What? Popcorn? Cola?

Brother, now that we are all dying, who is in the mood to eat and drink?

"Who said popcorn and Coke just now... ah!"

A few people dressed as chefs suddenly rushed out from the lower deck of the warship, carrying a large bucket of popcorn and boxes of Coke on their shoulders.

However, the moment they just appeared on the deck, the warm smiles on their faces disappeared instantly, replaced by extreme panic, and the whole person seemed to be petrified.

Which **** has a sick mind? At this time, I still want to eat, drink and watch a play!


"Leiju, do you really eat?"

"Mr. Laidlaw believes in me so much, I think we should believe him too."

"Hey, get me a bottle of Coke, I may not be able to drink it in the future."

"Is there any wine? I want to drink some wine."

"Come on, do you want me to cook two more dishes for you?"

Hearing the voices of everyone making fun of their misery, Lai Luo helplessly shook his head.

Isn't it just the size difference? Does the sea monster look big?

The next moment, the golden light that flickered in Lai Luo's eyes slowly dissipated, and a bit of dark red began to spread from the pupil, gradually occupying the entire eyeball, at the same time, nine pitch-black hook jade appeared one after another, every three was a circle, a total of three. Circles, circles and purple lines connect the hook jade.

"Okay, I'll show you a trick!"

Lei Luo smiled evilly, and with his handsome appearance, it should have been a beautiful picture, but it was destroyed by the blood flowing from his eyes.

The Jiugou Jade Samsara writing wheel is opened, and the complete body must be full of energy, start it!

It was a cyan giant the size of a mountain, dressed as a samurai. The pair of open wings behind him covered the sky and the sun. His movements were exactly the same as Lei Luo standing between his foreheads, his arms crossed his chest. Godly!

"Then... is that a god?"

"How can this be bigger than the Great Buddha of the Warring States Marshal?"

"Could it be that this is the **** sent by God to save us?"

Looking at Susanoo, who was standing quietly on the sea in front of him, facing the North Sea Monster far away, the navy was stunned.

"That hand... once slapped Victor to death!"

With just one glance, Tina recognized the left hand of the giant in front of her, the one that slapped a legendary pirate to death with a single slap. She could never forget the palm of her life!

Against the Sea Monster, Lai Luo can completely use the ability of the human fruit, but once he uses the God-Buddha mode, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the navy. Therefore, Lai Luo chose to use the more powerful Susanoo.

Seemingly feeling the pressure, the North Sea Giant Demon retreated for a few miles, and the eight huge tentacles buried under the sea also stretched out and surrounded itself.

"You know you're scared? It's too late!"

Lei Luo chuckled, Susanohu's hands poked backwards, he drew a pair of long knives from the pair of huge wings, and pointed at the North Sea Monster in the air.


This is such a ridiculous word. In these endless years, only humans have always been afraid of the North Sea Monster. It has never felt any fear because of a human being. It never did before, and it will never happen now!

Eight tentacles sprang out like a thunderbolt. The arrogant power combined with this incomparable speed can easily turn everything on the sea into powder!

The provocation of human beings, the giant monster of the North Sea accepts it!


Lei Luo looked at the menacing tentacles in front of him, snorted lightly, and the long sword in Susanoo's hand was blocked horizontally and vertically in front of him.

Cross cut!

The sharp blade qi roared out in the shape of a cross, splitting the huge waves, splitting the air, and without hesitation, it met the huge tentacles that destroyed the sky and the earth in eight days.

clap la la...

It was just a face-to-face, a strong **** aura spread in the air instantly, and a large stream of stench blood fell like a waterfall, dyeing the sea red, followed by a loud bang, something fell into the sea, sinking. into the abyss,

Just a face-to-face, the most powerful tentacle of the North Sea Giant Monster was cut off!

"I'm not mistaken, the North Sea Giant Monster has already lost the advantage in the confrontation?"

"Pinch me now and tell me it's not a dream!"

"Pinch me too."

With the severe pain coming from the waist, the faces of the navy soldiers did not twist at all, but laughed happily.

All of this is true. With just one blow, Lai Luo severely injured the North Sea Monster!

Chapter 264 The body of a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods!


The North Sea Monster was in pain, roared up to the sky, and the deafening sound reverberated in the sky, stirring up huge waves, and fish corpses with shredded internal organs constantly appeared on the sea, and many of them contained the existence of sea kings.

The North Sea Monster is crazy. Since it remembered, it has never suffered any injuries. It is the overlord of the ocean, an invincible existence, and an existence that all creatures fear!

This human being in front of me completely angered me!

Boom boom boom!

The out-of-control North Sea monster slapped the sea frantically, enough to engulf the island and destroy a kingdom with huge waves appearing one after another.

Immediately after, the North Sea Giant Monster opened its **** mouth, and the light-ink-colored liquid poured out like the flood of the Yellow River. Its strong corrosiveness was unbearable for even sea water.

An unpleasant smell of burnt smell entered the nose, and some people in the navy vomited on the spot.

"Do you want to die so much?"

Lei Luo said indifferently, but the killing intent on his face and the strong desire to condense into reality.

"Maybe you are the overlord of this sea area, a terrifying existence that everyone fears, but you made a mistake, that is, you appeared in front of me and blocked my way!"

How about a legend?

What about the North Sea Monster?

What about the overlord in the sea?

Since your presence is blocking my way, then you can end your life and let the myth end!


Like a conjuring trick, Susanoo's hands appeared several shuriken for some reason, and they seemed to be thrown at random.

This is the Kamui Shuriken, the Kamui Shuriken that can cut through everything!


Looking at the giant shuriken that splits the huge waves, the giant shuriken that is constantly approaching, the furious roar of the giant ocean in the North Sea, the extremely long tentacles penetrated into the deep sea, rolled up pieces of sturdy stubborn stones, and moved towards that which made it feel life-threatening. smashed the hidden weapon.

Facing the resistance of the sea monster, Lai Luo just smiled disdainfully.

The Shenwei Shuriken is an attacking technique that incorporates the profound meaning of space. How can it be blocked by this ordinary, at best, a bit hard stone.

"Lei Luo, help!"

Suddenly, Tina's urgent cry for help sounded.

Looking back, Lai Luo's expression changed dramatically.

It turned out that the target of the North Sea Monster was not him, but the warship that had no resistance behind him!


Several laser beams shot out from Lai Luo's fingertips, smashing the upper half of the stubborn stone.

But even so, due to Lai Luo's underestimation of the enemy at the beginning, the first two boulders that hit the warship were only blocked by Tina and Leiju.

Leiju is nothing, the powerful body given by the super soldier's genes and the protection of the technical combat uniform, but the arms are a little sore.

However, Leiju has these, but Tina doesn't. She can only use her Devil Fruit ability to forcibly resist the boulder. She finally spit out a large mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma.

"I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

At this moment, Lai Luo was completely plunged into rage. He couldn't imagine how helpless Tina was in the depths of his heart when he called for help just now.

Susanoo seemed to feel the change in Lei Luo's emotions, his face suddenly sank, and then turned into a blue light that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and rushed towards the North Sea Monster.

The light of the knife flickered, and the flesh and blood flew. Now Lai Luo is like a machine without any emotions. In his eyes, he can only chop the monster in front of him into meat sauce!


A heart-piercing cry of sorrow came from the mouth of the North Sea Giant Monster, but Lai Luo's knife was too fast, and it couldn't react to dodge at all.

Furthermore, even if he could react, what if his body could not bear the sharpness of those pair of long knives!

escape! If you don't run away, you will die!

In the heart of the North Sea Monster, an emotion that has never appeared in his long years - fear, comes from the depths of his heart, and there is no escape and deep fear that cannot be avoided!

But how can you escape? Where can you escape?

In a trance, the mind of the North Sea Giant Demon, who was already ashes as death, suddenly appeared in the mind of Lai Luo when he just used the laser light.

That familiar smell, yes, that is the incarnation of the devil hated by the sea, the devil fruit ability!

The North Sea Giant Monster who grasped this point desperately walked towards the depths of the sea as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Different from the Devil Fruit's ability, it is born to be the overlord of the ocean, the child of this sea, facing itself, the ocean will never stop it, it will only open its arms!


The sudden pain in the back made the North Sea Monster speed up its sneaking speed. Now it is still too close to the sea, and it is still within the attack range of that terrifying human being.

As long as it goes deeper, it will be safe. Even if the human is not a devil fruit capable person, the huge pressure of the deep sea is definitely not something that his weak body can bear!


At this time, it was nearly three kilometers below the sea level, and the pain behind him and the pungent smell of blood had always warned the North Sea Giant Demon that he was not out of danger.

Four thousand meters, five thousand meters, six thousand meters in the deep sea... 10,000 meters!

With the passage of time, the fear in the North Sea Monster's heart became more and more intense.

what is this! Why did he escape for so long, but still did not escape the attack range of that human being!

Subconsciously looking back at the North Sea Giant Monster, its huge eyes are about to burst open, and the extreme panic that pervades it has reached enough to affect the existence of surrounding creatures.

That's right, it's not that it didn't escape Laylo's attack range, but that Laylo was following it all the time!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The North Sea Monster roared like crazy, as if saying that this is impossible, as a demon hated by the sea, how could it appear in the deep sea!

"go to hell!"

Lei Luo's angry face became bigger and bigger, and the pair of long knives shining with golden light were getting closer and closer to him. At this moment, the North Sea Giant Demon didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting.

The enemy is too powerful, and his life is about to end.

As if they could be reproduced, those sea kings would die when they died, and they would never wake up from their slumber and rise to the surface...

A loud noise sounded, and Lei Luo, who was possessed by golden light, jumped out of the sea and turned into a ray of light and appeared beside Tina. In the warm palm, the warm golden light entered Tina's body cautiously. It is phototherapy with full power on.

At the same time, the soldiers on the warship stared blankly at the North Sea Monster, which gradually emerged from the sea. No, it was minced meat to be precise.

There is only one thought in his mind, that is, Lei Luo has achieved the goal of being a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods!

Chapter 265 The visit of Jiang Xing

"How is it, is there any discomfort?"

The bright light on the warship faded, and Lei Luo, who was full of sorrow, looked at Tina, who was slowly waking up in his arms.

Thinking that Tina's life-threatening injuries were all caused by his momentary underestimation of the enemy, Laylo's heart was instantly filled with guilt and indebtedness.

"Where's the North Sea Monster? Are you all alright? Lelo! Lei... great, you're still alive."

Tina, who had just woken up, looked around in a panic. When she saw the face of the young man who held her tenderly in her arms, two lines of tears fell, and she tried her best to hug him.

Along the way, there are too many dangers, all of which are borne by this young man in his early twenties. He has never had a single complaint, but silently overcame obstacles and cleared obstacles for the navy.

"Don't worry, it's all over."

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