thunder Shadow negotiate with Konoha so easily, the strength of this Yunyin Village is too well preserved, don't blame us Iwain for not keeping his promises!"

Then Onoki said to the Iwain Shadow in front of him: "Inform the troops on the front line of the Grass Country, all withdraw." Then mobilize 10,000 Iwa Shinobu elites, I want the three generations of Thunder Shadow to pay some price for his decision, and give him a big gift

!" "Yes!"


The time soon came for Yunyin and Konoha to sign an armistice.

The three generations of Thunder Shadow left the Yunyin camp with the Thunder Shadow Guard, Abby Group, and hundreds of Yunyin elites, preparing to go to the peace negotiation place agreed with Konoha.

The place where the armistice agreement was signed this time was still in the territory of the Land of Thunder, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow did not think that anyone would come to attack them at this time.

But what he never expected was that at this moment, someone really shot at

him! A white light from the sky directly struck towards

the three generations of thunder shadows, slamming him into the earth! "Damn, Onoki, you bastard dares to sneak attack!" The thunder armor on the surface of the three generations of thunder shadows was slightly dim, like a spark.

The three generations of Thunder Shadow have already recognized the identity of the person who made the move from this move, it is the third generation of Tokage Onoki!

and countless Yanyin figures have also appeared in the valley ahead.

However, fortunately, the three generations of Thunder Shadow used the lightning armor in time, otherwise Onoki's dust escape hit him directly, and he would have to be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Onoki sneered: "Hmph, I'm all for the village, what is the sneak attack!" The

three generations of thunder shadows directly rushed into the sky to attack Onoki, but suddenly saw a large number of rock ninja galloping in the distance, and a large amount of dust swept into a torrent behind these rock ninja, floating into the sky like wolf smoke.


the thousands of rock ninja reinforcements in the valley, I'm afraid that there are not ten

thousand rock ninja gathered here! If they are surrounded by these ten thousand rock ninja, there is no doubt that the hundreds of elites in Yunyin Village will only have a dead end!

A power that matters.

The three generations of Thunder Shadow brought them here just in case they signed the contract with Konoha, but not to let them die!

If they all broke here, the blow to Yunyin Village would be too great, and the three generations of Thunder Shadow would not be able to bear it.

"Onoki, you... How despicable!" he

didn't know what was wrong with it.

In the battlefield of the country of grass, Iwa Shinobu and Konoha ninja have been fighting for several years, and everyone thought that Iwa Shinobu had gone all out, and before Leiro destroyed the Shinobi Bridge and cut off Iwa Shinobu's supply line, Iwa Shinobu did not mobilize troops again.

This made the three generations of Thunder Shadow

mistakenly think that the country of earth was empty and would not pose any threat to their Yunyin, but he did not expect that Onoki actually mobilized 10,000 rock ninja to ambush here this time!

This pit is so deep that the three generations of Thunder Shadow are almost unable to climb out when they fall into it!

The third generation of Thunder Shadow stared at Onoki's big red nose, and his anger was even worse, but he knew that he had to calm down at this time.

"The priority is to let them leave safely!"

"He can die, but these hundreds of Yunyin elites must not die here, and there are also his son Four Generations Ai and the eight-tailed man Zhu Liqi Rabi!

The third generation of Thunder Shadow immediately turned around and rushed into the valley, and at the same time roared at the Yunyin elite behind him: "Retreat!! At this time, the third generation of Thunder Shadow

had already dried with thousands of Yan Ren in the valley.

"You guys retreat, I'll break back, go quickly!!" The three generations of Thunder Shadow roared, with the protection of thunder armor, he was completely killing gods in the Rock Ninja Group, no one could leave a wound on him, and every punch and kick of him was accompanied by the death of a large number of Iwa Shinobi!" "

Lord Thunder Shadow, let's not go

!" "Lord Leiying, we want to fight with you!" Hundreds

of elite enthusiasts from Yunyin Village rushed up and rushed into the Iwa Ninja group again.

At this time, more than four thousand Yan Shinobi outside the mountain range had also arrived and were about to enter the mountain range.

"It's not good, Iwa Shinobu has reinforcements!" a cloud ninja sensed Iwa Shinobu outside the mountain range and was shocked.

The three generations of Lei Ying snorted angrily: "Hurry up!" "

Lord Lei Ying?" The elites of Yunyin Village realized something.

"Don't stay here and drag down the old man!" said the third generation of Lei Ying coldly.

Suddenly, a white cube pillar of light descended from the sky, instantly breaking the three Yunnin into atoms, and there were no bones.

"Dust-Origin Realm Stripping Technique

!" Onoki's voice came from high in the sky unhurriedly, as if the gods were under mortals, staring at them indifferently, "No one wants to run away

!" "Go!" the third generation of Thunder Shadow roared, and then said to Ai and Kirabi beside him, "Ai, from now on you will be the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and now I am my last order as the third generation of Thunder Shadow."

"You must escape with them!" Under

the roar of the three generations of Thunder Shadow, the fourth generation of Ai finally withdrew with the ninjas of Yunyin back with tears on their faces.

"With the old man here, you can't chase after the old man's companions!" The

three generations of thunder shadows incarnated Thunder and Lightning rushed towards Wan Yannin.

"Hell Spurt-Four Hongo!"


Thunder and lightning roared, blood splashed everywhere, under the attack of three generations of thunder shadows, Iwa Shinobu had no enemies, and in an instant, more than a dozen Iwa Shinobi fell in a pool of blood.

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