The content of the Zhongnin exam is basically the same.

First of all, the first written test screening, after all, if for a Zhongnin, the basic quality is not good, and the ability to collect and transmit intelligence is not good, who is qualified to serve as a Zhongnin.

And now it is the first middle ninja exam after the third ninja world war, showing hard power, and the current written exam will not give you any correct answers and pass the last question.

Of course, the current written test is also ten questions, and if you answer one question correctly, you will pass if you answer more than six questions.

When they entered the examination room, Lei Luo also observed outside the venue with great interest, after all, this was the first Zhongnin exam he had ever seen.

After all, in the previous war, as long as you have enough ability and the number of tasks completed, you can be promoted to middle ninja without exams.

Relo stood on the sidelines, turned on the five-sight omnipotence, and observed the scene inside the field.

What made Relo most curious was the content on the test paper.

The first question, a team of ninjas went to the outside of the village to carry out a mission, they traveled at a speed of 5 km / h, after walking for half an hour, the village suddenly received a new piece of information, which needed to be passed to the mission team leader, the dark ninja set out from the village and pursued the same way at a speed of 14 km / h, how much time can catch up with the mission team?

"Huh? Isn't this the chase problem in mathematics? Lei Luo looked confused.

Looking at the second question, the parabola B in the figure below is the maximum range distance of the enemy ninja A standing on a seven-meter-high tree throwing the kunai, please write the characteristics of the enemy ninja that will appear within the range of this kunai, as well as the maximum range during plane combat, and write the basis.

"Lean! What the hell is this topic!? Relo couldn't look directly at this test paper anymore.

Third question....

Question 4....


After roughly browsing the exam paper, Lei Luo felt that the whole person was not good, fortunately, he did not need to take this kind of damn Zhongnin exam.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about the hell of the questions and turned to observing the other candidates.

"First look at the water stop, the pen is easy, the thinking is clear, it seems that for this kind of genius, this test paper is still very simple."

"Hey, the ninja of this Yuyin Village over here, why did you start drawing turtles on the test paper, don't give up hope, but don't say, this turtle is really good, if you don't go to be a ninja to be a painter, you can also mix and eat."

"This ninja of Taki Hidden Village over here, your eyes are too big, no matter how you stare at it, you can't stare, and your head will fall on the table of that ninja of Iwahide Village."

"Hey, you see, 20 points were deducted for cheating, why bother."

Without thinking about those test paper questions, it is still very interesting to just look at the performance of the candidates in the venue, and Lei Luo commented on everyone's performance with great interest.

If he is an examiner, he has to hand the candidate a microphone and ask if you have freestyle, that scene must be very fun.

"Or when I take the Chūnin exam in Konoha in the future, I'll apply to be an examiner!" Relo thought with interest.

The hour-long exam time passed quickly.

According to the statistics, more than half of the people have been brushed down, although many people are affected by teammates, but there is no way, this is the rule.

The people of the small ninja village were basically wiped out, and only a small team remained in the village of Takihi.

Konoha Village went to three, and Yunyin, Sunahide, and Iwain were all eliminated by four teams each.

At present, there are only 13 teams left to participate in the second session of the Chūnin Exam, with a total of 39 people.


The second exam began immediately, and this time the examiner was an acquaintance to Leiluo, yes, she was Ye Cang.

After all, in this third ninja world war, Wuyin was not as strong as in the original book, but left early, so Ye Cang was also lucky not to be betrayed by the village and was able to live until now.

Ye Cang announced the content and rules of the second exam in front of the candidates.

"I am the chief examiner of the second exam of this Chūnin Exam, Ye Cang!"

"The main content of this second exam is the squad competition, the location of the exam is the desert of death, and there are 10 special Sand Hidden Village tokens buried in the oasis in the desert, and the first seven squads who can successfully find the tokens and return to the Sand Hidden Village will be counted as passing this exam."

"Now the squad leaders come forward to get the map of the Desert of Death, as well as special token style drawings."

Soon, the 13 remaining teams now received their own maps and drawings.

"Have all the squads received maps and drawings now?" Ye Cang asked loudly.

"Got it!" The squads replied.

"Then now the second exam officially begins, let's go!"

As soon as Ye Cang gave an order, all the teams in the field left instantly.

Although Lei Luo is the leader of the team, he is not allowed to follow during the exam.

And Relo could only take the squads that were eliminated in the first game and follow the protection personnel back to the resting place.


After the three people of Rope Tree and Shuishui left the Wuyin Village, they did not rush towards the Death Desert.

Instead, I found a place, stopped first, and looked at the map and drawings.

"Rope tree, let's see what that drawing is first." Shuishui said directly.

Rope Tree nodded, unfolded the token drawing, and saw that it was a puppet puppet drawn on it, and the puppet's chest had the symbol of Sand Hidden Village.

This token is indeed very in the style of Sand Hidden Village.

All three carefully observed the details on the drawing, made sure that they had remembered the appearance of the token clearly, and then put the drawing away and took out the map.

Looking at the three roads to the Death Desert given on the map, Rope Tree asked, "Which path do you think we should choose?"

Yamato spoke, "It's the same road, it's all winding, it's supposed to avoid the quicksand in the desert."

Shuishui shook his head, "No, I don't think it's that simple, although he gave three paths, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there is no danger on this road, as a ninja, distinguishing the authenticity of intelligence is also what we need to do." Rope

Tree nodded, "Stop the water, you have always been the more thoughtful of the three of us, how do you think we should choose?"

Shuishui looked down and thought for a moment, then said, "I think we have two choices now.

"The first option, following behind a squad, but not being detected by them, let them explore the way for us in front, which will reduce a lot of risk."

"Well, good, what about the second one?" Rope Tree and Yamato listened to Shisui's words and thought that this choice was good, but still wanted to know what other options there were.

"The second option is that we don't go to the Desert of Death, but intercept them at the necessary place when they return to Shayin Village, anyway, the content of the exam does not say that this cannot be done."

Rope Tree listened to this choice and slapped his legs happily, "Let's choose the second one, intercept them when they come back, let them go eat sand, we just have to wait."

"With our strength, no team is our opponent!"

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