Diruda looked at Lai Luo and Minato Namika and asked coldly, "Did you two destroy this base?!"

Laylo had discovered them through five-vision omnipotence as early as when Diruda and Calder appeared, but Laylo didn't care.

Because Lai Luo's current state has basically returned to full, and the strength of these two people is not that strong.

I saw Lei Luo replied indifferently: "Yes, I did it, is there any problem?"

Diruda narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and replied sternly: "Since you did it, then go to **** for me!"

Saying that, Diruda launched an attack on the two of Laylo, followed by Caud.

"Pupilism. Destroy the laser!"

I saw the pupil power in Diruda's eyes gushing frantically, and two lasers full of dangerous breath shot directly out of Diruda's eyes.

"Scientific Ninja Tool. Peacock Double Sword. Wind Slash!"

Chakra surged in Calder's body following Diruda's side, and his arms directly turned into two ninja knives, and after a fight, a huge wind blade flew out of the ninja knives and slammed towards Lai Luo.

Lai Luo looked at the two who were attacking him, without the slightest panic, only to see a flash of light, and Lai Luo disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Laidlaw had already come behind Calder, and the ice wheel pill in his hand had pierced into Calder's heart.

It was the fastest straight stab that used the "Breath of Water * Qizhi Form * Shizuku Ripple".

"Your strength is just too weak!"

"Knife technique should be used like this!"

Calder heard Laidlaw's two words in his ear, and then lost consciousness forever as his eyes darkened.

Chapter 238 Otsutsuki Cixuan now!

The strength of this shell organization is really much weaker than Lai Luo expected, I am afraid that only Otsutsuki Cixuan can be his opponent!

After Laidlaw easily killed Calder, he turned the target to Diruda.

Diruda, who was originally using the pupil technique laser to attack Laylo, found that Laylo disappeared in a flash of light, while Namikaze Minato threw out a sword of forbearance and love and shot at Diruda.

The legs under Diruda's feet instantly formed a flamethrower, and then he changed his direction in the air, dodging the sword of Ninukai Minato's Ninja Love.

But I saw Namikaze Minato also disappeared instantly and appeared in the position of the sword of ninja love, holding the sword of ninja love in his left hand, and a huge spiral pill in his right hand pressed directly on Diruda.


Diruda didn't have time to dodge, and was directly smashed into the ground by the spiral pill of Namikaze Minato.

When Diruda got up from the ground, he found that Calder had died in Lai Luo's hands, and Lai Luo had turned his target on her.

"Fire Escape. Fire Dragon Fire Bomb!"

Namikaze Minato quickly formed a seal in his hand, and then opened his mouth to spit out three swift fire dragons, blocking the direction from which Diruda escaped.

But when the fire dragon came to Diruda, I saw the pupil power in Diruda's eyes gushing frantically, and the right eye directly absorbed the fire dragon.

Then the left eye turned his head and released the fire dragon again, and slammed it towards Minato Namikaze.

"A new pupil technique?" Laylo thought while looking at Diruda's eyes.

This Diruda's eyes are clearly not any of the known bloodstains of pupil surgery, but this ability is somewhat similar to Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eyes.

Namikaze Minato did not panic in the face of the apparently stronger Fire Dragon, and disappeared in place in a flash, and he had already left the mark of Flying Thunder God on the ground.

And Lai Luo launched an attack directly towards Diruda.

"Come and don't be indecent, you attacked me with a laser just now, then let you **** laser too!"

"Immortal. Light Escape. Laser Cannon!"

A dazzling beam of light shot out from Laylo's hand in the air, shrouded directly towards Diruda on the ground.

Diruda has just absorbed and reflected the fire escape of Namikaze Minato, and he can't use the pupil technique for the time being. In desperation, he can only use the space-time ninjutsu to avoid Lai Luo's trick.

And just as he was dodging, Diruda conveyed the news to Cixuan Otsutsuki in a secret way.

As long as she persists for a while, Otsutsuki Cixuan should be able to arrive.


Lai Luo's laser cannon bombarded the position where Diruda was just now, directly blasting a large pit on the ground, and the soil in the pit was carbonized into a crystal-like existence under the high temperature of the laser cannon.

Diruda looked at the scene in the pit for a while and was afraid. If he was directly hit, it would be evaporated in an instant.

Even if it is his own core, it is estimated that he cannot withstand this trick.

That's right, Diruda's body has been completely transformed, and her core is hidden in the drone in her back, just like the red sand scorpion back then, as long as the core is not damaged, she can always be able to Replace the body to respawn.

Laylo looked at Diruda who appeared in another place, stepped directly into the void, stepped out again and came to Diruda.

For so many years, Lai Luo has completely controlled the profound meaning of Void Walk. Space nodes are everywhere for Lai Luo, and he can appear anywhere within the range of Void Walk at any time.

It's like instinct!

Looking at Laylo who appeared in front of him, Diruda's pupils suddenly enlarged, Chakra surged, his hands instantly turned into fort-like existences, and when he raised his hand, two missiles blasted towards Laylo.

"Your attack is really far worse than that of Nagato's Shura Road!"

The Jiugou jade in Lei Luo's Shenting cave rolled his eyes, and the missile that flew in front of Lei Luo was directly absorbed into the space in the Heavenly Imperial Palace.

Then, Laylo swung his knife and slashed towards Diruda.

"Breath of Water *Eight-style *Takipot!"

Diruda was directly split in half by Laylo from top to bottom, and blood spilled all over the place.

I have to say that this scientific transformation still has certain advantages. The transformed human body is still flesh and blood like a real body, not a puppet.

At this moment, Diruda's body, which was cut open by Laylo, squirmed for a while, and a drone broke out, and then flew swayingly.

The core of Diruda is hidden in this drone.

"Do you think I'm a fool? You want to run away just like that?" Laylo was speechless as he looked at the flying drone.

Could it be that there is no brain in the core of Diruda, as if he has lost his mind.

Just when Laylo was about to shoot down the drone with a knife, a figure appeared in front of Laylo, took the knife, and took the drone in his hand.

It seems that Diruda is not losing her mind, but knows that someone has come to save her.

Lai Luo looked at the man in front of him, and saw that he was wearing a black cloak, with his hair gathered on the top of his head, a long braid at the back of his head, and a very special mark on his chin.

He wears red objects similar to bracers on his neck and wrists, a black crystal on his abdomen, a red belt around his waist, and red earrings on his ears.

Then Laidlaw watched the drone disappear into the hands of the person in front of him in an instant.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if you can give me a face and spare my disobedient subordinate?"

Only the person before the meeting said lightly, like a gentleman.

Lai Luo smiled slightly and said loudly: "Since Your Excellency has spoken, then I can also give you a face."

"But, won't you give me some compensation?"

"Oh? No problem!" The man replied, "I don't know what you want?"

Lei Luo's eyes narrowed and his voice became cold, "Naturally it's one life for another. If you want to save your subordinate's life, then exchange your life for it!"

"Otsutsuki Cixuan!"

When Lei Luo appeared in Cixuan Otsutsuki, he had already recognized him, because Lei Luo had already sensed the distinctive chakra aura in Cixuan Otsutsuki's body.

It seems that this Ci Xuan really has ten tails in his body, and he doesn't know where he got it.

Maybe it was obtained from the Otsutsukimoto family back then?

When Otsutsuki Cixuan heard Lei Luo call his name, his expression turned cold, and the murderous aura permeated his body.

"I didn't expect you to know my name, so I don't know how you call me?"

Otsutsuki Cixuan said coldly.

However, Lei Luo seemed to have no sense of Otsutsuki Cixuan's killing intent, and still had a gentle smile on his face.

Lai Luo ignored Otsutsuki Cixuan at all, but turned his head and said to Minato Namikaze: "Minato, you go back first, then leave it to me!"

Namikaze Minato also felt Otsutsuki Cixuan's murderous aura, but he believed in Lei Luo's strength, nodded towards Lei Luo and disappeared.

After watching Minato Naikaze leave, Lei Luo opened his mouth and replied to Cigen Otsutsuki.

"After so many years, you must have heard my name."

"My name is Lai Luo!"

Chapter 239 Fighting Cixuan! God Ferrello!

When Otsutsuki Cixuan heard Lei Luo's words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then returned to normal.

Although Lai Luo single-handedly ended the Fourth Ninja World War and subdued Kaguya, Otsutsuki Cixuan did not feel that he would be much weaker than Lai Luo.

After all, Hui Ye just got rid of the seal, and his strength must not have recovered to the peak, but he is in the strongest state now.

Then Otsutsuki Cixuan said lightly to Lei Luo: "So it's the first-generation chairman!"

When speaking, the chakra on Otsutsuki Cixuan's body began to surge, and the blue-black curse spread from the "wedge" of the lower jaw and spread to the whole body.

"Although it's you, it's impossible for me to capture it!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent momentum burst out from Ci Xuan's body.

Lei Luo didn't panic at all, looked at Ci Xuan's current state with great interest, and said, "It's a very good momentum, I hope you can let me do some exercise and be able to hold on for a longer time."

Otsutsuki Cixuan shook the cloak behind him and said to Lei Luo, "Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Then he charged directly towards Lai Luo.


Lei Luo grabbed the fist that Ci Xuan was slamming towards him, a strong shock wave spread from the place where the fists collided, and the air wave drove the cloak behind Ci Xuan to shake continuously.

"Not bad power, but that's not enough!"

Lei Luo looked directly into Otsutsuki Ci Xuan's eyes, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But this smile was full of ridicule in Otsutsuki Cixuan's eyes, which made Otsutsuki Cixuan angry.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Lai Luo, this is just a warm-up!"

Otsutsuki Cixuan retreated violently, and then attacked Lei Luo again.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Lei Luo did not dodge or evade, and the two fought against each other with dozens of physical techniques, but Ci Xuan still underestimated Lei Luo's physical techniques. Nothing has changed.


A sound of gold and iron clashing came, and I don't know when a black stick suddenly appeared in Otsutsuki Cixuan's hand, but it was still blocked by Lei Luo with Bing Lun Pill.

"Whoops, want to play ass?" Lai Luo's mouth contained a hint of sarcasm.

This black stick, Lai Luo, is very familiar. This thing is made of yin and yang escapes. It houses the "extraordinary power" of the eye of reincarnation, which can seal the acupoints of the opponent's chakra practice and disturb his chakra.

If this is accidentally stabbed, it is not a joke.

"Your Excellency Lai Luo is joking, I'm tired of this physical technique, shouldn't I try weapons?" Otsutsuki Cixuan replied lightly.

The words of the two did not fight on the surface, but they have been fighting secretly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Otsutsuki Cixuan threw several pegs towards Lei Luo with a flick of his hand.

This peg is an item similar to a black rod. Like the black rod, it is made by Yin-Yang Escape Technique. Inserting it into the opponent's body can not only block the opponent's chakra acupuncture point, but also absorb the opponent's chakra.

The pegs are big and small, and they head down towards Lei Luo.

"Don't take this kind of gadget out to shame!"

Lei Luo said in his mouth, but he didn't underestimate these pegs. After all, if Otsutsuki Cixuan could use it to deal with him, it was definitely not an easy thing.

"Breath of Water *Away-style* Tide!"

Bing Lun Wan was danced by Lei Luo out of the sky with sword shadows, and each sword shadow corresponds to the position of each peg.

The peg was easily blocked by Lei Luo.

Otsutsuki Cixuan snorted coldly, knowing that his current state was absolutely incapable of helping Leroy, and then manipulated the Chakra in his body to trigger the power of "wedge---" again, entering state two.

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