With Huang Quan's order, the Undead Legion was activated, starting with a wave of volleys from the archers in the Undead Legion.

The rain of arrows in the sky shrouded the Lei Luo people.


"Rope tree, you guys retreat to a safe place first, the enemy is not something you can deal with now!"

Relo opened his mouth and shouted.

The rope tree and several people also knew that staying here would only drag Relo back, so they all used ninjutsu to block the rain of arrows in front of them, and then left here in an instant.

Watching the rope tree and several people leave safely, Lei Luo had no worries.

"Guangdu. Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu", his hands released countless light bullets, one by one, a pair of arrows that struck again, shooting them down.

Then it flashed into the air again, releasing the "Light Escape. Ultimate Flash".

The familiar scene appeared again, along with the mushroom cloud, and a part of the undead legion disappeared into this world.

Moreover, Huang Quan, who was standing on the station car, was also bombarded into the ground by Leiluo's move.

"Damn it! This move is the ninjutsu you used to destroy my undead legion before! Huang Quan crawled out of the pit, and the wounds on his body healed rapidly.

"Disperse!" With Huang Quan's order, the undead legion changed its formation and dispersed.

Otherwise, with such a dense formation just now, as long as Lei Luo comes with two or three more ultimate flashes, he will almost die.

Even if he kills Leiluo, if he wants to create such a batch of undead legions, I don't know how long it will take.

"How? Is this ultimate flash cool? Lei Luo, who fell from the sky, looked at Huang Quan with a smile on his face.

"Hmph! Your move is very powerful, and it is also very restrained against my undead legion, but I don't know how much power you still have in your body now? "Huang Quan is not a fool either.

He knew that this kind of large-scale and powerful ninjutsu was also very consuming, and even if Lei Luo still had strength in his body now, there was definitely not much left.

It's a pity that he doesn't know a wall-hanging horror!

"Hehe, the power in my body is enough to kill you!" Relo replied.

"Is it? You're underestimating me! Do you think I'm just relying on the Undead Legion? It's time for you to see my own power! Huang Quan said while using the power of the eel in his body.

A black chakra aura permeated from Huang Quan's body.

Then Huang Quan stomped his foot and rushed towards Lei Luo, saying in his mouth, "I have fused the power of Lord Ray!" "。

Lei Luo felt the powerful Chakra aura emanating from Huang Quan's body, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Have you already fused the power of the eel? It's a little bit more challenging!

"I also want to see how strong my strength is now!" I hope you can stick with it a little longer! Huang

Quan's expression was cold, his eyes were crazy, and he instantly rushed to Lei Luo's face.

"Dead duck has a hard mouth! Go to hell! Then

punched Relo in the face.

But he was instantly clenched by Lei Luo's fist.

"Is that the only power?" Relo shook his head and put on a pitying look.

Huang Quan felt a wave of anger fill his mind, which instantly made him lose his cool.


Huang Quan in front of Lei Luo roared, his muscles twisted, black Chakra continued to drill out of his body, and the whole person began to swell.

Soon, Huang Quan turned into a twisted black monster, just like the stitching monster abomination in the game Lei Luo played in his previous life.

"I lean! Can't afford to play, and transform without saying a word! Lei Luo complained in his heart.

But he also understood that Huang Quan's transformation should be the appearance of a eel.

Huang Quan, whose body had become larger, still had reason, and became looking down at Lei Luo.

"Try my current strength!"

Then a punch fell towards Relo.


The location where Lei Luo was located was instantly blasted out of a big pit, but Lei Luo had already dodged away.

"Don't you look down on my power? So what are you hiding? After the transformation, Huang Quan smiled viciously.

"Just look down on your strength, how can you? Will you transform? Relo pouted.

"How about you change it?" Huang Quan obviously didn't believe it, but he had borrowed the power of Lord Eel.

"Change is change!" As soon as Leiluo's words fell, he directly triggered the Godzilla power in his heart.

"Godzilla coat!"

The dark blue Chakra emerged from Relo's body, and a set of armored giants was built outside Relo's body, and the two rows of spikes behind him flashed with a faint cold light, and Relo was in the center of this armored giant.

Relo also opened the five-sight omnipotence with great interest and observed himself in Godzilla's coat.

"How handsome he is!"

"This is me playing Gundam in Naruto?"

Then he looked down at Huang Quan, who had become shorter than him again, and said, "Don't you want to see my transformation?" What do you think? Handsome or not? Huang

Quan looked at the transformed Lei Luo, and his heart was full of jealousy.

"I fused the eel to have great power, why can he also transform, why is he more handsome than me?"

Then instantly lost his mind and rushed directly towards Leiluo.

If Lei Luo listened to Huang Quan's inner thoughts now, he would definitely tell him not to compare with the wall.

Looking at the rushing Yellow Spring, Godzlarello's hand was held in the void, and a huge lightsaber appeared in Godzlarello's hand, and then directly slashed towards Huangquan.

However, Huang Quan stretched out his hands and directly clamped the lightsaber.

Lei Luo smiled when he saw this scene, it was too small to see the temperature of the light.

Sure enough, in the next second, Huangquan immediately released his lightsaber, a burst of black smoke came out of his hand, and a roaring sound came out of his mouth.

But Huang Quan, who had lost his mind, could retreat so easily, and several tentacles directly emerged from his body to attack Leiluo.

"My light is the nemesis of evil forces!"

"Let's try this trick next!"

"Guangdu. Trial!

Godzlarello threw the lightsaber in his hand directly, emitting a silver-white light that was different from usual.

The black tentacles that attacked were instantly cut off, and then inserted into the body of Huangquan without abating.

Huang Quan, who was stabbed by the lightsaber, had drastic changes in his body.

The power in Huangquan's body continued to explode, and then it turned into strands of black qi and escaped, and its figure also shrank rapidly.

Soon he returned to his original human form and lay dying on the ground.

"How is that possible? How can it be? With

the recovery of his figure, Huang Quan also regained his sanity at the same time, and it was difficult to accept his current state.

The power of the eel obtained after many years of hard work and planning has disappeared into the body.

Seeing this, Relo also withdrew from Godzilla's cloak mode and returned to his normal form.

For Huang Quan's state, Lei Luo was not surprised at all.

The trick just now "Light Escape. Trial", is Relo will "light escape. Tiancong Cloud Sword" and "Guangdun. The "Purification Technique" combined with the developed ability is an enemy of this evil xenomorph power.

If the soul and body of the eel were fused and he could completely control the power, Lei Luo would not be so easy to solve.

But to deal with a Huang Quan who only fused the power of the eel, but lost his mind when using it, it was really too simple.

With the disappearance of the eel's power in Huang Quan's body, his control over the undead legion also disappeared, and the undead legion turned into a stone sculpture again.

Lei Luo slowly walked to Huang Quan and stood still, and the lightsaber appeared in his hand again, and then stabbed down fiercely.

"Farewell! Death! "

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