Konoha Village, fourth training ground.

It has now been more than a month since the Chūnin exam.

At that time, after returning to Konoha from Sunahide Village, Hakafeng Shuimen highly praised the performance of the three of Rope Tree, and the promotion procedures for Naka Shinobu were also completed on the same day.

And now, Lei Luo is sweating like rain with several people from the rope tree, doing physical training.

Lei Luo will not look down on physical skills like ordinary people, the body is the root of everything, and if you want to become a real strong person, your physical fitness must also keep up.

Therefore, in the spare time of the task, physical exercise is an indispensable practice item for Lei Luoban.

"One hundred and ninety-nine!"

"Two hundred!"

The rope tree threw down the boulder that was raised above his head, stood up straight, and adjusted his breathing.

This is a weight-bearing frog jump in the basic practice of physical arts, and now the rope tree can carry a boulder weighing 20 kilograms to exercise.

He deeply remembered everything Teacher Lei Luo said, after every strenuous exercise, do not immediately sit down to rest, but should first breathe and restore the calm of qi and blood.

As a teacher, Lei Luo naturally did not cherish himself, and the exercise recovery secret technique he learned from Teacher Chen back then was also handed over to the three.

As long as they persist for a while longer, and their physical fitness reaches the standard, he will hand over Teacher Chen's secret body forging boxing method to them.

My disciple of Lei Luo must not only be strong, but also hard, and lasting!

At this moment, a dark part with a mask appeared in the fourth training ground, but his silver-white hair instantly revealed his identity.

"Oh, Kakashi, long time no see!" Relo took the initiative to say hello.

The dark part in front of him took off the mask, revealing Kakashi's unchanging mask face.

"Long time no see, Relo!"

"Do you remember the advice you gave me after you saved me and Rin?"

Relo listened to Kakashi's words, thought for a moment, and then remembered.

"So you're talking to a girlfriend now and want to share your joy with me?"

"Or have you developed the Thunder Ninjutsu and Sword Art that suits you?"

"Or did you decide to go to the Land of Iron to practice swordsmanship?"

Kakashi looked at Relo, who was squeezing his eyebrows in front of him, and said helplessly: "I don't have a girlfriend and I haven't developed new techniques, I'm ready to go to the Iron Country to practice."

"I'm here to ask if you want to go to the Iron Country with me?"

Relo listened to Kakashi's words and was interested.

"Oh? Aren't you already in the dark now? Did Naruto-sama agree for you to go to the Land of Iron?

Kakashi nodded, "I applied to the teacher, and he has agreed. Relo

turned his head to look at the three rope trees who were still practicing their physical skills, thought about it, and then replied: "In that case, then let's go together with Lei Luoban, let them see that it is also beneficial to fight in different ways than ninjas."

"Then I'll go and ask Naruto-sama for a certificate of leaving the village later, I don't want to be considered a traitor for leaving the village without permission." Then tomorrow we leave together!

Kakashi replied, "Good! Then

with an instantaneous technique, he disappeared into the fourth training ground.


The Land of Iron is not within the Five Great Powers, and is closer to the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder, bordering the Land of Fire, the Land of Taki and the Land of Tan.

There are no ninjas in the Land of Iron, there is a profession called samurai, and in the original Hokage period, the Country of Iron and the Five Great Shinobi Villages reached an agreement to remain neutral at all times, and the Five Great Shinobi Villages agreed to the request of the Iron Country out of fear of the Land of Iron and coveting the special forging technology in the country.

This is the last remaining sacred place for samurai after ninjas have dominated the mainstream. Even if the first three ninja world battles were in full swing, they did not participate in it.

The samurai of the Iron Country are good at swordsmanship and have a very terrifying sword technique. If you can practice the sword art to the peak, it is no worse than the shadow of the five major powers, just like the great general of the Iron Country Mifune.

Although they are samurai, they also have chakra, but they can't use ninjutsu. The divine sword technique, coupled with Chakra, is enough to kill the enemy with one sword.

When he was young, Kiki Shuomao also came to the Land of Iron. At that time, Qimu Shuomao's knife skills had not yet been completed, and he came here to hone his knife skills.

After a year in the Land of Iron, the name of Konoha White Fang began to resound throughout the ninja world.

The Land of Iron is definitely a must-visit place for all good hands with swords. If nothing else, come here, the sword art will definitely make great progress.

Ninjas also use swords, but when it comes to the subtlety of swordsmanship, except for a few people, no one can compare with the samurai of the Iron Country.

On this day, Lei Luo and his group of five finally arrived in the Land of Iron.

As soon as you step into the Land of Iron, you will find that the people here, whether civilians or samurai, carry katanas, and some have several knives around their waist.

Not to mention the rope tree, Lei Luo was also the first time to see such a scene, and he seemed a little curious.

Just as everyone was looking around, a loud voice sounded behind them: "Hey! Guys, is it your first time in the Land of Iron?

Lei Luo glanced back at the bald tall man who spoke, revealing a harmless smile: "Well, we are wandering warriors, and we have come to the Land of Iron for the first time. "

That's right, the current five of Lei Luo are all dressed as samurai, playing the identity of wandering samurai.

The smile on the tall man's face became even brighter when he heard this, "The contemptible man's name is Miyajiro, do you need a guide?"

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "Haha, it would be nice to have a guide to lead, you can just call me Yasuo."

Then he pointed to Kakashi, Rope Tree, and the others beside him, and said, "These are my juniors, take them out to see the holy place of our samurai." "

That's right, Yasuo is Relo's current name, which is suitable for the status of a samurai and has an air of freedom and happiness, which is really good.

Miyajiro bent down slightly, "Then Yaso-sama and all the adults, come with me!"

Miyajiro walked around the city with a few people while introducing the various places in the city.

Suddenly, Miyajiro seemed to remember something, turned his head to the people of Relo and said: "Dear guests, you have come at the right time, and in a few days it will be the Forging Festival of our Iron Country!" "

Forge knot? What kind of festival is this? Kakashi asked.

"Huh? Don't the guests know?

The group of five glanced at each other, then shook their heads.

"Then let me explain it to everyone! The Forge Festival has been a festival that has been held in our Iron Country for hundreds of years, and on this day, famous forging masters in the Iron Country will show up and compete in forging competitions in the central square of the Iron Country.

"At the same time, forgers in other parts of the country will also open the furnace to forge weapons on this day, as long as you cherish materials and money, you can harvest the weapons that are most in line with your heart at the Forging Festival."

Lei Luo nodded: "So that's the case, then it seems that we are really catching up with the good days, and I really want to build something."

"Haha, the Forging Festival is just three days away, please wait patiently, I still have business, so I left first, there are hotels and restaurants on the street in front of them, I wish you all a happy time in the Land of Iron."

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