Lei Luo snorted coldly and said, "I don't know where your confidence comes from, you are so shameless!"

"You don't really think this guy can solve me?!"

"Then I'll let you watch your most loyal subordinate die in front of you."

After listening to Lei Luo's words, Otsutsuki Momo-shi looked indifferent. Although Jin-shi's strength was a little worse than theirs, he didn't think anyone in the ninja world could deal with Jin-shi.

As soon as Lai Luo's voice fell, Otsutsuki Jinshi took the lead in launching an attack.

I saw that the red ring behind the Otsutsuki Jinshi suddenly turned into a giant axe, and when he held it in his hand, the figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Appearing again, he has come to Lai Luo, and the giant axe slashed towards Lai Luo.

This big tube wood gold style looks burly, but the speed is not slow.

However, for Laylo, his speed is too slow. After all, Laylo is a man with the speed of light.


With a sound of gold and iron clashing, Lai Luo directly held the Otsutsuki-style axe.

After that, Lei Luo, who was in the Three Immortals and Immortals mode, directly opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

"Xianfa. Eight-door Dunjia!"

"Open the door, the door of closure, the door of life, the door of injury, the door of Jing, the door of Du, and the door of shock, all open for me!"

After all, it was a one-on-three, and Lai Luo had already decided to make a quick decision, and to solve one first, and this target was the weakest Otsutsuki Kinshi in front of him.

With the opening of the Eight Gates Dunjia, a vigorous and violent aura burst out from Lai Luo, and Lai Luo's figure disappeared instantly.


Lai Luo appeared behind Otsutsuki Jinshi in an instant, kicked him out with one kick, and smashed into the ground ruthlessly.

Otsutsuki Jinshi climbed out of the deep pit, but there was no serious injury on his body.

"What a strong defense!" Lei Luo's eyes narrowed slightly. When he kicked Otsutsuki Jinshi just now, he felt something wrong with his feet. Sure enough, he should have kicked on the shield made by the red ring. .

"The defense of this red ring is very fast, but my speed has increased again, I don't believe you can stop it!"

As soon as Lai Luo gritted his teeth, he started Schrena's Rhapsody again, and the speed was immediately increased by 30%.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Lai Luo continued to attack Otsutsuki Jinshi from all angles. Although he was constantly resisted, Otsutsuki Jinshi was powerless to fight back.

As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

In this battle, Otsutsuki Jinshi also consumed a lot, but each of Lei Luo's attacks was powerful. Although he blocked it, the shock was getting stronger and stronger, and his arms were a little numb. .


Lai Luo felt that the defense of the Otsutsuki Jin-style was a little slower, and he continued to attack again and again. Finally, this time, the Otsutsuki Jin-style failed to block Lai Luo's attack, and was kicked to the sky by Lai Luo.

Looking at this neutral position, Lai Luo directly dodges and sticks to it.

"Day Tiger!"

A fierce tiger made of vigor blasted out from Lei Lu's hand and slammed it on Otsutsuki's golden chest.

Immediately, Otsutsuki Jinshi was directly smashed into half of his body, and then, with a "bang", he smashed to the ground.

Just when Lai Luo was about to take action, he was blocked by Otsutsuki Momo-style.

Otsutsuki Taoshi looked at Jinshi, who was slumped to the ground, with a very dissatisfied expression.

"Trash! You can't even deal with a low-level creature, what's the use of you?!"

"Cough cough!"

Otsutsuki Jinshi coughed out two mouthfuls of blood, and said weakly, "I'm sorry, Master Taoshi, I have disappointed you!"

"Please continue to fight with my Chakra!"

Then the Otsutsuki Jinshi took the initiative to condense the remaining chakra of his own.

Otsutsuki Taoshi listened to Jinshi's words, but his expression still did not fluctuate. He stretched out his right hand, and saw that Samsara began to absorb the power of Jinshi as soon as his eyes turned.

Lai Luo naturally wouldn't just watch Otsutsuki Momo-style absorb the power of Gold-style to strengthen himself, but his attack was intercepted by Otsutsuki Mokura-style.

"Human, although you defeated Jinshi, it doesn't mean you can beat us."

"I can't let you disturb the seniors, you should stay here obediently."

After Otsutsuki Pu-style intercepted Laylo's attack, he looked at Lai Luo and said indifferently.

At this time, Lai Luo had already withdrawn from the eight-door Dunjia mode. Although Lai Luo's physical strength was very high, it was also a lot of pressure for Lai Luo to open seven doors for a long time.

Laylo looked at Momo-shiki who was still absorbing the power of Jin-shi, and knew that ordinary attacks would never be able to break through the interception of Otsutsukiura-shi, but if Momo-shiki completely absorbed Jin-shiki, it would definitely be more difficult to deal with.

And Lai Luo also knew that he had already killed Jin Shi, showing his strength and threat, that Tao Shi and Pu Shi would definitely not fight one-on-one with him like they did just now.

"That's the only way!" Lai Luo instantly made up his mind.

Then he directly stimulated the power of Godzilla in his heart, and instantly entered the full-body Godzilla mode, merged with the three immortals and immortal mode, and transformed into a Godzilla immortal.


In this nuclear energy space, Laylo felt that Godzilla's power was very active, which was exactly what he expected.

Then Godzilla sage Lai Luo directly opened his huge mouth and condensed the atomic jade.

Do not! With Laylo's absorption and manipulation, this atomic jade not only has Godzilla's own energy, but also absorbs a lot of nuclear energy in this nuclear energy space.

This move should now be called - nuclear explosion atomic jade!

Chapter 231 What kind of ability is this? !

Then the Godzilla fairy Lai Luo instantly spit the nuclear explosion atomic jade in the direction of the Otsutsukiura style and the Otsutsuki Momo style.

Otsutsuki Kiura-style looked at the scarlet and dark blue energy ball that was rapidly approaching him, his face was very cautious, because he felt a deadly dangerous breath from it.

However, Otsutsuki Mokura-shi was still very confident in his ability, and threw the red fishing rod in his hand towards the nuclear-exploded Daoyu.

This red light fishing rod is a weapon made through Yin-Yang Escape Technique. Among them, the "Outlaw Power" of the Eye of Reincarnation resides, and in battle, it releases red glowing chakra fishing lines and hooks, which can absorb all the ninjutsu and chakra it catches. And can use all kinds of ninjutsu that have been caught, and have all kinds of chakra attributes.

As the fish hook was thrown into the nuclear explosion atomic jade, the chakra energy in the atomic jade was continuously absorbed by it, and the body size quickly shrank a few times.

Just when Otsutsuki Mokura thought that he could absorb all the nuclear bombs just like this, he found that he couldn't.

The chakra in the nuclear explosion atomic jade has been completely absorbed, but the atomic energy and nuclear energy have remained, and this is the core of the nuclear explosion atomic jade.

"There's actually an art that I can't absorb?!" Otsutsuki Mokura-shi finally had a hint of shock.

But at this moment, the nuclear explosion Atomic Jade exploded.

"Boom rumble!!"

With a loud bang, a terrifying shock wave spread out.

And due to the explosion of the nuclear explosion atomic jade, the nuclear energy within the explosion range was also activated, entered a state of riot, and continuously exploded and fissioned.

The Otsutsu Mokura-style, who was trying to resist the attack, and the Otsutsuki Momo-style, who was absorbing the gold, didn't have time to dodge, and were directly enveloped in the explosion of the nuclear bomb.

After Otsutsuki Kiura-style used the red light fishing rod again to absorb and weaken the power of part of the explosion, he felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, so he directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to shuttle to another place.

However, at this time, because of the delay of the Otsutsukiura-style, the Otsutsuki Momo-style finally absorbed the power of the Jin-style.

After absorbing all the remaining power of the golden style, the reincarnation eye in the hand of the peach style changed, from the red reincarnation eye to the purple reincarnation eye.

And also opened a purple reincarnation eye between the eyebrows.

Looking at the explosion shock wave that spread towards him, Otsutsuki raised his right hand in Tao-style, and the purple reincarnation pupil force surged, directly absorbing all the energy storm.

"Lower creatures, I admit that you are much stronger than the average lower creatures, but that's it!" Otsutsuki Peach said coldly looking at Lai Luo.

Obviously, after absorbing the power of Otsutsuki's gold style, he is stronger than before.

Lai Luo also had an icy look, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked down at Otsutsuki Peach in the form of Godzilla, and said coldly, "Everyone can talk big, let's see the real trick!"

"Unlimited monthly reading!"

In Godzilla immortal mode, Lei Luo's eyes of the nine-hooked jade reincarnation between his eyebrows suddenly opened, and a beam of light flashing with a mysterious aura descended toward the big tube of peach.

As long as it is shrouded in this beam of light, this large tube of peach style will inevitably be pulled into the infinite moon reading by Laylor.

But just as Lai Luo released Infinite Moon Reading, Otsutsuki Momoshi seemed to have predicted it in advance, and disappeared in place in an instant.

When he reappeared in the next second, he was already at the side of Otsutsuki Kiura.

"The dog is healthy!"

Otsutsuki Momo-style waved his hand and summoned a huge monster, which looked like a combination of a dog and a snake. This was made by Otsutsuki Momo-style using earthen chakra.

Then, under the control of the peach style, he rushed towards Lei Luo directly.


The dog snake pulled its tail to where Laylo was, but Laylo didn't dodge either. Laylo didn't take the power of this chakra creation in his eyes.

The Godzilla sage, who was incarnated by Laylo, clasped his front claws forward, and directly hugged the tail of the dog snake in his arms.

Then Lai Luo tried his best to turn the whole dog and snake around.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The dog snake was smashed by Lei Luo from left and right, but he couldn't get rid of it. In the end, Lei Luo directly swung it round and threw it towards Otsutsuki Peach.

Looking at the flying dog snake, Otsutsu Mokura-style flicked the red light fishing rod and inserted the fish hook into the dog snake's body, and then the soil chakra that built the dog snake was quickly absorbed and gathered in the red behind him. In the light fish basket.

This red light fish basket not only has the effect of storing and absorbing chakra, but it can increase the power of the ninjutsu and immortal arts that have been caught and counterattack back, and the power of the spells exerted is far beyond the original effect.

Sure enough, in the next second, the red light fish basket fluctuated, and a more mighty dog ​​and snake was summoned by it.

And Otsutsuki Peach-style didn't stand by, since the original dog snake was no threat to Lai Luo, then another more fierce one.

"Ape Rock!"

I saw the chakra on Otsutsuki Peach-style body constantly surging, and the fire attribute and earth attribute chakra quickly gathered in front of him, creating a huge and mighty lava giant.

Then Otsutsuki stepped forward in a peach style, and actually walked directly into the lava giant. This lava giant is not only large in size, but also can easily suppress the nine tails with speed and strength.


I saw the lava giant stomped abruptly, and rushed towards Lai Luo in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the Godzilla immortal incarnated by Lai Luo.

Under the control of Otsutsuki Mokura-style, the revived and even bigger dog snake rushed towards Lei Luo along with the lava giant where Momo-style was located.

Next, is the physical showdown of the three giant beasts!




The three giant beasts kept colliding, but it was the lava giant and the dog snake fighting one against another, and the entire battlefield was bombarded with potholes.

But Lei Luo didn't lose out with the Hing Lun Pills in his hand. After all, Lei Luo's swordsmanship was more powerful than the simple and crude attacks of the lava giant and the dog snake.

"Breath of Water* Qi Shi* Shizuku Ripple!"

Lai Luo instantly used the fastest straight stab in the breath of water, and instantly stabbed at the Otsutsuki Momo-style wrapped by the lava giant.

After turning on the five-vision omnipotence, Lai Luo easily found the location of the Otsutsuki peach-style body in the huge body of the lava giant.

On the other hand, Otsutsuki Momo-shi sensed a fatal sense of danger, and saw the pupil power in his three purple reincarnation eyes rushing frantically, and a ripple appeared in an instant.

Then Lai Luo felt as if his body had stopped, but his mind was still clearly active.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Chapter 232 The Godzilla Immortal! Peach-killing style!

Laidlaw was shocked because he felt like he had lost control of his body.

But he discovered the clue through the five-vision omnipotence that was still open.

Because everything around him fell into a still state, except for Otsutsuki Momo-style himself.

"Could it be that time and space stand still!"

But Lai Luo felt something was wrong. If time and space really stopped, logically, his thinking and soul should also be stopped.

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