What? Dodge in advance after predicting the enemy's moves?

These things are completely unnecessary in Lai Luo's view, because his physical fitness and various bonuses from props or pupil techniques are enough to support him to avoid the attack of anyone in this world, even if it is an invisible person.

However, the domineering look is not useless, at least it can be used to deal with the inspection of the navy. Lai Luo can only comfort himself like this.

Naval Headquarters.

"Sakaski, what do you have to say quickly, or the old man can't guarantee that you will survive the next second."

"Kapp, Akainu is now the marshal of the navy. You'd better not be blinded by emotion and act recklessly."

As soon as Sengoku walked into the familiar Marshal's office, he saw Garp with a black face staring at Akainu sitting on the marshal's seat, and the armrest of the chair in Garp's hand had been pinched by him. A pair of powder, sprinkled on the ground.

"Ouch, there is a meeting after get off work, I have already clocked in... oh, is everyone here so early?"

The lazy-looking Kizaru finally came to the office. Before him, the high-level personnel of the navy, such as Cyborg Kong, Crane, and Smog, had already gathered here.

"Everyone, watch this video sent by Major General Tina."

After seeing all the people coming, Akainu took out the TV bug and posted this video, a scene of Laylo killing Victor at the time.

"What ability is that?"

"Who is that kid?"

"You can slap Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, to death at such a young age. It's a talent that can be made."

"This person must be owned by our navy and cannot be tricked by those criminal pirates."

"What the **** is this kid!"

Compared to the shock that most people expressed at Laidlaw's displayed strength, Smoker's was a little different.

His attention may have been focused on Laylo at first, but when Laylo began to protect Tina, his mood changed slightly.

Smoker took a deep breath of his cigar, secretly keeping Laylo's face in his heart.

"Boy, you'd better not join the navy, or I will definitely tell you what it means to be devastation from a superior!"

Chapter 252 Decisions of the Navy's Senior Management

"On the top of the big war event, although it seems that our navy ended with a tragic victory, everyone here should be very clear that if it wasn't for the appearance of the Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks, the navy may no longer exist now. "

"However, this is not the reason why we can indulge the pirates. In the face of those extremely vicious criminals, we must execute them all, leaving none of them, just like when we executed Fire Fist Ace!"

Akainu's words are very direct, just like what he did, they were all so cold, pirates are absolutely evil in front of him, as long as they can destroy pirates, he will definitely do anything.


With a loud bang, Garp, who was in anger, had a face full of killing intent, and was once again severely crushed by Sengoku.

The death of Ace has always been an inextricable knot in the heart of Garp, a grandfather, and it was his biggest concession to hear the murderer of his grandson have a meeting, but Akainu had to mention it again. and this matter.

"Sakaski, the green pheasant is gone. After you die, Polsalino can be the marshal. Don't think that the old man dares not touch you!"

"Kapp, calm down!"

Sengoku pushed Garp's head hard, burying his entire face in the floor.

"You guys continue the meeting. I'll leave with Garp first. As for the content of the meeting, Crane, remember to come to the old place to find the two of us after it's over."

What kind of person Garp is, Sengoku knows too much. If he and Akainu stay here for one more second, the consequences will be unimaginable. Garp, who is in a rage, will change from a naval hero to the biggest criminal in the navy. Kill the criminal who killed the current Admiral.

After Sengoku dragged Garp out of the office, Akainu glanced at Kizaru absentmindedly. Garp's words just now would not be regarded as angry words.

In the face of Akainu's question, Kizaru waved his hand hurriedly, complaining in his heart that Mr. Garp really dares to talk nonsense about anything, and he obviously only wants to live a salted fish life of clocking in and going to get off work, how could he be an annoying marshal? What about the job.

"Now let's get down to business, because of the departure of the traitor Aokiji and the retirement of the former Marshal Sengoku, the top combat power of the Navy Headquarters is no longer able to compete with the top pirates of the great route. For this reason, I want to appoint several new generals. "

As Akainu said, he handed over the information in his hand to everyone present.

The current navy can be said to be the retirement of the old generation, the middle-aged combat power is falling apart, and the young generation is even more uneven, the strong and the weak are weak. , can't achieve a tragic victory, unless the older generation of powerhouses are invited to take action.

To this end, the navy obeyed the government's orders and began a large conscription.

Although the effect of the big conscription is indeed remarkable, in just over a year, the base of the navy has even slightly exceeded the previous scale, but it is not very clear whether any of these people are scheming.

Arms are absolutely impossible to twist thighs, even two arms can't fight with one thigh. Similarly, in front of the real strong, no matter how many weak people are, it will not help.

Just like during the war, if it wasn't for the fact that Whitebeard was old and terminally ill, and if he was attacked by his beloved son, Skuard, the big vortex spider, Akainu wouldn't be sure that he could hurt Whitebeard. Beard, not to mention those ordinary naval soldiers.

"Do you mean to increase the difficulty of screening the conscription?"

After all, Gang Gu Kong was a former marshal, and he was also very familiar with the current situation of the navy.

"My plan has two aspects. First, I will select three people from the information in your hands to serve as admirals of the navy together with Kizaru, corresponding to the Four Pirate Emperors respectively. Second, through the request of Blackbeard. , appoint him as the King's Shichibukai, and at the same time invite Bucky from the Clown Pirates to serve as the King's Shichibukai, and slowly take back those **** criminals he once took away!"

Facing Akainu's proposal, the heads of the navy looked at each other and nodded.

Admiral's confession is a matter of time. As for Wang Xiaqiwuhai, although they did not expect Akainu, who has always hated pirates, to put forward such an idea, they also understand what Akainu means. Doing this will undoubtedly maximize the to reduce the pressure on the navy from pirates.

"A few people here are the ones you want to appoint a general."

Crane looked at the information in his hand and said slowly.

In the information given by Akainu, there are many people who, in the eyes of the crane, seem to be juniors who have just emerged at the beginning. I didn't expect that after so many years, they have become strong players, and they also actively chose to join the navy. .

"Fujitora and Green Bull are the candidates I value most, as for the fourth person..."

After saying this, Gang Gukong didn't have any more words, and just set his eyes on the TV bug on the Akainu's table.

"That kid is quite strong, even when Sengoku and Garp were his age, they weren't so terrifying."

"The commander of the world's army, Mr. Kong Kuo, and Lieutenant General Crane are right."

"Yes, I also agree to make an exception to promote the three of them as new admirals."

"As long as the three of them are diligent, I can give up my position as a general."


Seeing that everyone agreed with Laidlaw's decision to become the new general, Smog slammed out the door with a gloomy face, leaving only the scent of cigars still surrounding the office.

"This kid Smog is jealous, but he better not mess around. He's not Laylo's opponent."

Lieutenant General He looked at the closed door and said with a sigh.

North Sea.

"Is this the Navy Type Six?"

With superb strength and approachable personality, Laidlaw quickly became one with the navy, and now he is learning the six naval styles developed by Garp.

"A genius is a genius, and you have learned about the six types of naval forces in just one look."

Looking at Laylo, who was stepping on the air and flying higher and higher, many navies couldn't help but praise him.

In Lai Luo's eyes, this moon step is not a high-level move, and its activation theory is generally similar to that of Wudang Qinggong Tiyun Zong, which requires extremely strong foot strength to activate it.

"Well, in return, I'll teach you a few tricks from my hometown, look at it, Konoha Whirlwind!"

I saw that Lei Luo was ready for the following kicks, and then he bowed his waist and kicked it violently. The speed of the move was extremely fast. In addition, this move was a circular attack, and it seemed like a whirlwind.


"Which idiot broke the mast of the warship! Get out of my mother!"

With a loud bang, Tina rushed out of the deck and roared while looking at the broken mast in front of her.

Chapter 253 The Evil Army Attacks

Above the boundless sea, the bright sun dispels the cotton clouds and shines on the deck of a naval warship. At this time, Lai Luo is training with a group of naval soldiers.

"Lei Luo, what's your trick called? It's like teleportation. It's obviously not doing anything, but it can burst out the power of the sky and kill the sea kings easily. Can you teach us?"

"You said Void Walk, unfortunately, this trick can't be taught, but I can continue to teach you the brand-new Konoha Gangli style physique."

After these few days of getting along, Lai Luo has become a god-like existence in the minds of these new recruits. They can't imagine that there are still powerful humans in the world, even the sea kings known as the strongest creatures in the sea. , in his eyes, they are no different from ordinary grass carp, and they can be pinched to death.

On the other side of the deck, Tina was smoking a cigarette to herself, looking at Lai Luo and others from time to time and smiling.

This young man who was inadvertently recruited into the navy definitely has the terrifying strength comparable to a navy admiral. Most importantly, he doesn't seem to have any secrets about what he has learned. In a very short period of time, the navy on the warship has become Their strength has made a qualitative leap.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly, Tina saw several well-armed ships approaching them in the distance.

Boom boom boom!

Along with a few loud noises, white smoke floated from the ships, and at the same time, several pitch-black artillery shells shot out.

"All guard! Enemy attack!"

Just as Tina gave the order, her arms were constantly building the railings.

However, the moment the cannonball touched Tina's arm, the ability of the threshold fruit suddenly failed, unable to stop the cannonball's advance.

Immediately after, the ships fired continuously again, and the shells that filled the sky were even enough to smash the aircraft carrier to pieces.

"Hailou Stone!"

Tina frowned and exclaimed, she couldn't imagine what kind of power could be so rich and powerful.

It was too late to say it was too soon, just at the moment when the shells were about to touch the naval warship, a little golden light quickly rose and spread from the deck, turning into a barrier of light to protect the safety of the warship.

"The power of the North Sea, and it is definitely related to Victor."

Lei Luo, who was standing beside Tina at some point, said indifferently.

For this kind of shell that is comparable to the sea floor stone, Lai Luo clearly felt the breath of the sea floor assimilation gas contained in it.

Since Victor had been killed by himself, the person who came must be a powerful force who secretly had a deal with him.

"Did the news leak so soon?"

The war was raging outside the barrier of light, and the cannons were roaring, but Lai Luo didn't take this to heart. He used the arrogance of seeing and hearing to perceive the details of the other party. He could clearly feel that the other party was just a battle-hardened soldier. Nothing to be afraid of, the only thing that interested him was the forces behind these people.

"You don't move."

After Lei Luo left a sentence, he turned into a golden light and rushed into the sky, crossed his hands to cover half of his face, and the fingertips of his ten fingers gradually condensed a golden light.

Eight-foot Qionggou jade!

With Lai Luo holding both hands, countless light bullets flew out from his fingertips, like a rain of flowers, overwhelming the cannonballs and ships below.

However, in just a few seconds, there was nothing that could be called a ship except for a naval exclusive ship on the sea in a radius of dozens of miles.


Lai Luo reappeared on the deck and threw down a terrified little leader he had captured.

All of this happened so fast, how could the little leader never imagine that his troops, which are many times more than the navy, would be sunk by a young man in less than ten seconds. He was the only one left alive.

"Tell me, who sent you here."

Looking at the invincible man in front of him, the little leader knew that he could never escape under his eyelids. Therefore, he suddenly smiled, and thick blood flowed out of his mouth, dripping. On the deck, it spreads towards the sea.

"Bite your tongue and commit suicide, is it a dead man trained by the forces behind you?"

Lai Luo frowned slightly, even if it was him, he could never get any answer from the dead man, but as far as the current situation is concerned, if the person who really wants to attack him cannot be found out, then this warship is very likely Will be subject to twenty-four hours of endless enemy attack.

The more he thought about it, the more headaches, Lei Luo turned his eyes to Tina, but Tina, who had searched through the dead, finally found nothing.

Sending more than a dozen ships in one go, coupled with such a large number of shells, would require more than 100 million financial support at least. It can be seen that the forces that chased and killed Lai Luo and others because of Victor's death must be A princely level.

On the second day, the kingdom of Jamal.

"A bunch of useless rice buckets can't even do such a small thing!"

The furious Wensmoggage said angrily after hearing the news from his subordinates.

That's right, this is a powerful force that has always maintained business dealings with Victor. It is called the "Army of Evil" by the world, a terrorist existence at the level of the overlord of the North Sea, and the Jemal 66 organization that has the right to participate in the World Conference.

"Father, it seems that those navies are not easy, let us brothers and sisters handle this matter."

The person who spoke was Vinsmoke Ichi, who was wearing sunglasses, a 1-character mark on his cloak, and a red battle uniform.

"Also, I'm relieved if you have a few shots, but after you take care of the navy, remember not to leave any traces, and remember to take back all the products under Victor's command."

"Yes, my father!"

When the words fell, one woman, three men and four young people walked out of the hall without looking back.

On the other hand, Lai Luo and others who were in the bright place still don't know how terrifying their existence is in this attack, but they didn't have time to continue their investigation, because there was an uninvited guest on the warship, the smoker Smog.

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