When the ape flying sun slash and the shadow department waiting outside the enchantment found that the enchantment had disappeared and was able to enter, they immediately ran in.

But only Naruto was found on the altar, and Watergate and Jiu Shinna had disappeared.

Looking at the sealing technique exposed on Naruto's stomach, Sarutobi said with a heart; "Watergate, this is the pillar force of this kid as the Nine-Tails."

So the ape flying sun slashed to the dark part beside him; "No one is allowed to say anything about this child, otherwise it will be punished as a traitor!"


So Sarutobi picked up Naruto and walked towards Konoha Village.

After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, there were many things to deal with, and now the fourth generation was sacrificed for the village, and the fifth generation could not be elected for a while, so he could only take the position of Hokage and deal with the affairs of the village.


"Boom!" Tsunade kicked open the door to Hokage's office.

"Old man, what about Watergate and Jousinnai?" Tsunade asked eagerly.

At that time, when Jiu Xinnai gave birth, she was in the room, but there was no way to save Jiu Xinnai and let her be taken away by the mask man.

While the Ninetails wreaked havoc in the village, she, as Konoha's current strongest medical ninja, was busy rescuing the wounded.

Now that the situation has basically stabilized, she has time to ask clearly.

Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette, with a trace of sorrow on his old face, "Watergate and Jiu Xinnai were sacrificed, and they resealed the Nine Tails with their lives.

"What about the kid?! What about Watergate and Jousinnai's orphans? Tsunade asked.

"That kid is now Zhu Li, a person of the Nine Tails, and I arranged for someone to help take care of him." Ape Flying Sun chopped back.

"Give the baby to me, I'll adopt him!" Tsunade spoke.

"Nope!" Another voice came from behind Tsunade, it was Shimura Danzo who didn't know when he entered the office.

"This child should be handed over to the old man, and the old man will definitely train him to be our strongest weapon in Konoha!"

"Boom!" Tsunade stepped on the floor, and the Hokage Building shook suddenly.

"Tuanzo old dog, do you want to die? If Watergate is still there, would you dare to say such a thing?

"Believe it or not, I knocked on the door and demolished your roots!"

Tsunade was already disgusted by Danzo's words.

"Hmph! You should take care of your disciples. "There is nothing Danzo can do if he is so insulted by Tsunade, and now he has not transplanted intercolumn cells, and he is not Tsunade's opponent at all.

"Old man, Watergate's child should be given to Watergate's disciples to adopt, and women must always be more suitable for taking children than men, Lin lives with me now, and letting her adopt this child can also ensure safety."

"Moreover, our Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan are distant relatives, and this child should be adopted by me."

Sarutobi looked up at Tsunade and Danzo before making a decision.

"Okay, then Tsunade, you can follow the dark part to get Naruto back later."

"Naruto, is that the kid's name?" Tsunade asked.

"That's right, this kid has the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, in order to hide his identity, he is called Uzumaki Naruto!" Sarutobi replied.

Tsunade nodded and followed the dark out the door to pick up Naruto.

And Tuan Zang saw that he had no chance to control the human pillar force, so he could only snort coldly and walk out of the Hokage's office.

"Coming!" Under the order of the ape flying sun, a dark part appeared.

"Go and deliver a message to Jiraiya, tell him what happened in the village, and let him come back quickly."

"And Relo, let him hurry back too."

"Yes! Three generations of adults! "


At this time, Relo and the others who were far away in the Land of Iron did not know what happened in Konoha.

"Gintoki, tomorrow is going to challenge Mifune, are you ready?" Relo asked as he turned to Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded, "I'm ready, but I don't know, I suddenly have a feeling of panic.

"It feels like something is happening in the village."

Lei Luo frowned when he heard this, and felt something wrong.

But he still spoke; "What happened in Konoha Village, we can't go back now, your first goal now is to challenge Mifune tomorrow."

"After the challenge of Mifune, we will return to the village immediately!"

Kakashi nodded, indicating that he understood.


Early the next morning, the Great General's Mansion of the Iron Country.

Relo and Kakashi arrived at the gate of the Iron Country General's Mansion and handed over the challenge.

Mifune's men had already received the order and directly brought the Relo and several people to the reception room.

"Please wait a moment, General Mifune will come soon."

Then he withdrew.

Not long after, Lei Luo and the others saw a mighty and tall figure enter the reception room.

"Haha, I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting!"

When the person came to speak, there was a hearty laugh, and there was a passion in the laughter, which made people feel a little good.

It is none other than Iron Country General Mifune!

"Mifune-sama, you are too polite!" Relo spoke.

"Under the name Yaso, he is a wandering samurai, this is Sakata Gin, this time both of us are here to challenge you, and they are my juniors, this time I just came for a long time."

Relo briefly introduced his group of five to Mifune, but also pointed out the meaning of this time.

Mifune scanned Relo and the others for a while, and finally fixed his gaze on Kakashi.

Then he spoke; "This is Sakata Gintoki, who has recently gained fame."

Kakashi nodded, "That's right, Mifune-sama, next is Sakata Gintoki."

Mifune listened to Kakashi's answer, and then spoke; Yinshijun, seeing you reminds me of an old man. "

Oh?" Kakashi heard this and asked, "I wonder if Mifune-sama can tell this deceased man's name?"

Mifune raised his head, as if remembering something, and then spoke softly; That old man was a ninja from the village of Konoha, the Land of Fire, known as 'Konoha White Fang'.

Kakashi looked startled when he heard Mifune's words, and then bowed his head in silence.

Seeing this, Lei Luo spoke; "I wonder if Mifune-sama will accept my challenge?"

Relo's words pulled Mifune out of his memories, and Mifune replied; "Naturally, it is accepted."

"Yasuo-kun, since you and Yinshijun are going to challenge me, which of you two will come first?"

Relo replied; "Yinshijun, come first."

Then he turned to look at Kakashi and asked, "Gintoki-kun, is that okay?"

Kakashi nodded slightly; "No problem!"

Seeing this, Mifune said with a hearty smile; "Hahaha, Yin Shijun don't need to be nervous, we are just talking this time."

"Everyone, please come with me to the martial arts arena!"

Mifune said and took the lead and walked out.

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