Whether it is the four emperors of the older generation or the brand new four emperors, the man named One-Eyed in front of him can actually know half of them.

You know, whether it is red hair or black beard, in the eyes of Whitebeard, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling, they are nothing more than juniors.

"I lost the medal left by Whitebeard, but I ended your myth of Beihai!"

"Do you think that the North Sea Giant Monster is really invincible in the eyes of our level?"

During the speech, the remaining eye of the one-eyed stunned suddenly, and an unstoppable supreme domineering aura spread instantly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the warship, the navy lost consciousness one after another and fell to the ground. Even Tina and Leiju persisted for a few seconds before being defeated and fell into a coma.

"The overlord is domineering!"

Lai Luo's tone was a little surprised, but calmed down quickly.

To be able to ride the sea more than 20 years ago and compete with Roger, Whitebeard and others for the existence of the world, must be a born king!

"I feel it, I am a natural leader! Follow me, I will be the fifth emperor in the future, and you will be the strongest emperor!"

The one-eyed tone became more and more arrogant. In his eyes, the silent Lai Luo was a child who was completely frightened by this king's breath.

However, in the next moment, the eyes of the one-eyed suddenly changed, and the sound of falling to the ground continued to be heard in the submarine.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be a born king, no wonder you are so rebellious!"

With the familiar aura surrounding him, One Eye said in ecstasy.

He did not expect that this child whom he had taken a fancy to, actually had the same kingly spirit as himself.

"Son, join my pirate group, the navy is not suitable for you, the place with a bunch of rules is not suitable for you, only pirates, it is the best home for people like you and me!"

"Can you stop stinking here? You hurt my friend. I advise you to cut yourself off here, or at least keep the whole corpse!"

"court death!"

Faced with this young man who has repeatedly refused his invitations and constantly offended himself, the only cherishing heart of one-eyed talent has disappeared.

Young people are always arrogant and arrogant, but they have high eyes and low hands. Today, I have to make him understand that if they don’t know how to obey the old and powerful, there will only be a dead end!

I saw One Eye slowly raise his left hand, and hold Lai Luo in the air, a powerful suction burst out in an instant, Lai Luo and the naval warship under his feet, after a pause, actually suspended in the sea, towards the sea. Fly away with one eye.

At this moment, One Eye raised his right hand again, which was the exact opposite repulsion force to his left hand!

Once sucked and repelled, the final result is only to collide and shatter!

"Golden Light Curse!"


The deafening loud sound came, penetrated the space and the sea water, and continued to spread into the distance.

At this moment, on the open sea, a gilded naval ship kept stirring violently, and on the surface of the golden light, energy ripples continued to spread.

"Oh? Light or gold? It seems that you are also the power user of Devil Fruit."

One-Eyed was not shocked by the sight in front of him, and it was understandable that the young man who had killed the North Sea Giant Demon possessed the ability of Devil Fruit.

Compared to the one-eyed calmness, Laylo frowned.

According to the ability displayed by One Eye and his words, Laylo only knew that his power came from the Devil Fruit, but he did not know what kind of ability.

Suddenly, the one-eyed grinned grimly, his hands slammed forward, the powerful repulsive force was released, and the golden navy warship flew thousands of meters away, but it only took a few seconds, and the warship still constantly flying away into the distance.

"Ding! The system task is generated, and the old era remnants are destroyed!"

Destroy the remnant party, defeat the mighty One-eyed, and reward god-level lottery points*1.

Before the sound of the system in Lai Luo's mind ended, the powerful gravitational force struck again.


At the moment when the flight trajectory of the warship was forcibly changed by external force, the huge force generated frantically tore the golden light spell on the surface of the warship, and tiny cracks appeared one after another.

"Damn one-eyed guy, if I hadn't wanted to protect my companions, I would have shredded you and fed it to the fish!"

On the sea, a warship was constantly flying around at an extremely fast speed, its trajectory was changing, and there were more and more cracks on the golden light spell.

"Do you want to protect your companions? Are you looking down on me, or are you loving those burdens?"

The one-eyed laughed wildly, and between the grips of his hands, he continuously released suction and repulsion.

The reason for recruiting Lai Luo to join is entirely because One Eye sees his strength. After all, in One Eye's eyes, those weak people on board can only be summed up in two words.


Chapter 268 The Helplessness of the Great Pirate

Hearing the burden of weak strength, Laiduo's mind suddenly appeared in the crane tail boy Uchiha Obito with goggles, and Kakashi, the genius Konoha who was slapped by his own slap.

Companion, has always been the closest person around a person, which Lai Luo always agrees with.

"Do you know why Whitebeard is called the strongest man in the world?"

Lai Luo's voice suddenly came, and the force that was constantly repelling each other came to an abrupt end, and the expression on the one-eyed face froze.

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, if it weren't for the power of the Devil Fruit, how could he deserve this title!

"Don't talk to me about that **** with Whitebeard, if it weren't for him, I would never be what I am now!"

After being stunned for a few seconds, One-Eyed's emotions erupted, and his sanity was engulfed by endless anger. The whole person was like a crazy monster, about to destroy everything in front of him.

Fortunately, the few seconds just now bought enough time for Laylo to cast his shadow clone.

"Let me tell you, Whitebeard has always been guarding his children. He never regards the child as a burden because of its weakness. This is the real gap between you and him!"

"Boy, what this old man has experienced is more salt than what you have eaten. It is not your turn to point fingers in front of this old man. Now you have been sentenced to death!"

Finally, the last peace in One Eye's heart was broken by Lei Luo's stimulation. In his consciousness, this young man who seemed to be able to control light in front of him had to be buried in the sea to relieve his hatred!

"Oh? Do you think you really have the ability to kill me?"

The sudden voice behind him made One-Eyed's complexion change drastically. He didn't understand how the young man who was still standing on the deck of the navy warship at this moment managed to do this.

For a person to have the ability to clone, it is completely in the blind spot of one-eyed knowledge. After all, even the yellow monkey has never developed this level of terrifying ability. How can this kid in his early twenties do it.

"You have to be confident and firm in your own thoughts, such as looking back at me."

Lai Luo's voice sounded again, like a heavy hammer hitting One-eyed's chest.

The existence of being able to kill the North Sea Giant Demon and showing that his combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

One-eyed is okay, one-eyed thinks that he is no weaker than Laylo, but if it is two Laylo, let's put aside his visual blind spot because of his eyes, just two masters who have the same mind join forces, It's not as simple as 1+1 anymore.


I saw the one-eyed complexion sinking. With him at the center, the air within a radius of one meter shrank first and then slammed open. The explosive force generated by the rapid change of the running trajectory was like nine bulls colliding together, two tigers killing each other. , it was just a face-to-face, and Lai Luo was lifted a hundred meters.

It feels a little familiar.

For some reason, Lai Luo always felt that he had seen the ability of the one-eyed fruit before, but he couldn't remember it all of a sudden.


The one-eyed left hand grasped in the air, and the black spot that appeared in the palm was like a black hole in the galaxy, with a powerful force to attract everything.

Lai Luo stood motionless at the moment, as if he was recalling something. Although he would be said to take advantage of others' danger if he made a move at this time, in the one-eyed eye, it was clearly called an opportunity!

That is, as the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng! Vientiane Tianyin!"

The moment the shadow clone shattered, Lei Luo, who was standing on the warship, suddenly remembered the familiar power in his memory.

That's right, the power given to him by the Devil Fruit swallowed by the one-eyed is like the way of heaven in Payne's six realms.

"Haha, interesting."

Facing this familiar ability, Lai Luo had a smile on his face.

The ability given to the host by the eye of reincarnation, how can Jiugouyu write the eye of reincarnation without it?

I don't know what the reason is, even if I have killed one of Lei Luo's clones now, I can't be happy with One Eye.

In his eyes, Lei Luo looked at him at the moment, like the senior senior brother with the most extraordinary talent among the senior senior brothers taught by the same master, looking at the younger junior junior brother who is not very good at learning.

"Little devil, I've figured it out, I won't kill you, I'll just goug out your eyes, cut off your tendons, and then throw you into a country where you'll be laughed at every day! Hehehe, just want to It's exciting to think about.”

He is the strongest among the old generation of pirates, a great pirate of the same era as Roger One Piece, the strongest man Whitebeard, and now being so despised by a new generation of navy, the cruelty in One Eye's heart erupts again.

"I have already figured out your abilities, and... Tianyin!"

Between the words, Lai Luo's eyes had turned scarlet, and he slowly raised his hand, an unstoppable suction filled his palm.

This recruitment was called Shen Luo Tianzheng, but it was called Tian Yin by Lei Luo. As for the reason, it was naturally to ridicule One Eye.

Feeling this familiar power, the one-eyed pupil shrank to the extreme, and he couldn't understand why his abilities would be copied by others.

Could it be that Lai Luo's fruit ability can replicate the ability of others?

However, copying is copying, why is his suction stronger than his own!

"Earth explosion!"

The one-eyed figure that was flying towards Lei Luo hurriedly raised his right hand and tried his best to release the reverse thrust, because he saw that in front of Lei Luo, at some point, there had been a dangerous The cold long knife, the tip of the knife is facing his throat!

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

One-eyed, who was struggling to stabilize his body, gasped for breath. The cold sweat on his back wetted his clothes. At this moment, he looked at Lai Luo with the same disdain that the old-fashioned powerhouse saw when he saw the newcomer. It's the horror of humans when they see ghosts!


A thought suddenly appeared in the one-eyed mind.

As a great pirate of the previous era, he would be frightened by the new generation and flee.

Rather than let the world laugh like this and become a laughing stock after dinner, it is better to fight to the death!

But can he really win?

The ability that he is proud of, Lei Luo is stronger than himself, and he also has the ability of the light system similar to the fruit of the yellow monkey, plus the long knife that combines cold and killing intent.

How is it possible to win? The only way left is death!

The one-eyed hesitant in his heart didn't even dare to look up at the boy's scarlet eyes. At this moment, he felt helpless like never before.

Chapter 269

Laiduo couldn't help but smile as he looked at the one-eyed who was standing in the distance, whose expression was constantly changing.

As early as the moment he opened the Jiugou Jade Samsara Writing Wheel Eye, the one-eyed eye that looked at him had already fallen into an illusion, and all the thoughts in his mind were arranged by Lai Luo.

Just kidding, Sharinyan was born for illusion, not to mention the divine eye of Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Sharinyan.

"Hey, have you thought about it, are you going to apologize yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?"

After waiting for a long time, Lai Luo yawned and said.

Although he did not perform the illusion of the level of Yue Du, but the one-eyed can support it for so long without collapsing, and it can be regarded as a determined mind.


At the moment when Lai Luo's words came to an end, the one-eyed exclaimed and suddenly came back to his senses, the confusion and helplessness in his eyes were dispelled, and the light gradually emerged.

After the one-eyed struggle just now, there was a lot less disdain in the eyes of Lai Luo, but a touch of shock and fear.

"Who the **** are you! What power is your Devil Fruit!"

One-eyed took a deep breath to soothe his mind, and asked Lai Luo.

A little-known little devil, a devil fruit ability that he has never seen before, and the pair of eyes that are different from everyone else, combined, they are the biggest shadow in One Eye's heart.

Even Roger and Whitebeard were far inferior to him.

"The current third-class soldier in the Navy, Laylo, the unknown."

"your full name!"

"Are you sick? Lao Tzu's full name is just two words, Lai Luo!"

"how is this possible?"

This time, it was Laylo's turn to be confused.

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