In the Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village, in Lei Ying's office.

Suddenly a figure appeared in Raikage's office, half kneeling on the ground, looking at Raikage and said, "Lord Raikage, we have already found Lord Kirabi, but he is fighting with others now, there are a lot of enemies, we need Village support!"

This ninja was the Thunderbird of the Anbu Yunbu who came back to report.

The Fourth Raikage Ai slapped the table and stood up when he heard the words, and said angrily, "What?!"

"Someone dares to attack Kirabi in the territory of our country of thunder. This is clearly not taking us Yunyin seriously. It is estimated that it is someone from that mysterious organization!"

"Where are their positions?!"

Thunderbird lowered his head and replied, "They are just outside the village to the southwest, in a dense forest about 20 kilometers away."

The Fourth Raikage Ai said in a deep voice:

"You go and inform the Shangnin in the village to gather and support Kirabi!"

"I'll go first!"

The fourth generation of Raiking Ai just finished speaking, and the lightning flashed on his body and rushed out of Yunyin Village.


The land of thunder, in the nameless jungle.

The battle between Kirabi and Yunyin Anbu team and Akatsuki's organization has entered a white-hot state.

But in the end, the members of the Xiao organization are stronger. Many people in the Yunyin Anbu team have already sacrificed, and only a few people such as the Yunyin Anbu team are still struggling to support.


"Exploding Clay. Twin Snakes!"

Deidara made a seal in his hand, and two giant clay pythons pierced through and directly tied a Yun Yinanbu, and then exploded, leaving no bones behind.

"Lei Dun. Thunder Dragon!"

Captain Yunyin looked at the tragically dead teammate, his eyes red, and a seal was formed, and a thunder dragon rushed towards Deidara.

But it only hit Deidara's clay clone, and did not cause any effect on Deidara's body, but he himself was directly stabbed into the chest by Obito's kunai.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my hand slipped, I didn't intend to kill you."

After hearing the words Obito finished speaking, Captain Yun Yinan lost consciousness forever as his eyes darkened.

Kirabi successfully entered the eight-tailed coat mode again after forcing the dry persimmon ghost shark to retreat.

Looking at Yunyin Anbu who was dying all the time, a sense of grief and anger filled his heart.

"You all die for me!"

"Tailed beast jade!"

The eight-tailed chakra shrouded in Kirabi's body skyrocketed again, and then directly entered the half-tailed beast transformation mode, opening his mouth to condense the tailed beast jade.

The yin and yang chakras condensed into a chakra energy ball in Kirabi's mouth at a ratio of 2:8, and then Kirabi opened his mouth to spit, and the tailed beast jade charged directly towards Xiao to organize the crowd.


After a loud bang, the forest was like a nuclear bomb washing the ground, and the storm swept through the forest, destroying all the forest, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

The fourth Raikage Ai, who was coming from afar, changed his face when he saw this scene.

"Not good! He was forced to use the tail beast jade!"

Then the lightning flashed more violently on the body, and the speed of the fourth generation Raikage Ai increased again, rushing in the direction of Kirabi.

In the original dense forest, after the smoke and dust dissipated, only a large pit remained, and it could no longer be called a dense forest.

However, Xiao organized everyone under Kirabi's tailed beast jade, only Suzaku could not dodge and die directly. Beidou was seriously injured by the attack, and the rest of the people dodged in time but suffered some minor injuries.

Chirabi gasped and looked at the figure of the Akatsuki group, and a trace of despair appeared in his heart.

"I'm sorry, big brother, it seems that I can't walk with you any longer. I hope you can find a partner who is stronger than me in the future!"

Payne looked at Kirabi and said coldly, "As expected of the strongest Eight-Tails other than Nine-Tails, he has some strength, but that's it for you!"

Then Payne threw his hand and shot some black sticks towards Kirabi. As long as Kirabi was stabbed by the black sticks, he would have no chance of resisting.

But at this moment, a roar came from behind Kirabi.

"The level of thunder abuse!"

Chapter 189 Payne Six Paths VS Abby Combination!

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai finally arrived, and the lightning flashed in his hand, as if a thunder knife directly cut off the black rod that Payne shot at Kirabi.

Kirabi looked at the fourth Raikage Ai standing in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

"Brother, I'm sorry!"

Fourth Raikage Ai turned his head to the side, looked at Kirabi and said, "You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about."

"I'm your eldest brother, how can I watch you die at the hands of these unidentified guys."

Chirabi choked and said, "Brother, it's my fault that I didn't listen to you and ran out of the village."

"As a result, I have implicated so many ninjas in the village and made them die because of me!"

The Fourth Raikage Ai said, "Stop talking nonsense!"

"For ninjas, death is the best destination!"

"Can you fight again, I two are the strongest partners!"

Kirabi listened to the words of the fourth Raikage, and felt that a burst of courage came out of his heart, supporting him to stand up again.

"No problem, big brother, I won't lose the chain!"

Then the chakra of the eight tails poured out of Kirabi's body again, and a violent momentum broke out again.

"Hahaha, great!"

"Bi! Let's go!"

After the Fourth Raikage Ai finished speaking, he rushed towards the Akatsuki group, followed by Kirabi.

Although Xiao organized everyone to be slightly injured, they consumed a lot of chakra in the battle just now, and it was difficult to block the attack of the fourth-generation Raikage Ai.

Only Payne Liudao's state remained intact, and now it was time for Payne to make a move.

"Qinglong, you take Suzaku's body and Beidou to retreat!"

"Nandou, Jade Girl, pay attention to guarding against the support in the direction of Yunyin Village!"

"Leave this Abby combination to me, I just want to try how strong this legendary best partner is!"

Payne made arrangements for Xiao to organize everyone.


Deidara made a random move and summoned a giant clay bird, then picked up Suzaku's body, pulled the seriously injured Big Dipper, jumped on the back of the giant clay bird, and flew out of the dense forest.

The dry persimmon ghost shark and Obito also left the jungle from the other direction, preparing to intercept the Yunyin ninja who came to support Yunyin Village.

Payne Liudao shot to block the attacks of the fourth generation Raikage Ai and Kirabi.

"It seems that these guys are all your clones, so it's enough to solve you!"

The fourth generation of Raiking Ai discovered that the other five paths were controlled by Tiandao Payne, thinking that he had discovered his true body, and rushed towards Tiandao Payne directly.

But what he didn't know was that these Payne were actually just clones controlled by Nagato. Even if he killed Tiandao, it would be useless.

What's more, he can't kill Tiandao at all.

"Yi Lei Shen Furious Thunder Axe!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai ran Lei Dun Chakra, and with a flash of lightning on his body, he rushed to Tiandao Payne, raising his leg directly like a battle axe and slashing at Tiandao Payne.

But as Payne raised his right hand, he waved it gently.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

A violent repulsive force erupted, and the fourth Raikage Ai was thrown out, knocking down many remaining trees.

"Humph! Damn guy, I don't believe you can use this trick all the time!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai rushed towards Tiandao Payne again.

However, Payne did not have the idea of ​​fighting the fourth generation of Raikage Ai alone with a clone of the Heavenly Dao. Shura Road appeared in front of Payne to block the attack of the fourth generation of Raikage Ai.

"Asura. Overlord Fist!"

Shura Dao's figure flashed, and a flash appeared directly behind the fourth generation Raikage Ai, and then he punched the fourth generation Raikage Ai fiercely.

But the fourth Raikage Ai reacted in time, turned around and directly grabbed Shura Dao's wrist.

However, Shura Road is a living weapon whose whole body can be transformed into various weapons. The Shura Road, which was grabbed by the fourth Raikage Ai's wrist, suddenly detached from his arm.

"Strange wrist fire arrow!"

The detached wrist is like a launcher, directly spraying Shura Dao's fist, and then slamming it on the chest of the fourth generation Raikage Ai.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai was blown away directly!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The fourth Raikage Ai got up from the ground, feeling a little tight in his chest, and couldn't help coughing a few times.

If it wasn't for the fourth generation of Raikage Ai who turned on the lightning armor in time to protect his body, it is very likely that the Shura Dao punch directly penetrated his chest.

"It seems that I underestimated you too much, but I won't be careless anymore!" The Fourth Raikage Ai looked at Tiandao Payne and said sharply.

Then the lightning flashed, and the fourth generation of Raikage Ai disappeared in place, and the speed was increased by a full 30%!

"Recurrent violence!"

The next moment, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai reappeared and rushed to the front of Tiandao Payne, and his elbow slammed into Payne's chest.

But Payne still reacted, and used Shinra Tianzheng to blast the fourth Raikage Ai again.

At this time, Kirabi also got rid of the entanglement of the human world, and rushed towards Tiandao Payne.

"Bi! Use that trick!"

"no problem!"

"Lei Dun. Jue Niu Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai regrouped and rushed towards Tiandao Payne, but Payne's Shen Luo Tianzheng was still in the cooling time, Abby's combination speed was too fast, and Tiandao Payne had no time to dodge.


The fourth generation of Raikage Ai and Kirabi slashed on Tiandao Payne's neck at the same time, and the next moment Tiandao Payne's head rose into the sky.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

The Fourth Raikage Ai was also happy for a moment, but the next second it was discovered that something was wrong.

"Why are these five clones still in action, isn't the main body already dead?!"

Shura Dao looked at the fourth generation of Raikage Ai and said coldly, "Who told you that the Dao of Heaven is the body?!"

At the time of speaking, the human world has already recaptured the body and head of the heaven, and then threw it directly into the mouth of the hell.

"Humph! Since this guy is not the main body, then I will kill all five of you, after all, there will be one of the main body!" The fourth generation of Raikage Ai snorted and charged directly towards the Shura Road.

Because the Pluto behind the Hell Road cannot be seen by others, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai just thought that the Human Road had put away Tiandao's body.

Just as the fourth generation Raikage Ai rushed towards the Shura Road, the animal Dao Yuyin summoned a huge rhinoceros.

As soon as the rhino came out, with a "moo" sound, it rushed towards the Fourth Raikage Ai and collided.

"Lei Dun. Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

Lightning flashed on Raikage Ai's body, jumped high, and slashed ruthlessly at the neck of the rhinoceros.

But this rhino's skin was rough and thick, and the fourth generation Raikage Ai only cut part of it and got stuck by the rhino's meat. This wound was only a minor injury to the rhino.

And at this time, the Hades behind the Hell Road opened his mouth, and the intact Tiandao Payne came out again.

Watching the fourth Raikage Ai launch an attack.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

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