"Carrying the name of Hokage and protecting the family in the village is my duty now!"

The imperial god robe behind the wave feng shui gate fluttered in the wind, and the five big characters of "Four Generations of Hokage" on it seemed to show his determination!

"You can't let them do whatever you wantonly anymore!"

At this moment, the Nine Tails suddenly stopped sweeping their tails and waving their claws, and then opened their mouths to condense the tailed beast jade.

"Have you noticed me? Hugh wants to spoil here! "

The wave feng shui gate quickly sealed the seal in his hand, and at the moment when the tailed beast jade rushed in, a huge enchantment opened in front of him, and the tailed beast jade was slowly engulfed by the enchantment, and the next second it exploded in the distant mountains and forests.

"With such a large scale, the point of the explosion must be carefully selected." Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the light wave of the tailed beast jade explosion in the distance and thought in his heart.

And Akimichi Dingza, who saw this scene, couldn't help but sigh: "The technique of transferring the attack of the Nine Tails, this is the legendary space-time enchantment!"

The ape flying sun chopped and said, "Then let's go together!" "


Just as everyone rushed up, a figure with soil appeared behind the water gate, reaching out to grab the water gate.

But the action of bringing soil has long been revealed in the afterglow of Watergate's sight.

So, Watergate held the kunai in his hand and stabbed Obito's head with his backhand, but once again pierced it.

Obito grabbed Watergate's wrist and said, "Your opponent is me, and it's over!" "


The kaleidoscope in Obito's eyes rotated, distorting the space where the Wave Feng Shui Gate was located, and seeing that the Water Gate was directly strangled by the power of space.

But the next moment, the water gate disappeared.

"Flew away again, hands and feet are fast." Obito muttered, "Next time I have to absorb you as soon as possible, and I will clean you up the moment I touch it." At

this time, the water gate had already appeared in a place where the Flying Thunder God Technique had been left before, and it had just emerged from the space, and its body stumbled and fell to the ground.

"My attack penetrated him, but he can materialize, and he intends to suck me in immediately, what kind of ninjutsu is that?" Bo Feng Shuimen thought to himself.

However, the next moment, a whirlpool appeared again in front of the water gate, and the figure with soil appeared again.

"Look where you're fleeing!" Obito said coldly.

"This guy can also use space-time ninjutsu?" Bofeng Shuimen looked at Obito in front of him and did not speak, but just thought in his heart, "He can move instantly with Jiu Xinnai, relying on this ability!"

Then the water gate spoke: "Able to strangle the dark part of the Hokage's direct subordinates, pass through the enchantment set, know that the Nine-Tails Seal will weaken this during production, and even unlock the Nine-Tails Seal and domesticate it."

"Moreover, the ninja who can enter and exit freely without being hindered by the Konoha Enchantment, within the scope of my knowledge, is only one person!"

Then frowned, "Are you Uchiha Madara?!"

But this possibility was immediately ruled out, "No, it can't be, he died a long time ago."

Obito shook his head and said, "Who knows, this may not be." Bofeng

Shuimen said with a solemn look on his face: "This is the end of the matter, it doesn't matter who you are, but why did you top Konoha?"

Obito looked up at the moon in the sky and slowly spoke, "What you insist on me... It was my whim and my early planning. Both for war and for peace!

Then he raised his hand, and an iron chain slipped out of the black robe.

Seeing this, Bofeng Shuimen immediately raised his vigilance.

"In any case, he is not a small character, he can not only control the Nine Tails, but also the space-time ninjutsu above me and the second generation, and also has such a dangerous mind."

"If you don't make a break here, things will become more tricky than the Nine Tails wreaking."

"If I jump to the village, this guy will follow, which will only make the battlefield more chaotic."

"Madara can't control the Nine Tails like this for too long, and the affairs in the village can only trust Sandaime, I must contain this guy here."

"If only Relo were still there now, with his strength, there would definitely be nothing in the village."

At this time, Obito's hands were already chained, and he looked at the Wave Feng Shui Gate and said coldly: "Now that the Nine Tails have been liberated, you have no hope. In

the next second, the two sides rushed towards each other in unison.

The Ku Wu in the hands of Bofeng Shuimen passed through Obito again, but the chains on Obito's hands were already tied around the waist of Shuimen.

But at the moment when Obito was ready to strangle, the water gate had already appeared in another position.

"That guy's flesh, my physical attack doesn't work at all, he only turns into an entity when he attacks."

"In other words, only aim at the moment when they attack each other."

"But for him, attack means risk, and considering the time to control the Nine Tails, he shouldn't plan to fight a tug-of-war with me, whoever attacks faster will decide everything!"

Even in this situation, Watergate was calmly thinking about the countermeasures to break the situation, and he finally made up his mind.

Once again, he turned around and rushed towards Obito.

The Sword of Shinobu in his left hand shot out towards Obito's head with a raised hand, and as expected, it pierced through it again.

At the moment when Obito attacked, his figure appeared behind Obito, and the spiral pill in his right hand smashed directly on Obito with a strong wind.

"Boom!" Obito was smashed directly into the ground.

When the soil was climbed up from the pit, the white part of the body had broken again, and the white liquid continued to drip down.

Obito gasped and spoke: "I didn't expect to be opposed by you, this is the so-called haunting, I really can't be careless."

But the next moment, the water gate appeared in front of him again, and the kunai in his hand stabbed into it again.

"The Flying Thunder God Technique... So it is, you marked me.

But Bo Feng Shuimen didn't pay attention to Obito at all, and pressed a palm on his chest.

"Contract Seal!"

Dense sealing spells flowed out from the hands of the Wave Feng Shui Gate and covered the chest with soil.

"Are you going to separate me from the Nine-Tails?" Obito looked at the wave feng shui gate and asked.

"That's right, so that the Nine Tails are not your possession!" Bofeng Shuimen said in a deep voice.

At the moment when the contract seal was completed, the Nine Tails in Konoha Village roared up to the sky, and the chakra eyes that appeared in their eyes also retreated, regaining their senses.

But the nine-tailed who regained his sanity instead looked even more crazy, and Chakra's aura erupted, once again wreaking havoc in Konoha.

The villagers fled in a panic, hoping to avoid the attack of the Nine Tails, and kept shouting for help.

At this moment, a childish but poignant shout sounded.


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