Just when Relo and the others were preparing to challenge General Mifune in the Land of Iron, there was an atmosphere of joy in Konoha Village.

Since serving as the fourth generation of Hokage, Wave Feng Shuimen has been diligent and diligent, and has also introduced some strategies that benefit civilian ninjas.

Now Bofeng Shuimen can be said to be deeply loved by the villagers.

And the villagers of Konoha Village know that the wife of the fourth generation of Hokage is about to give birth, and many people are ready to send their blessings after the birth of the child.

And what they don't know is that the day of Jiu Xinnai's production is today!

"Are you ready?" Bofeng Shuimen asked the dark part beside him.

"Naruto-sama, everything is ready, and Tsunade-sama and Biwako-sama have also arrived, ready to help with the delivery." Dark bowed his head and replied.

You must know that Jiu Xinnai, as a nine-tailed human pillar force, is when he is at his weakest.

Although it is not the time of the war now, if the other hidden villages know about this, they will definitely send people to make trouble, after all, they don't want to see an increasingly powerful Konoha.

The current Konoha is much stronger than in the original book, except for Orochimaru's defection and Jiraiya leaving the village to find it, Tsunade is still in the village, and there is an unexpected existence like Relo.

Basically no village dares to touch Konoha now.

But what Watergate didn't know was that I didn't know when a black shadow appeared on the Fire Shadow Rock.

Under the cover of night, it can be said to be unobtrusive.

But if you look closely, you can still see the appearance of this black shadow in the moonlight.

Wearing a black robe with a one-eyed spiral mask on his face, the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the blood-red chakra eye behind the one-eyed mask.

It's Uchiha with soil!


A secret room on the edge of Konoha Village has now been turned into a temporary delivery room.

Not only was there an enchantment outside the room, but there were also many dark parts defending.

On the hospital bed, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai closed her eyes tightly, moaning in pain, her hands clutching the sheets desperately, and her clothes were already wet with sweat.


Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai cried out in pain, and the screams echoed throughout the room.

"That, it's the first time I've seen Jiu Xinnai shout so loudly." Bo Feng Shuimen asked a little embarrassed, "Jiu Xinnai she... It doesn't matter, right? "

Don't worry, you just need to take good care of the seal of the Nine Tails." Sarutobi Biwa Lake did not look up, and replied casually.

"But she..." Bo Feng Shui Men glanced at his wife distressedly, his forehead covered with beads of sweat.

"You are also the fourth generation Hokage, how can you panic." Ape flying Biwako glared at the wave feng shui gate who was at a loss.

"If you men were to suffer from this kind of pain, you would have been unable to bear it for a long time."

"But for women, this pain is still within the tolerable range."

Just as Bofeng Shui Gate was talking with Ape Flying Lake Biwa, a strange sound suddenly came from the seal of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

"It's so strong..." Bofeng Shuimen pressed his hands on the seal of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai's belly, and said with difficulty, "Nine Tails, the Nine Tails are desperately trying to escape!" Looking

at Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai's painful expression and feeling the huge pressure from the Nine Tails, Bofeng Shuimen's heart had unconsciously mentioned the throat eye.

"The head is out, work harder!" The ape flying Lake Biwa, who was in charge of delivering the baby, cheered on Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

"Come on! Jiu Xinnai! Tsunade, who was standing aside just in case, was also encouraging.

Although she can be said to be Konoha's strongest medical ninja at present, she still has no experience in such things as childbirth and can't help much.

I can only watch on the side that the wife of the third generation of Hokage, Sarutobi Biwako, helps Jiu Shinna deliver the baby, and she is to prevent Jiu Shinnai from giving birth to any problems such as heavy bleeding.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai still showed signs of dystocia.

"Jiu Xinnai, come on!"

"And Naruto, you have to come on too!"

Bo Feng Shuimen's heart is constantly praying, praying that his wife and son can get through this difficult time unharmed.

That's right, Wave Feng Shuimon still gave the child the name Naruto based on Jiraiya's ninja perseverance.


In the delivery room, the baby's cry sounded.

"Raw... Born! The nervous expression on Bo Feng Shuimen's face suddenly froze, and a sense of joy for the rest of his life burst out from his heart.

"Congratulations, a healthy boy." Sarutobi Biwako hugged the newborn Naruto and said happily.

At this time, Naruto, wrapped in a quilt, was still crying loudly.

"From today onwards, I'm going to be a father..." glancing tenderly at Naruto, who was still crying, Bofeng Shuimon cried with joy.

Due to the particularity of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai's identity, during his childbirth, Wave Feng Shui Men has been worried about Uzumaki Jiu Shinai and Naruto, so that after seeing the newborn Naruto, Wave Feng Shui Men couldn't help but shed tears of joy.


Uzumaki Shinna gasped and looked at the newborn Naruto with satisfaction.

"Finally, I finally saw you... Naruto. Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai turned his head with difficulty.

During the ten months of her pregnancy, Uzumaki Shinna had fantasized about Naruto's appearance countless times.

Whether he inherited the red hair and black eyes of his mother Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, or did he follow his father Feng Shuimen, with blue eyes and golden hair.

Now it seems that Naruto is still more like Watergate.

Bofeng Shuimen walked to Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai's side, grabbed Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai's hand, and said gently: "Jiu Xinnai, the body is fine, thank you, you worked hard!"

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai did not speak, looking at the wave feng shui gate with tenderness and a smile.

"I'm sorry!" Bo Feng Shui's façade was ashamed, "Although you just gave birth very hard, but Jiu Xinnai still has to endure more, and now you need to strengthen the seal of the Nine Tails."

After that, Bofeng Shuimen put his hands in front of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai again.

However, at this time, the mutation protruded!

"What man?!"

Tsunade gulped and looked at the black shadow that appeared at the door of the room, and next to the black shadow two dark parts had already fallen.

The black shadow that appeared was the soil that had been hidden for a long time.

Tsunade didn't think much about it, and directly smashed a punch towards Obito, but he didn't expect to pass directly through Obito's body and smash the door of the room behind him.

And in the next second, Obito had already appeared beside Naruto and picked him up.

"Shidaimei Hokage, if you don't want this child to have any accidents, you should be obedient." Uchiha said coldly.

The current Obito wears a mask, and after so many years, the body that fuses Bai Jue has grown rapidly, and there is no trace of that year.

Even if he was threatened, Bofeng Shuimen did not lose his proportions and asked in a cold voice.

"What the hell are you?!"

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