Tsunade turned his head and shouted at the remaining three shadows: "No matter how famous he is, we must defeat him. This is our responsibility as shadows!"

Oh Yemu nodded and said, "Don't worry, remember, be careful with his eyes!"

"Then let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, a flash of lightning flashed, and the fourth generation of Raikage rushed directly towards Madara Uchiha.

"Let me see how strong your Ninja Shura is!"

"Lei Dun. Yi Lei Shen Furious Thunder Axe!"

Under the blessing of Leidun Chakra, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai appeared like a flash of lightning, and instantly appeared on top of Uchiha Madara's head, and his right leg was like a thunder giant axe, slashing towards Uchiha Madara.

But even at such a fast speed, his movements were indeed clearly visible in Madara Uchiha's writing wheel, and he easily escaped his leg.

And reflexively punched him in the head.


Raikage Ai of the fourth generation did not dodge and evade, and suddenly held Uchiha Madara's fist, and then smashed Uchiha Madara's chest with a backhand elbow, directly smashing it through.

But Madara Uchiha, who was smashed through by him the next second, instantly turned into a wooden statue.

"Is this grandfather's wooden clone technique?!"

Tsunade's pupils shrank suddenly upon seeing this, and then immediately recovered.

Madara Uchiha's figure reappeared and came to her, and his right leg kicked her with a violent wind.

"Strange power!"

Tsunade didn't have time to dodge, so he could only fight with Madara Uchiha, and his right fist smashed directly on Madara Uchiha's foot, blocking the move.

"Not bad power, but you're far worse than Hakuma!"

Madara Uchiha looked at Tsunade and said lightly.

"I'm not as strong as my grandfather, but your strength is also much worse than the legend!"

Tsunade replied without showing weakness.

At this moment, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai had rushed up again and came behind Uchiha Madara.

"Lei Dun. Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

I saw the fourth generation of Raikage Ai turning his palm into a knife and slashing directly at Uchiha Madara.

But at this moment, Madara Uchiha suddenly grew countless vines behind him, tying him towards the fourth Raikage Ai, forcing him to stop.

"Mu Dun?!"

"That's right! I have successfully merged the power of the pillars now, and no one in this world can stop me anymore!"

Madara Uchiha said coldly after hearing Tsunade's question.

"You guys only have this strength, so now that the warm-up is over, you should die!"

"Woodun. The flower tree world is born!"

Obviously Madara Uchiha has no idea of ​​playing with the few people in front of him. After all, they are not Hashima, and they are not qualified to play against him at all.

With Madara Uchiha's seal, countless trees rose from the ground, and soon they grew into towering giant trees with huge flower buds on them.

Faced with this move, Si Ying didn't have the ability to hard-connect, and immediately used the instant body to leave the battlefield. dodge the attack of the trees.

Onomu looked at this move and understood that the buds on the tree must not be allowed to open.

If the bud opens into a flower, it will continuously release pollen, and once the pollen from the flower is inhaled, it will faint and be slaughtered.

"Then use this trick!"

Onogi used the "Soil Escape. Light and Heavy Rock Technique" to fly his body into the sky, looking at the growing forest below, chakra gathered in his hands.

"Dust Escape. Boundary stripping technique!"

This is an upgraded version of the technique of removing the dust and the realm. It not only expands the range and power, but also has a continuous effect. Any object that approaches the technique of stripping the boundary will be turned into an atomic state.

As the light wave in Ohnogi's hand shot out, the flower tree world released by Uchiha Madara was turned into ashes in an instant, and the light wave shot towards Uchiha Madara unabated.

But Madara Uchiha easily avoided this move by Ohnogi.

Then he looked at Da Yemu as if he had remembered something, and said, "You are the kid who followed Wu back then. It seems that you have learned a lot from Wu."

Onogi was suspended in the air, looking at Madara Uchiha below, his eyes firmly said: "Yes, my teacher and I were not your opponents back then. You were severely injured by you, which formed a nightmare in my heart."

"Now, I finally have the opportunity to regain myself!"

"Uchiha Madara, die!"

Chapter 203 The Four Shadows in Despair!

"Dust Escape. The technique of peeling off the original realm!"

Onogi's hand released a cone-like barrier again, shooting towards Uchiha Madara.

Madara Uchiha sneered, and with a flash, he escaped the attack of Onogi.

Then, the seal was formed in his hand, and he opened his mouth and spit, and instantly a terrifying sea of ​​fire hit Oh Yemu.

"Fire escape. The fire is gone!"

But the other three shadows are not vegetarians, and Terumi Mei, who has never made a move, finally made a move.

Terumi Mei, as a water shadow, is powerful and can use her chakra to use her super water escape in a waterless land.

And Terumi Mei has four chakra attributes of water, fire, earth, and thunder, and has the boundaries of blood \"Rong Dun\" and \"Boiling\", is the only ninja with two types of blood.

"Water Escape. Water Array!"

I saw the seal in Terumi Mei's hand, and the chakra gathered behind the throat, spit out a large meteor-like water ball from the mouth, and rushed directly towards the sea of ​​fire released by Uchiha Madara.


A burst of steam filled the air, and Madara Uchiha's fire was extinguished!

Then Terumi Mei seals again.

"Water Escape. Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

A ferocious water dragon hovered in the sky and rushed towards Madara Uchiha in an instant.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai also instantly injected a large amount of Lei Dun chakra into the water dragon bullet, and instantly formed a combined ninjutsu-thunder water dragon bullet.

This time, the paralysis effect was added to the water dragon bullet, and its power was even higher.

But at the moment when the thunder water dragon bullet was about to hit Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara's Samsara eyes turned, and an armor instantly appeared outside, blocking the attack.

It's Susanoo!

A warrior in dark blue chakra armor, holding swords in both hands, Madara Uchiha is a complete body Susanoo when he opens it.

After blocking the thunder water dragon bullet, Susanoo swung his sword and slashed at the four shadows.

Madara Uchiha stood in the middle of Susanoo, with his arms folded in front of his chest, without feeling the slightest pressure, looked at Siying and said coldly, "Just a few of you, do you still want to dance?!"

"Don't underestimate people!"

Tsunade gave a cold drink, and then charged towards Madara Uchiha again.

"Heaven's feet!"

Tsunade kicked Susanoo on top of him, but he didn't shake Madara Uchiha in the slightest.

Madara Uchiha said indifferently: "At this level of attack, there is no need for defense!"

"Then try my trick!"

"Legendary level Chiyo dance!"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai also rushed up following Tsunade, and the Lei Dun chakra flashed on his body, turning his palm into a knife, and slashing down towards Uchiha Madara's Susanoo.

Terumi Mei's attack followed suit.

"Rong escape. The technique of dissolving monsters!"

In an instant, countless highly corrosive acids spewed out of Terumi Mei's mouth, covering Uchiha Madara's Susanoo.


Under this strong acid corrosion, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo finally showed signs of collapse.

Oh Yemu finally shot, adding the last straw.

"Dust Escape. The technique of peeling off the original realm!"

A cube-shaped barrier shot out from Ohnogi's hand and slammed into the gap where Susanoo had been corroded by Terumi Mei's monster-dissolving technique.

Uchiha Madara's Susanoo finally collapsed, but the next moment Uchiha Madara's Samsara eyes revolved.

"Seal Sealing Technique!"

The surrounding ninjutsu is instantly absorbed by it, and its body does not cause any damage.

A smile appeared on Madara Uchiha's mouth.

"Very good, your performance finally got me some interest!"

"Lei Dun's ninjutsu, coupled with Rong Dun and Chen Dun's bloodline boundary, the attack is quite fierce, very good."

"But what about your defenses?!"

The Samsara eyes turned again, Susanoo appeared again outside Uchiha Madara's body, and then waved his hand, and countless huge series of hook jade flew towards the four shadows.




After a violent roar, the smoke and dust dissipated, and two giant stone giants blocked in front of Four Shadows, blocking Uchiha Madara's attack.

"Tudun stone giant, two stone giants, double defense, this is quite good."

Speaking of which, Madara Uchiha was ready to attack again.

Ohnogi looked at Madara Uchiha with a solemn expression, and then said to the three people around him, "It's coming!"

"Now we're going to take turns attacking!"

"Okay! Got it!" The three replied.

"Water Escape. Mist Hidden Technique!"

With the seal of Terumi Mei, the fog filled the entire battlefield in an instant, covering up their figures.

"Lei Dun. Lei abuse level Chiyo dance!"

The fourth Raikage Ai once again punched Susanoo, and this time, the stimulation of Leidun Chakra was even more violent, and the fourth Raikage Ai had turned into lightning.

Seeing this, Oh Yemu gave him another push and added strength!

"Soil escape. The technique of super heavy rock!"

With this help, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai punched Uchiha Madara's Susanoo with one punch, causing it to shatter again.

Onogi saw the seal in his hand.

"Tu Dun. Rock Colossus!"

Onogi's figure rose instantly, and a huge rock colossus appeared under his feet.

"Crush him!"

Under the control of Ohnogi, the rock colossus smashed down towards Madara Uchiha with a punch.

Uchiha Madara looked at the fist smashed by the rock colossus, and did not panic at all.


"The world of flowers and trees is coming!"


The stout tree rose from the foot of the rock giant, and then tied the rock giant to control it, and the fist could no longer smash it down.

Then the trees snapped together, and the rock colossus split in an instant.

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