At that moment, the whole sky island was shaking constantly, which was Tiki's anger.

He, who originally took Margo away, wanted to capture the regeneration ability of the Phoenix Fruit, so as to make up for the drawback that the Dark Fruit could not be elementalized.

However, just when he was about to implement the plan, he found that Margao's body could not be destroyed at all, and there was no object related to the sea tower on this huge empty island.

"Okay, put away your temper and want to take revenge on Lai Luo, we have no ability just now, so we must ally with other forces, and it must be at the level of the four emperors, I think, who should ally with, You should know better than me, Titch."

After a long time, Aokiji spoke slowly.

Chapter 319 Jinbei's Crisis

"Tiki, do you really think that you are still qualified to form an alliance with us?"

On the cake island, a rude female voice full of sarcasm laughed recklessly.

The aunt, who was in a good mood today, looked at the two short figures in front of her, sneered, and turned around to continue eating the caramel puff tower.

Four Emperors Blackbeard Titch? This kind of thing, is also embarrassed to stand side by side with the other three emperors?

Being looked down upon by others, and not even being looked at in the eye, although Titch was very upset, he didn't show it.

After all, the purpose of his visit with Aokiji this time is to unite with the BIGMOM pirates, so as to complete the revenge against the Peacemaker Alliance. As for the follow-up plan...

"Charlotte Lingling, I think you have heard a saying, the enemy of the enemy is the friend."

The person who spoke was Aochi, the former admiral Aochi who was regarded as a nightmare by all pirates.

"A little junior even dares to call me by my first name!"

The aunt who stopped the movement of her hands slowly turned her head, and the overlord's domineering and soul spells were all activated!

A former navy general and a former crew member of the Four Emperors, who gave them so much courage, how dare to talk to the emperor, is it Warring States Karp or Whitebeard Newgate?

At that moment, with the aunt as the main body, the invisible coercion enveloped the entire cake island in the blink of an eye, like a stench of blood from hell, making it difficult for people to even breathe.

Soul Soul Fruit ability, can deprive one of the fears of the lifespan at will.

If you don't know this ability, it's fine. If you understand it, the only effect is to increase the endless fear in your heart and pave the way for the display of its fruit ability.

Is this the strength of the traditional four emperors!

Drops of cold sweat fell from the foreheads of Aokiji and Tiki. This was the only time since the two of them were born that they had felt death and then constantly summoned their souls before they fought.

Out of the instinct of protection consciousness, Aokiji and Blackbeard released the domineering domineering look at the same time.

I only heard a loud bang in the air, the sky was covered with clouds, the wind was howling all around, and the sea was even stirred up with waves, and even the cake island was split in two in an instant, one of which was the aunt and her many others. Sons and daughters, but on the other side there are only two figures covered with darkness and ice.

"Mom, let's talk to them. If you continue, the painful price you will bring is absolutely beyond your imagination."

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, Katakuri glanced at the two Blackbeards with fear.

When the words fell, all the previous visions dissipated, and Perospero silently used candy to repair the cake island.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your alliance."

"Leader of the Peacemaker Alliance - Lai Luo!"

A few months passed by, and during this period of time, the people of the East China Sea were all kneeling in the air, because every once in a while, there would be a meteor, surrounded by thunder, and streaking across the sky with dazzling light.

"Finally put together one hundred and eight Pluto galaxies."

Putting down the last piece of the star shimmering with dark black light in his hand, Lei Luo stretched his exhausted body, and the long-lost comfort continued to impact his brain, and bursts of groans came out of his mouth.

This was something Lai Luo never thought of.

He originally thought that what was stored in the villain was the method of casting holy clothes, and he immediately brought back the star fragments containing the power of the five powerful constellations such as Pegasus and Phoenix.

Yes, but during the forging process, Jiazhi accidentally discovered that the method of forging was actually created by the underworld holy clothing, a underworld clothing owned by the immortal army under the command of the underworld king!

"Master, during these days when you were away, a man who claimed to be a gambler sent a message asking you to call him back as soon as you got back."

When Master Yi reported to Lai Luo the major events that happened during this time, he took out a piece of belief with a dice painted on it.

"Well, I see, then you can place these star fragments."

After returning to his house, Laylo walked to a wall, tapped it lightly with his fingers, and the floor under his feet was separated, and an underground dark room without light appeared.

"What did you say? Jinbei was pushed into the dungeon by the aunt and will be executed in three days?"

On the Wanli Sunshine, Luffy and the others were shocked and seriously injured Hachi.

Fishman Island was originally a territory sheltered by the BIGMOM Pirates. The Sun Pirates, who were born and raised on this island, also became a vassal of Big Mom many years ago.

However, due to the emergence of the Peacemaker Alliance and the dream of Princess Otohime, Fishman Island has been transformed into the Peacemaker Alliance's territory. Jinpei, a generation of sea heroes, led the Sun Pirates a few days ago for the sake of justice. Cake Island, in order to tell aunty the news of quitting.

Those who betray or withdraw without authorization will be killed without mercy!

This is a well-known rule in the world. It belongs to the BIGMOM pirate group. Even if it is his own children, once the above situation occurs, he will be stripped of his lifespan without hesitation, let alone without any blood relationship. The Sun Pirates.

"Damn it, the green algae head guy just got off the ship and went to Wano country!"

Sanji, who knew Luffy very well, frowned.

As a friend who is valued by Luffy, not to mention being arrested by the Four Emperors, even if he is executed by the Navy, Luffy will once again choose to make a scene at the Navy Headquarters.

"So, Aokiji has prepared a big move!"

Lei Luo smiled sinisterly. The so-called gambler was none other than the current Admiral Fujitora.

"Akainu is about to fall out with the Five Old Stars, so our actions must be accelerated to avoid..."

"Report General, I just received news from the headquarters!"

Lai Luo, who was discussing with Fujitora how to fight next, heard Lieutenant General Mole's voice through the phone bug. Soon, Fujitora's voice sounded again, which was full of solemnity.

"Lai Luo, the Sun Pirates under your command will be executed by Charlotte Lingling in front of the world in three days by depriving them of their entire lifespans, but you have to hold back, and you can't destroy all our plans just because of a single peace! "


"Still shouldn't tell him."

Fujitora, who put down the phone bug in his hand, sighed helplessly.

As Jinpei who has left the navy and is still the captain of the pirate group, the navy must not choose to take risks, especially when the opponent is the BIGMOM pirate group, one of the four emperors.

"Hey, Marshal, contact Qingzhi, our plan is going to change."

After being silent for a while, Fujitora took out the red phone bug.

Chapter 320 Fire Fist Reappears

"Anilu! Yi! Follow me! Gedjes, you go to the Revolutionary Army and let them know that Straw Hat Luffy is going to challenge the BIGMOM Pirates today!"

Looking at the three figures that disappeared into the endless sea in the blink of an eye, Gedges did not dare to waste a second.

"Gerges, I'm Sabo, what happened?"

"Straw Hat Luffy is going to challenge the Four Emperors Lingling!"

Time seems so insignificant in this endless sea. Seconds, minutes, and hours are just concepts. The smallest unit of time here is the sky!

Just today, the BIGMOM Pirates launched a live broadcast to the world, in order to use the death of the betrayal to awaken the slightly weak fear in people's hearts.

"Brother, I always have an ominous feeling that it seems to be related to the previous fifth emperor."

In one corner, Katakuri had a serious face, and there were always messy images flashing in his mind.

"Is that the straw hat Luffy you said? It's just a hairy boy, it's so difficult to deal with a little Doflamingo, and to become the fifth emperor of the sea, he still has a long way to go, unless…"

Speaking of which, Perospero didn't say anything, but just smiled contemptuously.

If you want to become the emperor of the sea, in addition to using time to prove your strength, there is a shortcut that everyone knows but has never succeeded in, and that is to defeat the current four emperors!

Supernovas are indeed very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of the four emperors, they are just eleven babies who have just learned to walk, and they can't even run. people confrontation?

Just like a few days ago, several supernovas headed by Kidd challenged the Red-haired Pirates. In the end, they didn't last even an hour, and Kidd lost an arm.

Perhaps the only thing worthy of their rejoicing is that after the people of the Red-haired Pirates defeated the challengers, they never chose to take their lives, so that they were lucky enough to continue their weak lives.

"Second child, what do you mean by that look? Could it be that Luffy stepped on us when he became the fifth emperor?"

Before he could finish speaking, Perospero laughed at his whimsy in his heart.

If they can be defeated by a straw hat boy in front of the people of the whole world, then there is no need for the BIGMOM Pirates to exist.


The horn of execution sounded, and along with the ground shaking, the huge aunt stepped onto Xingtai.

"Everyone, the four emperors on the sea symbolize strength and power, but the last time they took action was the Whitebeard Pirates more than two years ago, and they were defeated by the navy. The emperor is just a fake diagram? Huh?"

The aunt smiled politely, but her words were sharp-edged.

Two years is enough for a person to make a complete change, but it should not include some kind of emotion for certain things, such as the awe and fear of the BIGMOM pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates, led by Newgate, the strongest man in the world, were defeated by the navy. Later, under the leadership of Margo, the Whitebeard Pirates became the stepping stone for Blackbeard to ascend to the throne of the Four Emperors. .

These two things seem to be telling the four of them, and the dignified four emperors are nothing more than that.

"Today, let me revisit for you, what is it like for me, who can play everyone's soul in the palm of my hand many years ago!"

I saw the corners of the aunt's mouth rise slightly, and the mighty soul power burst out. The fluctuations that were visible to the naked eye were unbearable even in the space. The indescribable coercion was that across a screen, many people were also frightened. A cold sweat!

Human beings can die and their souls can be destroyed, but their spirit must not retreat, because this is the last line of defense, the last line of defense that separates life and death. Once defeated, then everything will vanish!

Fear took root in the depths of the heart, then sprout and grow at a very fast speed, and finally attached to the blood flow throughout the body, making the whole person shrouded in despair.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The members of the Sun Pirates stayed away from Big Mom like crazy, but no matter how they resisted, the final result was only in extreme pure panic, falling to the ground.

Looking at the little white ball that appeared in her palm and her soul transformed into, the aunt opened her mouth and swallowed it into her belly.

The heart is beating, the body is young, and the lifespan is increasing!

This invigorating and dripping feeling kept sprinting her brain nerves!

"Five thousand tile Zhengquan!"

Because of the loss of lifespan, Jinbei, who had become weaker, struggled to break free from the restraints, and punched the aunt's knee with all his strength.


The sound of fractures sounded, but the source was Shiping's palm.

"Is this still claiming to have a straight punch that can shatter 5,000 tiles in an instant? Now you don't say it's armed and domineering, even jumping up seems so difficult, hahahahaha..."

The aunt who kicked Jinping away with her feet smiled condescendingly at the camera.

This is the Four Emperors, the Four Emperors who allow no one to resist!

"Rubber rubber, fourth gear, great ape king gun!"

boom! boom! boom!

A sudden voice of a young man resounded through everyone's eardrums. What was even more shocking was that at the moment when the huge pitch-black fist landed on the aunt's face, the previously unshakable aunt actually took a few steps back. Difficulty keeping your body in shape.

On the other side, a blond man in black caught the aging Jinping, and beside him, a group of people stood impressively.

Straw Hat Pirates!

"Bastard, how dare you hurt your mother!"

Thirty-four people, headed by Cracker, Minister of Biscuit, Minister of Juice, Smudge, and Minister of Fried Foods, Snag, swarmed over and surrounded the Straw Hats.

If you want to ask why the strongest Katakuri and the eldest son Perospero did not make a move, it is entirely because the former expects the emergence of strong men, while the latter appears at the commanding heights and commands the overall situation!


Katakuri looked up at the east, and his figure flashed.

"fire punch!"

An angry voice sounded, followed by a sea of ​​fiercely burning fire, instantly turning the battlefield into two sides, standing against each other!

"Move my brother, have you ever asked my fist!"

An ordinary water pipe can no longer be inserted into the ground from the air, and then a young man in a dress, surrounded by flames, appeared in the air, his eyes locked on the Katakuri.

"Is it Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army?"

Looking at the person who came, Perospero's face became cloudy.

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