Chapter 301 Enlistment

Frustration, helplessness, despair, fear... There is even a trace of awe, the awe of mortals for gods!

It was the first time that Anilu, under the blessing of Thor, had such complicated emotions, even when facing the straw hat boy who could ignore all his attacks, he had never been like this.

Different from Ernie Road. Master Wuji Jiansheng Yi looked at the three endless backs towering in the clouds in front of him, no, it should be towering into the universe, and there was actually a kind of god, devil, Buddha, and three families standing side by side in his heart. and integrated ideas.

"Do you think it is necessary to continue fighting?"

The three voices sounded at the same time, all of them roaring like falling thunder, which lasted for a long time.

continue? I don't want to die?

Why is there such a powerful existence in this world?

Anilu took a few steps back subconsciously, and the 200 million vod blessing that he had wrapped was also dissipating little by little. At this moment, he couldn't even mention a little war intent.

"I don't like to force people, so talk?"

Laylo, who also canceled his three strongest states, merged with his clone, and looked at Anilu whose legs were already shaking with a playful look in his eyes.

"Talk? Talk about what? Yes, talk about it, the gentleman speaks and does not do anything!"

Undecided, Anilu didn't know what he was talking about. Right now, he only had one thought in his mind, that is, if necessary, even kneeling down, he must survive.

Seeing that Anilu agreed to his proposal, Lai Luo was relieved. The most effective way to deal with such arrogant people is always to use absolute power to make the other party surrender.

"Still that sentence, would you like to follow me?"

"Follow you? Is there any benefit to me?"

As soon as the words fell, Anilu couldn't wait to slap himself.

How long has it been, facing a powerhouse who can easily kill him in seconds, he still dares to make conditions!

Hearing the benefit, Lai Luo was also taken aback, but he soon recovered his calm.

"The advantage is that you can become a navy, and I will try my best to raise your combat power to the peak. At that time, Straw Hat Luffy is just a clown jumping beam in your eyes."

After thinking for a while, Laidlaw said the greatest benefit he could offer.

Taking revenge on the straw hat boy Luffy, this is the goal that Enilu is thinking about every day, but he can only think about the relationship between the restraint of the devil fruit's ability.

But now, it seems that someone can do this for themselves.

"Okay, I agree, but I have one request, and that is that no one in the navy can give me orders except you."

As the only true **** of the sky island, Anilu always has an arrogance in his heart, which drives him to choose to obey orders only to those who are powerful enough to convince him.

This request of Enilu is nothing to Lai Luo, because he intends to establish his own navy in the future, and he will not let other people point fingers at his subordinates, even the Lord of the World Government. Neither.

"Okay, I promise you, now you go back with me, take care of your body first and then talk about the rest."

After a simple exchange, after enlisting Anilu into the army, Lai Luo carried the two of them and drove towards the earth.

Master Yi, the master-level swordsman, Anilu, who can be called a generation of French kings, plus Gedjes, Leiju and others who still need to improve in the future, Lai Luo is only the final layout in his heart. The hardest part is the huge base of soldiers.

Although a high-level combat strength is enough to be worth hundreds or even more ordinary soldiers, after all, when two fists are invincible and four hands are finally exhausted, these basic combat strengths are still of considerable importance.

But not a group of troops with bloodline factors, wearing technological combat uniforms, and holding weapons forged by Hailou assimilation gas, the sum of their combat power cannot be underestimated.


Laylo and the others, who had just landed on the ground, had not had time to stand firm, and a bullet accurately passed through Laylo's eyebrows.

The enemy attacked, and the other party seemed to be an experienced sniper.

This is a pity, he is not domineering.

Seeing the unresponsive Lai Luo and the unconscious Master Yi in the face of such a situation, Anilu knew very well that this was his chance to express himself.

To the southeast, about 400 meters or so, the target is still moving away at high speed.

Anilu, who slowly opened his eyes, raised his thin arm, and a thunder with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl turned into a cheetah and swept out instantly.

The next second, there was a scream in the distance, and there was a black smoke rising up.

"Your Xinwang seems to be more inclined to search than the domineering and domineering."

Lai Luo's voice sounded.

After observing Xinwang personally, he found that Xinwang is more like a radar, which can capture the enemies around him, while seeing and hearing domineering is more like a spiritual passage in time. Simply put, it is to make predictions. It has gradually developed to the point of foreseeing the future.

"Huh? Where is this?"

At this moment, Gedges suddenly woke up and looked at Lai Luo with puzzled eyes.

"General Evil Eye, who are these two?"

After briefly introducing Anilu and Master Yi to Gedges, Laylo didn't take the fact that someone sneaked up on him, but walked towards the island with 24 numbers written in front of him.

This is the Chambord Islands.

Island No. 24 is mainly an island with restaurants as the mainstay and other industries as a supplement. Laylo, who has traveled all the way from the moon to the earth, even if he has the displacement skills of light speed and void walking, with three people, he It also took a very long time.

However, in the chaotic universe, there is no concept of time, and now Lei Luo does not know how far the Pirate World has developed. He only knows that he is hungry and needs to find a place to eat to replenish energy.

"This, this, and this, don't want all of them, and the rest will be served in four portions."

Lai Luo, who still has more than 900 million Baileys in the system storage space, is naturally rich and rich, and even the waiter can't believe it when he comes up to operate.

"Take the menu to the chef, why, are you worried that I can't pay this little money?"

In the eyes of others, Master Yi and others, Lai Luo once again inadvertently pretended to be a big match.

"Mr. Lei, with so many orders, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it. Navy... One of our family's rules is not to waste food."

Seeing that Laylo made such a lavish move, Gedges hurriedly spoke to stop him.

Long before entering the 24th island, Lai Luo used his life to turn his appearance into a fat man, and at the same time explained to the three people that only Mr. Lei was spoken in spoken language, and the navy used his family instead.

Chapter 302 Restaurant Island No. 24

"Waste? I'm not afraid enough!"

Lai Luo smiled helplessly, and then turned his eyes to Master Yi and Anilu, who were looking at the menu.

After the war on the moon, Master Yi has not eaten food for a long time since he appeared on the empty island, and he is already hungry with his chest on his back.

And Anilu, the last time I ate something, it seemed like two years ago? It's been so long, so long that he's not sure if he will still use all kinds of utensils correctly.

"Mr. Lei, this is the supreme VIP card of our restaurant. I hope you will accept it with a smile."

At this moment, a gorgeous, fat middle-aged man walked up to Lai Luo with a smile on his face. In his hands with white gloves, he was holding a card made of pure gold and inlaid with the three letters of VIP with small diamonds. .

"The boss is the boss, and he really knows how to be a man."

After casually throwing this VIP, which represented the highest treatment, to Gedges, Laidlaw smiled at the man.

No matter what industry it is, whether it is civil or military, there will be two kinds of people, one is as blind as the waiter, and the other is someone who is very good at doing things like this boss.

It is precisely because of this that employees are employees.


At a dining table not far from Lai Luo, a short man in a straight-striped road suit clasped the red wine glass in his hand heavily on the table.

"What a vulgar woman, it really spoils my appetite! Come on, go and gag her mouth on Lao Tzu!"

"Godfather, this is near the naval headquarters. If we act in such a big way, I am afraid we will cause unnecessary trouble!"

Facing the reminder from his subordinates, the short man glared angrily at the next table, and the steel fork in his hand was also deformed by him.

Lai Luo, who was attracted by this scene, followed the man's eyes and saw a young woman with long pink hair, wearing denim overalls and shorts with white half-sleeves, and the pair of brown boots on her feet. It made the straight and slender legs even more attractive.

The appearance is young and beautiful, the figure supported by a pair of long legs is extraordinarily tall, and the heart-shaped lipstick on his fragrant lips, no matter how you look at it, it is a rare stunner in the world.

It's just a pity that the woman grabbed the food in front of her with her hands and shoved it into her mouth indiscriminately, which is simply the embodiment of rudeness in the world.

"Isn't it done yet? These chefs are all short of arms and legs? The plates are all bottomed out, didn't the waiter see it?"

Yes, as soon as the woman opened her mouth, the originally beautiful image was greatly reduced in Lai Luo's heart.

If a rude woman with foul language sat next to him, he would also lose his appetite. At this moment, Lai Luo understood the mood of the short man.


Just when the little man who was holding back the anger in his heart stuffed the paper **** into his ears and was about to enjoy the delicious steak he had just served, a pair of slender jade fingers took it away with lightning speed and stuffed it into his mouth. .

"Ah! It's hot! It's hot!"

That's right, the rude woman started to **** the food from the surrounding guests. It was hot in her mouth, but she still swallowed it and continued to **** food from the table beside her with both hands.

"Hey, uncle, by the way, filet mignon is best medium rare, your seven is a bit old."

After stealing Lao Tzu's food, there are still so many mouths!

"Fuck, believe it or not, I shot you now!"

Finally, the middle-aged man who had been silent for a long time couldn't bear it any longer, he pulled out the pistol attached to his waist, and with a clamor, the muzzle was buckled between the brows of the rude woman.

"You **** threaten Lao Tzu again!"

Seeing this, the rude woman was not to be outdone, her oil-stained palm directly grabbed the short man's collar.

Most of the words were foul language, and Laiduo didn't hold back a laugh, and it was at this moment that he caught a glimpse of Gerges who looked flustered.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

In Laylo's cognition, even if Gedjes, who is just an ordinary person, is protected by Master Yi, after traveling through the universe at the speed of light, his body will feel uncomfortable to some extent.

However, the answer given by Gedges got up and bent his ears, but Laylo was shocked.

Born in the West Sea, the captain of the Flame Tank Pirates, the "Godfather of the Gang" with a bounty of 138 million Bailey, Kapenberg.

And from the South China Sea, the captain of the Bonnie Pirates, the "big stomach girl" Joel Bonnie with a bounty of 140 million Bailey.

After the two tops the war, they were rated as eleven supernovas.

Lei Luo, who was trying to recall the plot of the original book, remembered that the scene in front of him did not appear, but he had already seen this kind of thing as a surprise. After all, because of his appearance, the original story line had begun to shift.

"Boss, the guests are making trouble with you, don't you plan to take care of them?"

Lai Luo, who had not planned to reveal his identity, asked the restaurant owner who was watching this scene with a smile.

"Mr. Lei, in the eyes of us people, customers are gods, and the quarrel between customers is like the battle of the gods. How dare we mortals intervene."


Facing the answer given by the restaurant owner, Laidlaw smiled, they thought that there was still such a thing to say.

"Hey, the two of you have the same fortune as me today, you can't kill or see killing, otherwise you will be in bad luck."

In the restaurant where the sword was drawn, and life could happen at any time, a blond, slender man with six vertical lines on his forehead above his eyes slowly pulled Becky and Bonnie over.

The captain of the North Sea Hawkins Pirates, Basil Hawkins, the "Magician" with a bounty of 249 million Bailey.

With just one glance, whether it was Laidlaw and Gedges, Becky or Bonnie, they recognized the blond man's identity.

"Hawkins, you'd better tell the truth just now, or I will collapse with you!"

Becky slowly withdrew the pistol.

For Hawkins, what is truly famous in the world is not how superb his combat effectiveness is, nor the earth-shattering great things he has done, but the divination that he has almost never made a mistake.

This made Becky subconsciously choose to stop.

"You're a **** coward, don't **** appear in front of my mother next time! Waiter, serve, what are you looking at!"

Bonnie's grumpy temper, even if Becky had already chosen to stop, she was still unforgiving at all.

The Shambord Islands, three supernovaeā€¦

The information quickly revolved and reorganized in Lai Luo's mind, and a big question appeared in his mind.

How long has it been since he went to the moon to recruit Enilu, and is it the worst era in his mind?

Chapter 303 One-on-one

"Boss, how long has it been since the top war event?"

Lai Luo asked casually, the bar business was not very good at this time, and the boss was also wiping the wine glasses idle.

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