Time flew by, and half a year passed quickly!

I heard that not long ago, Kushina had been found to be pregnant, and it seems that Naruto is about nine months away at most.

Uchiha Mikoto, the wife of Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the best friend of Vortex Jiu Shinnai, is also pregnant with a child, and it is estimated that it will be the second pillar of the future.

Uchiha Itachi, who is now more than four years old, showed the attributes of a younger brother when Nizhuko was not yet born, pestering Mikoto every day and lying on his stomach to listen to his brother's movements.

In the past six months, Lei Luo has also led the three of Rope Tree to do a lot of tasks, and the tasks that Lei Luo has selected for them are all difficult but enough for them to complete.

Every mission, except in a moment of crisis, Relo will not make a move, giving the three of Rope Tree a chance to exercise.

Now in terms of strength alone, the three of them are enough to promote Zhongnin, but it is not a time of war anymore, and there must be enough tasks to complete if you want to advance to Zhongnin.

On this day, Lei Luo once again led the three of Rope Tree out of the village to complete a mission and had just returned to the village.

Despite completing the task, the rope tree looks a little sullen.

"What's wrong, Rope Tree?" Relo asked, looking at the rope tree.

"Teacher Leiluo, when will we be promoted to Zhongnin?" Rope Tree clearly doesn't want to do the task anymore.

Lei Luo took out a pamphlet from his body and flipped through it, and then said: "Well, according to the number of tasks completed, you only need to complete three more C-level tasks to apply to become a Zhongnin. "

Huh? Three more times?! "The rope tree is even more unenergetic.

"It's pretty fast! It's only been half a year, and you have the opportunity to be promoted to Zhongnin. Relo comforted.

While talking, Relo had already brought the three of them to the Hokage's office to submit the task.

Seeing Lei Luo walking in, Bo Fengshuimen's eyes lit up.

"Leiluo, you came back just right, and I was having a headache who to send." Bofeng Shuimen said with a smile.

"What's wrong with Naruto-sama? Is there something going on? Lei Luo looked at Bofeng Shuimen with a confused smile and was a little puzzled.

Could it be because Jiu Xinnai was pregnant, held back for a long time, and then changed her orientation?

Lei Luo instantly felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and suddenly stood up straight.

"Lei Luo, I have said it many times, don't be so polite."

Bo Fengshuimen's words made Lei Luo more nervous, he won't really fancy me.

Fortunately, Bofeng Shuimen's next words made Lei Luo relax.

"Didn't you do a mission before to wipe out the cult?"

"Well, that's right, I used to do this mission in Yu no Kuni, what's the problem?" Relo replied.

"Well, according to the news received by the dark department, it seems that the traces of the cult have been found again in the territory of the country of the swamp, I was still having a headache about this matter just now, it just so happens that you have experience, so you will lead the team." Bo Feng Shuimen explained.

Then turned his head sideways to the three of Rope Tree and said: "This mission is even an A-level mission, if you complete this mission, the three of you can be promoted to Zhongnin." "

Yay!" Rope Tree jumped happily when he heard this.

"Nope!" Leiluo's words were like a basin of cold water poured on the head of the rope tree, extinguishing his enthusiasm.

"Now with their strength, I don't think it's enough to complete the A-level mission."

Bo Feng Shuimen waved his hand, "Isn't this you?" Rope tree their strength is enough to promote the middle endurance, the protagonist of this mission is you, rope tree they just go to meet the world.

"yes, yes." After listening to Watergate's words, the rope tree lit up hope again, "Teacher Leiluo, you can take us there!" Looking

at the expectant eyes of the rope tree, and looking at the water stop and Yamato next to him, with the same expectation on his face, Relo agreed.

"Okay, then our squad will accept this A-level task, you guys go back and rest well, prepare for the day, and we will leave the morning after tomorrow!"



In fact, when Bofeng Shuimen talked about the discovery of similar cult traces in the country of the swamp, Lei Luo understood what was going on.

He got a lot of arrangements from the cult leader Forget Chuan who was eliminated last time, and he knew in his heart that it should be Huang Quan, the leader of the Huangquan Sect, who came out to make trouble this time.

If he remembered correctly, the witch of the Oni Country sealed the soul and body of the monster eel in two places, and the soul was in the underground palace of the Ghost Country, and the body happened to be in the Land of the Swamp.

It seems that Huang Quan should want to unlock the seal of the flesh of the monster eel through some methods this time and fuse the power of the eel.

If he succeeds this time, he will definitely create an undead legion and then prepare to start a war again.

"This scum, isn't it good to settle a little? A trick, always thinking about doing something big! Lei Luo's heart was full of disdain for Huang Quan.


Early the morning after tomorrow, Relo led the three of them out of the village and went straight to the country of the swamp.

Several people were not bad, and they rushed all the way, and it only took three days to reach the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Marsh.

"Stop!" With an order from Lei Luo in the rushing attack, everyone stopped.

This place is not far from the country of the swamp, and Lei Luo does not know how much the strength of the Yellow Spring Sect has developed, so so so far, it may encounter enemies at any time.

Lei Luo is strong, the recovery speed is also fast, and the consumption is not much now, but the rope tree, water stop, and Yamato are not small, and it is time to camp and rest well in order to have the strength to deal with the next enemy.

"Stop the water, you look around here to see if there are any enemies. Rope tree, you go find some food. Yamato you are responsible for lighting the fire and guarding it. Relo led the three to a suitable place to camp, then turned and ordered.

"Yes!" Hearing Relo's order, everyone began to carry out their respective tasks.

After a while, the water stopped and said to Lei Luo in a solemn tone: "Teacher Lei Luo, a village has been found two kilometers ahead, there is no longer a living person in the village, there are traces of battles, the village is a mess, the scene is very tragic, it is likely to be the hand of the remnants of the cult."

"Can you know the exact time of the battle?" Relo asked calmly.

"This is not certain, the body has been taken away, but looking at the blood stains on the ground, it should have been a long time." Shui Shui shook his head.

Lei Luo lowered his head and thought slightly, and then he made a decision.

"Let's camp and rest first, recover our state, and then go to the village in front and explore again to see if we can find any remaining clues, but be careful of possible enemies." Lei Luo said to the three of Rope Tree with a serious expression.


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