In Shayin Village, Ye Cang and other examiners have been waiting for several days, and it is inevitable that they will be a little irritable.

It was at this time that the rope tree returned with them.

"Hello examiner, this is a token submitted by our squad."

Rope Tree stepped forward and handed the exam token to Ye Cang, who only took a brief look and determined that the token was correct.

So Ye Cang spoke: "Congratulations, you passed the second exam, you can go back to rest first."

"As for the information of the third exam, we will contact you to lead the team after the second exam is all over."

Rope nodded and left with them and walked towards the place where Konoha's ninja rested.

Anyway, they have already passed the second exam, and as for the current situation of the others, it has nothing to do with them.


The residence where the Konoha ninja rested, Relo looked at the rope tree three who walked in with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Leiluo, we didn't embarrass you, we were the first to finish." The rope tree looked at Lei Luo and couldn't help but ask for credit.

"Good, good." Lei Luo smiled and said, "Tell me what happened in the past few days." "

The rope tree, which was still in good spirits just now, suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Rope Tree spoke: "That, we didn't go to the Death Desert for this exam, but found a place to ambush, stayed for three days, and then snatched the token from a team of Yunyin. "

Oh, by the way, that team of Yunyin seems to be the Omu you mentioned earlier."

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Isn't that good?" Rope tree, what are you embarrassed about?

"Is it because of ambushing someone else?"

"The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans use their brains to exchange the least losses for the maximum benefits, which is a normal thing."

"Teacher, I don't want you all to become reckless, of course, you can't forget that your own strength is fundamental, and hiding behind and being a person who can only play tricks will never be a big deal."

"If you don't have the strength, even if you ambush others, it's useless if you can't beat it, understand?"

Rope Tree listened to Leiluo's tirade, and replied: "Got it, Mr. Leiluo, when did you become such a mother-in-law, like my sister."

"Oh, say that you still think my mother-in-law and mother in two sentences." Relo couldn't help but give the rope tree a blow, "Isn't it good for you that Tsunade-sama usually says so much?"

Then Relo turned his head to Shisui and Yamato and said, "What I said just now is not just about rope trees, do you two understand?"

Shisui and Yamato nodded obediently.

"Okay!" Relo continued, "You guys just came back from outside, let's go and rest first, but there is a third exam after that."

"The third exam is the most important, when the time comes, many famous people from countries and so on, they will come to watch, and then you will all give me your own style."

"Got it?"

"Got it!" The three of them replied.

Then they all went back to their rooms to rest.


In the blink of an eye, another week passed.

The second exam was all over three days ago, and these three days were reserved for breaks for those who passed.

Relo had already received the results of the second exam.

Of the seven squads that passed the exam, there were three in Konoha, and then there was a team of Iwain, two teams of Yunin, and one team of Suna.

Judging from this result, for the time being, Konoha is still the biggest winner.

But today, it's time for the third exam to begin.

The passing squad has all arrived in a huge training ground, and there is a high stand next to the training ground, where the famous names of various countries and some rich people have been seated.

The examiner of this third exam is also a familiar face.

That's right, it was Shinobi Maki who received Relo and them at that time!

And the third exam is no longer a squad confrontation, this one is a test of personal strength.

"The number of candidates passing the second session is 21, and there will be one person in the second match. Now, the candidates come up and draw lots to decide the battle order! Markey announced the exam schedule at the training ground.

"Teacher Leiluo, we're going to draw lots!" Rope Tree heard Markey's shout, turned his head to Relo and said.

Relo waved his hand, "Go, I hope you guys are lucky and don't draw into the civil war." The

results of the draw did not disappoint Relo, although the three of them did not draw a squad civil war, but since there are 9 of the existing 21 people in Konoha, it is inevitable that there will be a battle with other Konoha ninjas.

And Yamato is the one with the best luck, he is empty.

The draw ends and the battle begins in order.

The first to appear is the Yunyin Dragon Set vs. Konoha Roaderby Armor, and the two sides first intersect with fists and feet, fighting body art, but Yunyin dragon set body art is better.

So, after dodging an attack, Konoha Roaderby Armor, the seal in his hand unleashed a move of Wind Escape Ninjutsu to end the battle.

Well, it's very boring, and now this level of battle can't attract Relo's interest at all.

For Relo, this level of fighting is watching children fight.

Next, the second group fights....

Third group battle....

Relo was already a little drowsy and was thinking about whether to squint for a while.

He heard Markey's announcement of the next combatants, which made him successfully cheer up.

"The next group of combatants: Yunyin Village Om Yi vs. Sand Hidden Village Maki Roll! Both sides play! Omu

and Maki Uzumaki stood on both sides and first let out a cruel word.

Om Yi snorted coldly, "You can't escape this time!" "

Obviously, the second time in the desert of death, the real tree rolled up and got through, and then saw that the situation was not good, this behavior made him very uncomfortable.

Maki Uzumaki looked indifferent and replied, "Now you don't have any teammates, and you alone are not my opponent."

Hearing this, Om'i's anger almost erupted from his eyes.

At this moment, Markey ordered, "The battle begins!"

Omye rushed out in an instant, and said in his mouth: "Let you taste the taste of my fist!" "

Lei Dun Chakra flowed, and the Lei Dun armor had already appeared outside Om'i, causing his speed to skyrocket, and instantly appeared in front of the real tree roll.

Although Maki Scroll looked like he didn't care, he was actually already prepared.

Just as Omu rushed in, she had already finished the seal.

"Bu Duan. The Art of Barriers! The

cloth behind the real tree rolled up and carried instantly stretched out, already blocking in front of him, forming a thick barrier layer on top of each other, and there were many gaps in it, buffering Omui's strength.

Then the hand was sealed again, and the cloth barrier in front of him suddenly dispersed, and then Om Yi was wrapped up.

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