Yuji roared like crazy, the pain from being penetrated through his body completely angered him.

Lei Luo, who saw Yongzhi acting like a normal person, was somewhat shocked, which further increased his interest in the cloning technology of bloodline factors. After all, normal people don't have such a powerful body.

Boom boom boom!

With a loud bang, countless bullets and shells shot into the air, and the moment they touched the golden figure, they all exploded, causing bursts of white smoke.

That is a special weapon filled with ocean assimilation gas!

"You are really unfriendly!"

The explosion that had lasted for most of the day finally stopped, and Lai Luo's extremely disdainful voice sounded impressively.


"how can that be!"

"That's a weapon developed by Victor!"

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the figure wrapped in golden light reappeared in front of everyone. There was not a single scar on his body, not even his clothes were burnt.

This golden light possessing trick was developed by Lei Luo inadvertently to Longhu Mountain and based on the famous defense technique Golden Light Mantra.

However, since the development of this move is not perfect, now he can only use this move when he is not moving. As for the effect, it is more than enough to block guns and the like. When facing the real killer moves of the masters , it is better to use the Central Asian hourglass.

Looking at the glass-like golden light on the surface of Lai Luo's body, Smog frowned slightly, sucking the cigar in his mouth, thoughtful.

Lai Luo was safe and sound, Tina breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in her heart fell.

Long before Laylo shot, he had told Smoker and Tina that the two of them only needed to protect the safety of the soldiers, and leave the rest to him alone.

"Have you ever been hit by a bullet made of light?"

Lai Luo suddenly raised his hand and pointed his index finger at Yuji.

"What did you say?"


Lei Luo made a popping sound, and the next moment, golden light condensed on his fingertips and burst out.

With Yuji's eyes widened as he plunged into the sea, the scene became extremely peaceful.

That's right, Yuji died so easily.

"Congratulations to the host for getting two levels of brutality!"

The sound of the system sounded in Lai Luo's mind, feeling the sudden increase in strength in his body, a smile gradually appeared on Lai Luo's face.

The effect of the mysterious sword is really powerful!

"You don't need anyone else to deal with you bastards, I alone are enough!"

Lai Luo chuckled. Today, he must let the contributions of the members of Jemal 66 die.

Like becoming his power.

Chapter 260 The Sword of Full Layers of Mystery

How arrogant words are for one person to fight against dozens of ships!

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Break your bones off one by one!"

Niji, who was wearing a blue robe, turned into a lightning bolt and rushed towards Lai Luo.

Regarding Yuuji's death, there was no turbulence in his heart, but when Laylo killed Yuuji in front of so many people, he was hitting him in the face, which Niji absolutely couldn't bear.

"The Six-Stand Light Prison!"

Lai Luo snorted softly, grabbed the previously raised finger, and the light elements in the air quickly converged, forming a prison that bound Nige inside.

Nitch, the second son of the Vinsmoke family, holds the title of Shock Blue, precisely because of his lightning-fast speed.

However, in front of everyone, Lai Luo easily captured Nizhi's figure, looking at his calm appearance, as if Nizhi was just a slow turtle in his eyes.

"It's just lightning, have you heard of light?"

The speed of lightning, 106 meters per second, and the speed of light, but

KM per second, the gap between them is like the sky and the ground!

Lei Luo's words fell, and his figure did not move, but just appeared in the air with a cold smile.

"What the **** is he doing?"

Smog looked at the bound Nige and Jemal army, and there was a hint of confusion in his heart.

However, at the next moment, the giant snail heads of the four snail ships in Jemal's army seemed to have suffered heavy damage, and they all tilted to one side while driving their bodies.

The snail boat is down!

"Strange, why didn't one of Jemal 66 jump off the boat? What the **** did Laylo do?"

Smog was even more confused when he saw this, because in his eyes, Laylo was still floating quietly in the air, the same as before.

"No, the eldest son of the Vinsmoke family, Spark Red Ichi!"

Smog, who suddenly remembered something, looked again at the snail ship that was about to sink into the sea.

On the four snail boats, all the clone troops collapsed to the ground, foaming at the mouth, including Ichi.

When did you get it out?

At this moment, Laylo's previous words consciously sounded in everyone's mind.

"Have you heard of light?"

Right, in this world, apart from the existence of the speed of light, who can achieve such a scene?

Even if it is as strong as the dead Whitebeard, the ability to shake the fruit must be used, but Lai Luo did not move.

No, he moved, it's just that none of our eyes caught his movement!

Realizing that the opponent's powerful Jemal army subconsciously took a few steps back, they deliberately wanted to stay away from Laylo.

The current Lai Luo, in their eyes, is like a **** of impermanence who walked out of hell, coming to claim his life!

"Congratulations to the host, the power of brutality is stacked to 54 layers, and you get a 40% attack speed bonus."

Attack speed bonus? I'm not playing a game, how can this thing be reflected?

The confused Laidlaw turned his head and set his eyes on Niji who was still trying to break through the shackles of the light prison.

"What are you doing? Let me tell you, if you dare to touch a single hair on me, the entire Jemal Kingdom will not let you go!"

Looking at Lai Luo's cunning smile, Niji roared angrily, but there was a trace of fear in his voice, which everyone could clearly feel.

The killing **** in front of him has already killed Iji's two brothers. He still thinks that the Kingdom of Jemal will have a deterrent effect on Lai Luo. I'm afraid he is not a fool!

Lai Luo, who was smiling, kept approaching Niji, and the smile on his face became more and more hideous.

In the next second, hundreds of beams of light sprang out from Laylo's right hand and landed heavily on Niji's body.

That turned out to be a fist!

"Congratulations to the host's brutal power stacking to 56 layers."

"It turns out that the bonus on attack speed can reduce the time before I make a move."

Laylo said excitedly, and at the same time turned his incomparably fiery gaze to the rest of Jemal 66.

These living clone soldiers, in his eyes, are the source of power!

As for Nizhi, who was already dead, Lai Luo no longer paid attention, and let his body, which had been smashed into flesh, fall into the sea piece by piece, becoming an underwater creature and entering their belly.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Without any hesitation, Lai Luo crossed his hands in front of him, and countless light bullets appeared in an instant, shooting frantically towards the Jemal 66 army below.

One, two, three... sixteen!

But in just ten seconds, all the snail boats in front of them were shot into sieves by light, and the blood instantly dyed a sea area red.

"Congratulations to the host for stacking 100 layers of brutal power and getting a 100% attack speed bonus!"

The sound of the system sounded again.

Lei Luo felt the surging power in his body, and the smile on his face became more and more maddening. On the way to cast the eight-foot Qionggou jade, he found that the bonus brought by the attack speed could actually affect the flight speed of the light bomb. !

"Hey, boy, you seem to have a fish that slipped through the net."

Seeing Reiju who slowly lifted off from the sea with an ugly face, Small said with a pause.

"I did it on purpose."


In the face of Lai Luo's answer, Smog cut a cry. He didn't understand why this kid likes to pretend so much. He obviously missed one, and he actually said that he did it on purpose.

In fact, Lai Luo really did it on purpose. For the clone army, his heart is still full of longing, but most of the people in the Vinsmoke family are ruthless, cold-blooded animals who only care about interests. A group of super idiots who would rather die than reveal half of their family's research and development results.

Only Sanji and Leiju, these two people are an alternative who retains their feelings. Since Sanji was abandoned by the family since childhood, Leiju is naturally the best choice for Lei Luo.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because you are a good person."

nice guy?

Lai Luo's words were like a bolt from the blue, which exploded in Leiju's heart. The entire Vinsmoke family was called evil by the world, and now some people say she is a good person!

"Leijiu, I'll give you two choices. First, I'll let you go. Second, join the navy and follow me to build a flesh-and-blood era of peace full of warmth!"

Join the navy and build the era of great peace?

She was treated as a guinea pig by her father since she was a child. She kept experimenting, and finally became a sharp weapon, Reiju, who only felt respect and affection from her abandoned brother.

"Are there many people in the world who are facing the same fate as me?"

Suddenly, Reiju raised her head and asked Laiduo.

"I think you should know this better than me."

"Okay, I choose to join the Navy!"

Chapter 261 Brainwashing Master Tina

"Laylo, are you crazy? She's the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family!"

Smog rushed directly to Laidlaw's side, grabbed his collar and said.

"Get your dirty hands off, and, I trust her!"

"Pay attention to your attitude, remember that you are just a third-class soldier who just joined the navy, and I am the lieutenant general!"

With just a word or two, the relationship between Laidlaw and Smog instantly became tense, and the two who glared at each other seemed to have a big fight in the next second!

"Smog, I agree with Laidlaw's approach, Reju seems to be different from those clones."

At this moment, Tina's voice suddenly sounded.

"Tina, you... that's all, just pretend I haven't been here!"

Seeing that Tina, who had always stood by her side, was actually standing on Laylo's side this time, the furious Smog shoved Laylo's chest down, turning it into thick smoke and drifting away.

"Your name is Lai Luo, have we met?"


"Then why do you believe me so much?"


Reiju, who was born in the Vinsmoke family, had never felt the trust between people.

In her father's eyes, all things are only interests, and they, as children, are just tools, as long as the time is right, they can give up at any time for the sake of status.

Reiju, who has lived in darkness since childhood, saw the light for the first time, and it was so warm.

After giving Lai Luo a thankful smile, Leiju flew to a navy on her own, spit out a pale pink poisonous gas, and a suffocated corpse appeared in front of everyone.

what's the situation?

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