Saying that, Lei Luo directly released the ice wheel pill and flew into the air with himself.

Tsunade watched Lai Luo's movements and didn't speak anymore, she wanted to see how Lai Luo solved this problem.

The frosty wings that appeared behind Lai Luo after the release of the ice wheel pill gently flapped, leading him to levitate in the air.

Then Lai Luo used the light attribute chakra on his body, and a strong light wave was released from Lai Luo's hand, making it difficult to look directly, and Tsunade and other five shadows immediately lowered their heads.

"Light escape. Light fluctuations!"

Under Lai Luo's control, the light spread like a wave of water and fell on all the ninja coalition forces below.

Immediately, the field changed.

Under the light of Lei Luo's light waves, the Bai Jues couldn't maintain their transformations, and they all turned back to their white bodies.

The surrounding normal coalition ninjas launched an attack in an instant, directly beheading the exposed Bai Jue.

An invisible crisis lurking in the camp was easily resolved by Laylo.

Then Lai Luo said aloud: "Don't worry, all of you in the coalition, my light fluctuations can last all day on you, as long as there is a white jue around you, it will issue an early warning and shine."

Under the blessing of Chakra, Lai Luo's words reached the ears of every coalition ninja.

The coalition ninjas breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted excitedly.

"Thank you, Lord Lai Luo!"

Hei Jue, who was lurking in the ground, also naturally discovered this scene, and no longer sent Bai Jue to die, but just let them continue to stare at the actions of the coalition forces, and then sneaked back directly to Yuyin Village.

Chapter 199 Madara Uchiha is resurrected!

After Lei Luo cleared Bai Jue, he disbanded the gathering of the various troops, and let them all return to their positions according to the original plan.

The reason why Laylo can deal with Bai Jue so easily is entirely because of his Light Attribute Chakra's reaction to Wood Attribute Chakra.

Bai Jue itself is composed of wood escape cells, and they are imperfect wood escape cells. When Lai Luo uses light fluctuations, the light attribute chakra falls on Bai Jue, and Bai Jue's body will unconsciously absorb Lai Luo. The light attribute chakra to make up and improve himself, so it is difficult to maintain the transformation.

This can only be said to be the cycle of the heavens, and mutual generation and mutual restraint.


Rain Country, Yuyin Village.

Black Jue drilled out of the ground and appeared in front of Obito.

Obito looked at Hei Jue and asked, "How about Hei Jue, have you checked the intelligence of the Ninja World Alliance?"

Hei Jue nodded and said: "I already understand the situation, but I feel that with our current strength, we may not be able to win the ninja coalition."

"Oh?" Obito's eyes narrowed slightly, "Then what do you want to do?"

Hei Jue was expressionless, and said lightly, "Now we should do two things."

"First, speed up to wake up more Bai Jue."

"Second, resurrect Madara Uchiha!"

Obito said expressionlessly: "Resurrection Uchiha Madara?"

Hei Jue nodded and said, "Well, there is no way to do this. Although it is a bit early according to the plan, it can only be advanced now."

The reason why Hei Jue is eager to resurrect Uchiha Madara is entirely because of the strength of the ninja coalition.

He didn't have much confidence in Obito, and he didn't think that Obito alone could deal with so many people, especially Lai Luo's strength, which was stronger than he expected.

A person should always have a peak, but Lai Luo's strength seems to never peak, and it has been constantly improving.

Kurojue feels that maybe only Madara Uchiha can handle Laidlaw.

Obito nodded and agreed to Hei Jue's request. He had already controlled the transplanted reincarnation eye during this time.

At the same time, he also understood how much he would have to pay to resurrect Uchiha Madara by using the "Outer Dao.

But as long as he can fulfill his wish, he is willing to pay no matter how big the price is. In his heart, he has nothing to lose.

Outsiders. The art of reincarnation is a forbidden art of the six realms, and only the owner of the eye of reincarnation can use it.

With this magic knot "Si" seal lasts for a few seconds, and then green light will radiate around the deceased being cast and resurrect it. This art does not require a living person like reincarnation as a sacrifice, and the deceased will be reborn after resurrection. He was flesh, blood, and conscious as he was alive.

However, the price of using this ninjutsu is to consume the vitality of the caster. The higher the strength of the resurrected person, the greater the consumption of vitality.

Half of Obito's body is now made of wood escape cells, and his vitality should be enough to support him to use the "Outer Dao. Reincarnation Innate Technique" and not die.

After seeing Obito's agreement, Hei Jue took out a sealed scroll.

After the scroll was opened, there was a skeleton, which was the corpse of the legendary Madara Uchiha.

Then Hei Jue looked at Obito and said in a deep voice, "Obito, let's do it!"

Obito nodded solemnly, then formed a seal in his hand, and a special power was released in Samsara's eyes, spreading like a ripple, and falling on the skeleton in front of him.

"What hum!"

As the seal in Obito's hand continued, he saw a hideous face and bleeding from his seven orifices. Even though he clenched his teeth, he couldn't help but let out some painful groans.

Life force constantly flows into the eyes of reincarnation and is transformed into pupil force, and the pain in it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Uchiha Madara's skeleton, under the shroud of Samsara's pupil power, continued to grow internal organs, flesh and skin, and its vitality became stronger and stronger, and finally condensed into a complete human shape.

Seeing this, Obito stopped the operation, slumped to the ground, trembling all over, if he persisted for a while, it is very likely that he would be drained directly.

The next moment, the reborn Uchiha Madara opened his eyes.


Like a long-sleep giant dragon awakening, the incomparably huge chakra rose into the sky, shattered the ceiling directly, and erupted into the sky, as if announcing his return to the world.

"I'm finally back!"

Madara Uchiha clenched his fist, feeling the power that filled him, even if it was him, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

"Lord Madara, congratulations on your coming to the Ninja world again!"

Black Jue looked at Uchiha Madara, lowered his head and said respectfully, perfectly playing his role as the incarnation of Uchiha Madara's will.

Madara Uchiha glanced around, and found Obito who was shaking constantly on the ground, and also saw the Samsara Eye in Obito's eyes, but he didn't take it back immediately, instead he said to Hei Jue.

"What's the situation now?"

Hei Jue replied respectfully: "The current outsider golem has successfully absorbed the chakra of the nine-tailed beast, and it is estimated that it will be able to successfully integrate and recover soon."

"But now the five ninja villages in the five countries have formed a ninja coalition to attack us together. The time is long, and we can only revive you in advance."

Uchiha Madara said loudly: "No, this time is just right, let the ninja coalition to witness my return!"

The words are full of strong confidence, just like in the past.

At this time, Obito finally felt some recovery. Although he was still very weak, the pain on his body had receded.

Then he got up from the ground, looked at Madara Uchiha with a pale face, and asked, " Madara Uchiha, this is the first time I saw you when you were young."

Madara Uchiha turned his head to look at Obito when he heard the words, this is really a perfect piece, this reincarnation should be loaned to him first, with the current situation, the pair of Sangou jade on his body is enough for the time being .

"But why is there only one reincarnation eye?" Uchiha Madara still had some doubts in his heart.

When I think about it, I ask, Madara Uchiha has never been the kind of mother-in-law.

"Obito, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are growing up very fast. Thank you this time."

Obito Wenyan shook his head gently and said, "As long as I can see that perfect world, it doesn't matter."

Uchiha nodded and asked, "Obito, where did the other reincarnation eye go?"

Obito Wenyan opened the Kamui space, took out the other reincarnation eye that was saved, and gave it to Uchiha Madara.

After Uchiha Madara took over the reincarnation eye, he dug out one of his own three-hooked jade and pressed the reincarnation eye into it. After a simple chakra treatment, the reincarnation eye was perfectly integrated with Uchiha Madara, because These were his eyes.

Feeling the pupil power of Samsara Eye, Madara Uchiha showed a smile.

Chapter 200 The battle begins!

The border of the rain country, the ninja coalition camp.

Lai Luo in the general staff camp suddenly felt flustered, but he didn't know what happened, but the perception force had already detected it.

"I found the super-large chakra fluctuations. This fluctuation is very amazing. It seems that a very terrifying creature has appeared." The cold sweat on Qing's forehead was frightened, and he said in a panic.

"Hai Yi, immediately notify the Five Shadows and the staff of this news."

"I see."

After receiving the news from the Perception Force, Laylo also understood why he felt flustered. It should be that the outsider golem has successfully recovered.

And after Wuying heard the news, they couldn't sit still.

Except for the four generations of Raikage who are currently leading the troops, the other four have come to the position of the staff. Everyone in the staff has gathered in the central tent and is analyzing the current situation. As the general staff, it is natural for Lai Luo coming.

"How far is the second unit from Yuyin Village? Can you get there right away?" Three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki asked.

"Unable to catch up, the second unit is still some distance from the location of the Akatsuki organization. According to the planned route, the third unit is the closest to the location of the Akatsuki organization." Azabuyi of Yunyin Village replied immediately.

"Then notify the third unit and immediately rush to the location of the Akatsuki organization." Tsunade said immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, the person who was going to notify was stopped by Lai Luo.

Lai Luo looked at Tsunade and said, "The plan cannot be changed, and what appears in Yuyin Village now cannot be solved by the third unit."

"At this time, other people can't move for the time being. I think you need to take action to investigate. With your strength, even if you lose, it should be no problem to leave."

Tsunade looked into Lai Luo's eyes, then nodded and said, "Okay! Now that you are the general staff officer, I agree with your suggestion."

Then Tsunade took Onogi and Terumi Mei to investigate Yuyin Village in the whole area, but Eizang's strength was still a little weaker, and he was left in the camp.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Lao Xi to be the one holding back." Hai Lao Zang had a bitter smile on his face, but he didn't raise any objection, because he knew that his strength was indeed inferior to the other four shadows.

In any case, he is only temporarily taking the lead of Fengying and presiding over the overall situation of Shayin Village.

At this moment, the perception force found the situation again.

Xiao organization also sent troops!

The Bai Jue Legion no longer kept secrets, and came out of Yuyin Village to face the major forces of the Ninja World Coalition Army.


Rain Country, Yuyin Village.

"It's finally time for a decisive battle, Madara-sama!"

Hei Jue said with a smile, but his eyes couldn't hide his excitement, which was closer to his goal of resurrecting Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Hehe, we have been preparing for this plan for many years." Madara Uchiha said with a sigh, but his face was calm.

"It's finally time for the plan to succeed, and no one can stop us any longer."

Uchiha Obito stood aside and asked with a blank face, "Is the marching route determined?"

Madara Uchiha narrowed his eyes, looked at Obito and said, "Bai Jue has already been sent out, although he couldn't wake them all up, but the fifty thousand Bai Jue is enough."

At this moment, Hei Jue seemed to have received some information, and suddenly said, "Master Ban, two of your juniors have come from outside the village, do you want to meet them?"

Madara Uchiha snorted disdainfully and said, "Hei Jue, since you are the incarnation of my will, you should know about me. The Uchiha clan of Konoha has nothing to do with me."

Then he said to Obito: "Obito, these two little bugs outside will be handed over to you, no problem?!"

Uchiha Obito nodded lightly and said, "Leave it to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a vortex instantly appeared in front of my eyes and sucked it in.

"Shenwei...what a good pupil..."


The country of rain, outside the hidden rain village.

"We can't get any closer, Itachi."

Uchiha Shisui said with a solemn expression: "This place is very close to Yuyin Village. If you are not careful, you may be noticed by the enemy."

Uchiha Itachi nodded and replied, "Don't worry, Big Brother Shishui, I understand the sense of proportion."

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