The close relationship between Straw Hat Luffy and the Red-Haired Pirates is well known to the world, and now they are related to the Peacemaker Alliance. All processed.

Otherwise, with the already difficult Alliance of Peacekeepers and the Revolutionary Army, and the Red Hair Pirates, there would be no need to start this battle, especially the navy that was preparing to take advantage of the fisherman.

"Don't worry, for revenge, I will wrap the red hair myself!"

Titch touched his painful scar.

Chapter 325 CP0 Expedition

"What did you say? The navy has gone to war against the revolutionary army?"

At the Peacekeepers Alliance base, Laylo fell into deep thought when he heard the information collected by Gedges.

According to the original plan, the navy's action should be in the final battle. Why is this action so sudden, and no one has informed Lai Luo of this step.

"Leader, according to the news from the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the navy this time is not Marshal Akainu and the three generals, but a newcomer named Lu Qi."

"Okay, you go down first and tell everyone to prepare for support."

After sending Gedges away, Laidlaw walked into the underground chamber.

Lu Qi, the captain of CP9, a secret service organization of the world government, is known as the strongest CP9 organization member in the past 800 years. According to the original plot, two years later, he scolded Akainu and made him dare not do anything.

Around a small island dozens of miles away from the Revolutionary Army's main base, Baldigo, there are more than 20 large naval warships docked, and at this moment, all of them are waiting quietly.

"Report to Mr. Lu Qi, these people are the navy soldiers who quietly fled on the way."

Under a towering giant tree, Lu Qi, dressed in a white suit and uniform, was passing the time by leaning on the pigeon on his shoulders. He just raised his head.

"How many people in total?"

"1,400 people."

"Let everyone come to the island as well, and remember to bring guns."

After giving instructions, Lu Qi continued to play with the pigeons on his shoulders, completely ignoring the more than a thousand people who were bound in front of him.

After a while, except for the few members who stayed behind on the naval warship, all of them appeared in front of Lu Qi and surrounded the deserters.


Suddenly, Lu Qi slapped Spandam in the face with a loud slap with his backhand. The huge brute force sent him flying and fell to the ground. In addition to the blood in his mouth, there were several broken teeth.

"Don't understand what I'm saying? Everyone!"

After doing all this, Lu Qi didn't have any emotional fluctuations on his face, and still waited silently in place until all the soldiers guarding the warship came here.

"Tie Spandam to my side."

Looking at the dying Spandam on the ground, Lu Qi kicked him aside with a very disgusting kick.

Next, it's time to deal with these deserters.

"Everyone listens and shoots!"

What? shot? Killing companions is the most forbidden rule in the navy, am I right?

This is the voice of every unmoved navy.

If Marshal Akainu was present, he would at most only impose punishment on them, and would never take their lives.


A gunshot suddenly sounded, a navy soldier fell to the ground with a bang, and a large number of birds perched in the canopy of the tree flew up.

"Those who do not obey orders will be killed without mercy!"

Lu Qi, who crushed the rifle in his hand, turned around and silently retreated to one side.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, the whole island was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder, which was mixed with the **** smell that dyed the ground into a bright red, and the anger that erupted from the depths of everyone's heart.

"You feel very uncomfortable, don't you?"

Lu Qi sneered and kicked Spandam over.

"I tell you now, the duty of the navy is to always obey orders. Whether it is the trash under my feet or the navy who abscond, since they violated their duty, then they are all criminals who have been kicked out of the military!"

When the words fell, Lu Qi stomped his foot violently, and Spandam's body exploded instantly, turning into a blood mist. The only evidence that he had come to this time was the one who rolled in front of everyone and seemed to be constantly begging for mercy. eyeball.


There was another soft sound, the eyeball completely burst, and everyone's eyes once again focused on the white clothes stained with blood.

"I see, this is the weak, because he is weak, he will be played by the pirates, and thus unable to defend the security of the country, after witnessing the destruction of countless countries, I came to a conclusion, that is the weak soldier , without any right to survive, instead of letting them live in the navy as cancerous tumors, it is better for us to end their ridiculous lives!"

That's right, in Lu Qi's eyes, the law of the weak is the most basic rule. Let alone fighting, the weak are not even qualified to live. Except for wasting air and food, they have no use value at all.

If this is the case, then what is the weak?

Dao Strength is only 9, and even Spandam, who is not as good as normal people, is weak. Those soldiers who flee without fighting are also weak. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they have no right to choose to continue to live.

"You're still so extreme, Lu Qi!"

In the crowd, a man with a figure far beyond ordinary people and wearing a CP0 mask walked out slowly. Beside him, there were other members who were also wearing white suits.

"Have you finished calling CP1-CP9?"

Lu Qi did not answer the questions of the visitors, but asked them.

"Well, they're all here."

"very good!"

"Little Lu Qi, there seem to be a few little mice in your navy!"

In CP0, a young woman with short blonde hair suddenly giggled.

The next moment, I saw the woman lift her slender fingers towards Lu Qi's position.

Looking at the posture, this seems to be the finger gun in the Navy's sixth-style!


Without any warning, several soldiers in the navy with their heads bowed tightly covered their throats with their hands, but even so, they could not stop the blood spurting out.

"Your finger guns are getting scarier, Stussy!"

That's right, this blond woman is one of several emperors in the dark world, an old monster Stuthy who calls her aunt Xiao Lingling and has lived for an unknown time.

"Hehe, are you making fun of me? It took me decades to figure out this trick, but you've only mastered it in one morning. I'm a girl, so you're terrifying!"

Stuthy smiled slightly, and what he said shocked all the navies present.

It was unbelievable that she didn't leave any traces on her face for decades, but Lu Qi learned this unpredictable trick, and it took only one morning. Could this be the legendary CP0 Is it scary?

"Since everyone is here, don't talk nonsense, let's go to war."

When the words fell, Lu Qi walked towards the warship alone.

What the Admiral dares not do, and those who dare not kill, will be done by CP today, and the CP will kill!

Chapter 326 Seeing Ah Jin Again

In the basement of the Alliance of Peacekeepers base, Lai Luo kept dialing the phone bugs in front of him, but found that no one answered at all, which made him have an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Senior Garp, tell me quickly what happened at the Admiralty!"

After a long time, someone finally answered the phone bug, and Lei Luo also let out a sigh of relief, but soon, his face became gloomy again because of the voice from another part of the microphone.

"Laylo, the current navy has been completely taken over by CP0, as for Marshal Akainu and the teacher, they are under house arrest by the world government in Marijoa."

This is Kirby's voice.

"Kerby, how many people did Lu Qi take away, and where are you now?"

"All the navies, besides, you have to pay more attention, it seems that Kaido is going to launch an attack on you..."

Before Kirby could speak, the call was suddenly hung up.

At this moment, there is no need to know too much, even if it is guessing, Lai Luo has already guessed the answer.

The World Government is about to destroy the Revolutionary Army and the Alliance of Peacemakers, two forces that threaten their righteous status.


The sudden vibration of the ground and the rolling heat waves that kept coming from the top of the head instantly aroused Lai Luo's premonition, the Beast Pirates, here we come!

At this moment, in the gloomy sky, flames and hurricanes were constantly spewing from the mouth of a dark blue dragon with a length of several hundred meters. It was an attack that was comparable to a natural disaster and could not be countered by manpower.

The current Peacekeepers Alliance, because more and more territories have been invested in it to find shelter, except for a few core members in the headquarters base, there are actually not many fighting members.

In other words, the invasion of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, on the surface, was a deep-dive into the tiger's den, but it actually hit the snake's seven inches hard, which was the deadliest part.

"Lei Luo, come out quickly and die!"

In the air, Perospero, who was holding a candy cane, drank it violently, and beside him stood the Three Calamities, the two generals, Shiliu of the Rain, Poison Q, and the six sons of the sky.

"Hey, last time my boss respected that glutinous rice man with affection and righteousness, and let you go. Is this how you treat your benefactor?"

Ai Nilu, who was wearing the sacred clothes, smiled disdainfully. Apart from the giant dragon above his head, the only thing that could make people feel threatened was the tall man with jet-black wings and no skin on his body exposed to the air. .

This guy is definitely not easy!

"Hmph, you are just talking about it now, next year today, I will definitely come here again and give you all the incense sticks!"

Perospero laughed, the reason why they chose to take the initiative to attack, all because someone provided them with the distribution map of all the top leaders of the Peacemaker Alliance.

call out!

A laser light appeared from nowhere, and the speed was so fast that no one could sense time at all, and its target was exactly Perospero's thin throat.

"What! He actually took the boss's attack!"

Not only Anilu, but even Master Yi, who has always been calm, could hardly hide his inner shock at this moment.

The man who sprang out from the Beast Pirates like a ghost, actually disintegrated Lai Luo's attack in one fell swoop.

Who is he?

Whether it is a navy or a pirate, all powerful people have long been deeply imprinted in their minds by Anilu and Master Yi. This man with ordinary clothes and appearance has never appeared before.

"Ghost Ajin!"

Lai Luo stepped forward slowly, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"We haven't met, why do you know the pseudonym I used to be in the East China Sea?"


At that moment, Lai Luo was stunned. He never thought that the little pirate that Luffy met when he recruited Sanji, the little pirate who left a message of meeting in the new world, would actually be in this kind of place. Under such circumstances, showing such terrifying strength!

"Young Governor, the Governor has instructed that if you can't do anything, try not to do it, even if the person in front of you is the one who made your mother such an enemy."

The black-winged man who made Anilu feel a little dangerous said with concern.

"Jin, don't worry, I will pay attention."

Ajin nodded to Jhin. According to the conversation between the two of them, it seemed that the former had some kind of hidden disease.

No, Young Master, could it be said that this Ajin is Kaido's child?

Wait a minute, no one in the Alliance of Peacekeepers has destroyed a single family recently, so why the word "enemy"?

Could it be that Ah Jin's mother is an aunt who belongs to one of the four emperors?

Thinking of this, Lai Luo looked at Ah Jin with a hint of deep fear in his eyes.


With the deafening dragon roar, a cloud of skyfire suddenly descended in front of Lai Luo.

"You're the Lei Luo who hurt Lingling like that?"

Kaido, who was transformed into a giant dragon in the air, opened his mouth, and a kingly breath that perfectly blended anger and killing intent instantly enveloped the entire Peacemaker Alliance base, and a firm idea was born in the hearts of everyone on Lai Luo's side.

Compared with Kaido, Auntie is even more than half worse, and as for Tic, at least a full level difference!

This was the most powerful enemy they had ever seen.

"What about me, what if it's not me?"

Looking at the fire in front of the sky that easily burned the rocks, Lei Luo sneered.

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