"Warm up? You are so arrogant! The fourth star of dessert of the BIGMOM Pirates, the Minister of Fries Charlotte Snag!"

Before Snag could act, a young man dressed in white walked to the hall on foot. Looking at his spotless clothes, he would never think that the riots in the outside world had something to do with him.

Of course, if you think so, you are wrong, because in the hands of the young man, he is also leading a comatose army leader.

"Boy, sign up, I won't kill nameless people. In addition, if you want to use this method to attract your mother's attention, then you still don't need to live anymore."

In Snug's thirties, he had seen too many pirates who wanted to join the BIGMOM pirate group and find the protection of his mother.

These people are strong and weak, and the means they implement are endless, such as advertising their loyalty to aunt without authorization, breaking into aunt's territory alone, defeating a group of minions to show their strength, or begging aunt, just for the sake of Become a lowly servant on the BIGMOM pirate ship.

Snug, who has been used to seeing these scenes since he was a child, will naturally not regard the young man in front of him as his future companion. After all, those who have done this before have all been permanently removed from this sea.

"Attract Aunt's attention? You made me laugh. If I want to attract Aunt's attention, it must be the moment when the BIGMOM Pirates disappear!"

As soon as the young man said this, Snag's face sank obviously, and endless killing intent instantly emerged.

Seeing this scene, Gage, although on the surface, stood firmly on the same side as Snug, but his heart was constantly laughing.

Maybe Snug doesn't know who this young man is, but Gage does.

No matter who wins or loses in the next battle between the two, the final result must be that the victor's combat power is also inexistent.

Snug wins, then everything will be done step by step, and soon the Kingdom of Jamal will find a backer at the level of the Four Emperors.

But if Snug loses, he only needs to destroy the navy in front of him and then provide Snug with medical treatment, which can easily increase his favorability in Auntie's heart.

Like this kind of thing that is beneficial and harmless, Jiaji will naturally not say anything to prevent the battle between the two.

"One last time, what's your name, don't let my long sword add another nameless ghost."

"Laylo, a newcomer to the Navy!"

When he heard the name of Laylo, the protagonist who appeared in Kacutari's prophecy, Snug was a little confused.

The Naval Headquarters has a bounty from the Four Emperors and their subordinates. Since Laylo knew that Snag was a big pirate with a bounty of 600 million, why did he dare to break into the kingdom of Jemal, which is known as an evil army.

Could it be that this is the legendary newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers?

"If you have any last words, say it quickly, or you will never have a chance again."

Snag pulled out the long knife around his waist, and from somewhere he got a rag, carefully wiping the blade, without any intention of looking directly at Leroy.

Last words?

A pirate with a bounty of only 600 million dared to say the last words to himself. Lai Luo couldn't help but find it ridiculous. Didn't he know that a pirate with a bounty of 800 million was killed by him just a day ago. ?

Wait a minute, it seems that the people on the warship know this.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense with me. If you want to fight, you can fight. I'm still rushing back to the headquarters to report."

Facing Laylo's urging, Snug chuckled lightly, and stopped wiping the long knife in his hand.


At that moment, with Laylo as the center, the ground under his feet suddenly changed, turning into scalding boiling oil, steaming hot, and the rising oil bubbles soon surrounded Laylo.

Devil Fruit Awakens!

In just one second, Laylo recognized the ability that Snug had displayed, and at this moment, Snug's voice suddenly sounded in Laylo's ear.

"Bubble explosion!"

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the explosions continued to roar, and the oil bubbles that surrounded Laylo were like powerful time bombs, all of which would be detonated with the order of Snug.

The terrifying high temperature, the thick gunpowder smoke, and the scalding hot oil soon filled the entire hall.

"Is this the strength of Jiang Xing?"

Gazhi, who originally thought that technology could be turned into combat power, felt a little melancholy in his heart. As far as the highest technology of the Jemal Kingdom is concerned, the destructive power that can be generated is at most equal to that of Snag, but above him, there is still has a stronger presence.

"It seems that the second brother is old, and there is a problem with his domineering. For such a weak person, where is it my turn to act in person? The people of Jemal 66 can handle it themselves."

The gunpowder smoke has not dissipated, but there is no movement at all, which undoubtedly indicates Lai Luo's death.

Since the initiator of the disaster of extinction is no longer alive, there is no need to stay here.

"Hey, hey, don't rush to leave. Why is your service attitude so poor? When the guests are in the most comfortable sauna, you actually plan to go home?"

Just as Snug was about to step out of the hall, Lai Luo's dissatisfied voice sounded in the smoke.

Chapter 272 Snag's Hesitation

"As far as your attitude is concerned, in my hometown, I will definitely give you a zero negative review."

Zero bad review? This new vocabulary puzzled Snag.

However, the three words of sauna have touched Snug's bottom line.

You can say that his strength is the weakest among the four dessert generals, or you can say that he is not even as good as the deputy of the other four emperors, but you say that his ability is as comfortable as a sauna, and if it has no destructive power, then he can only be The end of fried to slag!

The next moment, the earth, which had already returned to normal, boiled again, and the heat was bubbling upwards. The whole hall was like a frying pan. That was a punishment that even Specter would be afraid of!

"That's right, that's it... ah~ comfortable~"

Lai Luo's voice was like a moan. After drifting on this sea for so long, this was the first time he experienced the pleasure of taking a sauna.

With a wave of Snag's long knife, which was stimulated by Lai Luo again, the invisible sword gas turned into a gust of wind and blew all the heat away, leaving a deep crack on the wall of the hall in the distance.

At the same time, Lei Luo, who was wearing only a pair of underwear, was suspended in the air leisurely, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

Why do you suddenly feel a little cold?

"Hey, why don't you respect the privacy of your guests at all? I haven't dressed yet!"

Laidlaw, who hurriedly shook off the sweat from his body, scolded Snug while wearing his clothes, like a customer who did not achieve the expected results after consumption.

"You really think of me as a bathroom, don't you?"

In the face of Lai Luo's subsequent provocation, Snug's figure turned into a blue light and rushed to Lai Luo's side, and the gleaming long knife was also on the way to slash, and was gradually covered by dazzling black.

This is armed domineering.

Gage, who recognized Snug's ability at a glance, smiled even more in his heart. It seemed that the new recruit named Laylo was about to end his life, and the Kingdom of Jemal was about to find a new backer.

However, at the next moment, Gage's wide-open mouth did not burst into a happy laugh, but was silently shocked.

"I said that you are a person, how can you face each other with swords if you don't agree? I gave you a bad review, but the aunt doesn't know."

At this moment, Lai Luo's left hand casually pinched the long knife that was slashing at him, and his right hand continued to wear clothes.

How could this be? How could this man's brute force be so terrifying?

Snag, who had exhausted all his strength, found that after his long knife was pinched by Laylo, he began to move, which was purely a difference in strength.

Lai Luo, who already has a strange power, plus the blessing of the mysterious sword, not to mention Snag, even Whitebeard is not necessarily his opponent in terms of single physical strength.


Just when Lai Luo was getting dressed, the left hand holding the long knife flicked lightly, and the humming sound from the rapid vibration of the iron plate was like the explosion of thunder, and the huge force was transmitted along the blade to Snag's hands. It almost made him want to split his mouth, and he almost couldn't even hold the handle of the knife.

"I'm here this time to get rid of some stinky rats that are secretly operating in the dark. For the time being, I have nothing to do with the BIGMOM Pirates, so you'd better stay still and don't force me to do it."

For Snugger, who was beaten by the future supernova monster Ulki in the original book, and was removed from the Dessert Four Stars by Big Mom, Lai Luo really didn't want to waste time with him.

Furthermore, it is now estimated that Tina, Leiju and others are about to reach the territory of the Jemal Kingdom. If Snug is allowed to leave, he will definitely threaten him with Tina and Leiju as hostages. .

So, keeping him where he is is the best option.

"You alone want to annihilate our entire kingdom of Jemal? Could it be that you think my tech clone corps and Lord Snag are a pile of garbage?"

When Snug was hesitating whether he wanted to help the kingdom of Jamar, Gage spoke, and in a few words tied the kingdom and Snug together.

To be honest, before Snag's action, Katakuri had quietly told him that the navy that came to destroy the kingdom of Jamal was covered in a fog that he could not see clearly. Even if there is no Jamal 66 in the world since then.

But now, Gage, who is good at playing tricks, is still relying on one sentence to bind Snug to the entire kingdom of Jamal, so that he can only choose to fight now.

"You should know very well that you are not my opponent, so don't waste my time."

Laylo snorted softly.

For Snug, it would be easy for Laylo to kill him, but once he kills Snug, he will definitely invite endless revenge from the BIGMOM Pirates.

In terms of Akainu's unscrupulous character in order to implement justice, once Lai Luo started to be hunted down by Auntie in the North Sea, it is very likely that Akainu will suffer heavy losses from the current navy and cannot be an enemy of the Four Emperors from the navy. Eliminated in the middle, resulting in their own tasks can never be completed.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Akainu will let Lai Luo do nothing, but he will not remove his identity, but once Lai Luo shows his power and destroys the BIGMOM pirate group, he will be used by Akainu as a naval marshal. Order to annihilate the other four emperor-level forces.

Lai Luo naturally wouldn't accept this kind of thing being used as a gunman.

"Lord Snug, don't worry, I have given an order just now. Soon, the warriors of Jamar will be killed in battle uniforms and kill this defiant navy with you!"

Gage looked at Laylo with a sneer, he didn't think that a young man could be strong enough to deal with a general and the entire Jemal army alone.

However, at this time, Snag still hadn't made a move, because in his heart, he always felt that Lai Luo was really like what his brother Katakuri said, with a layer of fog covering his body, a layer that made people look forward to it. Chilling fog of fear.

"Thanks you are still a scientist. It's been a long time since you gave the order. Haven't you found out that no team leader has responded to you yet?"

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Lai Luo's words exploded in Gage's mind.

Yes, as the king, I received the reply from everyone in less than a minute of the previous order, but why today, three or four minutes have passed, and the communicator beside me has not received it? any reply.

"How does this thing work? I rely on it? How can it be like this?"

Suddenly, a bright light with a sense of science and technology shot out from the throne under Jiazhi, and it was cast in the air to form a large screen. In the center of the screen was Laylo, who was playing with the communication equipment in his hand.

Chapter 273 The Cry of Wensmoggage

How can there be two Laylo?

Whether it was Snag or Gage, their faces were full of shock, because behind the Laylo on the screen, there were the fallen Jemal soldiers.

At this moment, the throne under Jiazhi suddenly shook, and several beams of the same light as before shot out, and they were thrown into the air to form a big screen.

"Oh okay."


"Show you two look behind me."

"Brother, I know you are still alive, come and have a heart with your king with me."

"Hey! How do you use this communicator, which one of you can tell me?"

"See for yourself in shared memory."

Looking at Gage and Snag, who had more than 20 Laylo transmitting pictures to themselves through the communicator, they looked at Laylo standing in front of them in disbelief.

With just one glance, he immediately turned his attention to the big screen again.

How could this be, and why are there so many Laylo?

As the shock in the hall grew stronger, Lei Luo had no choice but to smile.

The number of soldiers in the Kingdom of Jemal is much more than Lai Luo expected. In order to complete the task quickly and return to the headquarters, he had to use the technique of multiple shadow clones. The main body came to kill King Gage, and the others Hand it over to the clones.

"In the end, when you don't wear combat uniforms, you are all just a special race with physical strength and self-healing ability far exceeding others, and your combat effectiveness is also stronger than Zhan Wu Scum. No wonder two years later in the original book. Sanji, who hasn't improved much, will be so strong when he puts on a combat uniform."

By comparing the ordinary soldiers encountered by the clone with the soldiers in combat uniforms, Laylo couldn't help but sigh that the technological power of the Jemal Kingdom is indeed not to be underestimated. No wonder so many powerful forces are vying to control this power.

The bloodline factor cloning technology plus the technological combat uniform, the final product is enough to compare with the existence of the Vice Admiral, plus the sea floor assimilation gas of the Victor Arms Factory, even Lai Luo couldn't help but be moved by this.

As the clones on the big screen disappeared one by one, the aura of Laylo's body in the main hall continued to rise, and soon it reached a terrifying level that made Desnag astounded.

That is the difference in strength that can only be felt by mothers, second brothers, and powerhouses such as Akainu!

"Fried explosion!"

Suddenly, Snug folded his hands together, and the entire palace instantly exploded into scalding hot oil. The huge smoke directly covered the largest snail boat in the Kingdom of Jamal.

"Cough, cough, what's going on? What the **** is Lelo doing?"

Tina, who had just landed, accidentally choked on the sudden thick smoke.


Leiju suddenly felt a wave of heat rushing away beside her, and she could only faintly see that the man's whole body was covered with a dark, armed color domineering.

"Tina, hurry up and follow me. The place where the explosion just exploded was the king's city. My father's king's palace has been completely blown up!"

Turning her head, when she saw the bare earth through the thick smoke using the power of her combat uniform, Reiju's expression suddenly changed, because she felt that Lai Luo seemed to be there too.

The main hall at this time, no, is exactly a big pit.

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