A chilling roar came from Ah Jin's mouth, and the **** aura emanating from his body was extremely strong, and slowly condensed into a shocking killing word in front of him!

Just this word shocked all the powerhouses present. Even if they were only watching from one side, they only felt a sense of bloodthirsty madness, constantly attacking their consciousness, and it was about to completely corrode it. assimilation!

"Damn, do you think I'm afraid of you! Lei Yujian Qi-shaped Nine Heavens Divine Feather Falls Thunder Tribulation!"

Anilu flicked his right arm, and the Leiyuan Thousand Feather Sword in his hand shot up into the sky.

At that moment, the feathers composed of thunder pulp fell from the sky like a shower, and the thunder roared constantly above the nine heavens, and the birds and dragons roared incessantly.

Looking up, a dragon and a bird are entrenched in the sky, rushing down with the supreme divine might red, wanting to turn everything along the way to dust!

This trick must be avoided!

This is the only thought in everyone's mind, but in front of Ah Jin, who has been bewitched by the bloodthirsty demonic energy, the concept of hiding has never appeared, not even once!


A Jin, whose smile became more and more sinister, did not hesitate a bit. Holding the word double kill, he approached the Thunder Dragon and Thunder Sparrow.


Enilu smiled, the idiot in front of him was just a beast that only knew destruction. Facing such an offensive, his first thought was not to attack Enilu's body, but to kill and stop killing. , Tough Dragon Sparrow!

"Anilu, be careful!"

However, at this time, Master Yi, who noticed the abnormality, hurriedly shot, but even for the first time, his sword qi still did not block the red light that came rushing.

That's right, the huge killing word that Ah Jin left behind was not a decoration!

"Okay... two terrifying people, these are two levels of panic!"

Titch subconsciously took a few steps back, and instinct drove him to stay away from this dangerous area.


After a long time, the thunder light and blood energy dissipated together, and a head fell from the sky. If it wasn't for the faint king character, I am afraid no one would be able to think that this was the monster full of killing intent just now.

On the other side, Anilu, who was sturdy and beaten, couldn't feel well even if he was wearing the sacred clothes. He could clearly feel that the cracks in his internal organs appeared in many places, and even more appeared in his consciousness. A touch of lingering bloodlust.

"Anilu, don't get lost in the killing intent! Follow me!"

Master Yi, who was standing beside Anilu, could see it the most clearly. At this moment, Anilu's veins burst out around his eyes, and all the whites of his eyes turned dark red, which was full of thirst for blood.

"Big Brother Jhin, Big Brother Quinn, let's get everyone out of here first."

Drought Jack's voice even trembled. He just saw that under Akin's only remaining head, flesh and blood were constantly wriggling, and he was about to enter a brand new terror form.

Chapter 335 Hell on Earth

"Tianwei is not alarmed... Thousands of changes are especially determined... Lingjing returns to one... Hundreds of things do not invade..."

With the formula taught by Master Yi, Anilu's restless mind gradually calmed down.


On the ground in the distance, countless tendons and veins suddenly appeared under Ah Jin's head, reorganizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, granulation sprouted, blood was born, and a half-human, half-beast-like body was about to take shape.

"Not good! Anilu, continue to follow me! Sanji, Smoke, don't take action to end that monster!"

Master Yi could clearly feel that with Ajin's rebirth, Anilu's killing intent that should have calmed down turned violent again, and climbed to an unprecedented height. Indiscriminate Demon God!

"Who dares to touch the young master of my family!"

The three disasters swarmed up, even if they finally died in the hands of A Jin, they would never watch A Jin be killed, because this is the only bloodline of the man who gave them a new life!

At this moment, Tickey, who had already retreated to one side, nodded to the green pheasant. The Ice Age ended instantly. From the corpses on the ground and the wounds of the two men and horses, several strong **** auras immediately rushed out towards the pheasant. Akin and Anilu shrouded away.

"The dirt is not stained... If it is dirty... Ah... Ah Jin! Ah Jin!"

Blood energy entered his body, and Anilu finally could no longer restrain the murderous intent that permeated his body. At the same time as he slapped Master Feiyi with his palm, his body turned into a red and blue light, and swept towards the grinning man who had been resurrected again. gold.

Why red and blue?

Master Yi, who also learned the Eight Doors of Dunjia, took a look in a hurry. At the heart of Enilu, the door of death, which represented absolute power, was completely smashed at this moment!

"Good day! You and I can have a good time today!"

Ah Jin laughed wildly, he had been waiting for this battle for a long time!

The white tiger fruit, a devil fruit born for killing and fighting, is consuming the most cherished lifespan when it continuously transforms its form and acquires more powerful powers to those who are capable!

Now, Ah Jin has entered the final form, and the surging power contained in the body has already surpassed the previous form dozens of times, but what he did not expect is that in the last moment of his life, he will meet the same person!

The same lifespan has been exchanged for a ruthless man who is almost dozens of times his own strength!


A simple punch to bang, without any bells and whistles, but just like that, the aftermath of the expanding energy is visible to the naked eye like ripples, as this world is close to the top three disasters. Master Yi and the others, who were dressed in the sacred clothes, were blown away in just one breath, and rolled to the sea in embarrassment.

It was frozen by the green pheasant, and the sea was full of cracks at this moment!


The power that the top forces are unbearable, how can those ordinary people bear it?

The blood in their mouths, their bodies that were shattered and turned into dust, was their final destination. They were submerged into the bodies of Ajin and Anilu with **** killing energy, and turned into the destination of the source of their power!

"What's going on, why did that ominous premonition suddenly become so strong!"

In the endless void, Laylo's heart beats more and more violently with his Void Walk and World Pass.

He seems to have seen a killing, an extreme killing is being staged at the Peacemaker Alliance base!

The mountains of corpses, the **** sky, and a living **** on earth, whether it is the Beast Pirates or the Alliance of Peacemakers, no one has survived!

"Damn, it's hard to get in touch here, I have to hurry back!"

The idea was finalized, Laiduo no longer cared about the load brought by the space shuttle, and now he must stop what he just saw from happening!

"What are you looking at? If you don't want to die, don't hurry up!"

Master Yi roared at the still alive powerhouses on both sides. The death of Anilu and Ajin was still inevitable. In this case, we must do our best to reduce casualties!

However, what Master Yi didn't know was his decision that led Lai Luo to see the **** scene.

Holy Land Mary Joa.

"Abolish the King's Seven Martial Seas and wipe out all pirates and forces that violate the world government. This sea needs a great Qing..."

The Wu Laoxing's words holding the first generation Guiche stopped abruptly in the middle, and looked at the east with horror.

Not only him, even ordinary people present can vaguely feel that in the direction of the East China Sea, there are several extremely strong forces colliding suddenly, and the destructive power of the earth-shattering cry of ghosts and gods erupted!

In another room, on the empty throne that represented peace, the figure who appeared at some point was grinning.

"It's all getting more and more interesting!"

The Revolutionary Army Base Bal's brother.

"Sabo, do you feel the direction of the East China Sea..."

"Hurry up and get rid of these navies, Grandpa Karp is not in the East China Sea now, Da Dan and the others may die!"

Sabo, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, who has always been seen as calm in the eyes of the world, is also full of panic at this moment, and all of this stems from that war.

"Do not!"

At the base of the Alliance of Peacekeepers, Anilu looked at the body he had penetrated, leaving two bloodstains in his eyes.

"I killed Gorgeous... I killed my comrades... I'm going to kill all of you pirates!"

After a short period of Qingming, Anilu has already entered a deeper state of madness. In his eyes, only killing is left, and the group of pirates who will appear in front of them will cramp out their bones, drink blood and eat meat!

Compared with Anilu, Ajin has always laughed so madly. From the moment the two started fighting, his will has been completely dominated by killing intent. Now, before his life ends, he will See everything destroyed!

"Eight-door Dunjia, the door to death! Open!"

Master Yi and Smoge, who have seen through everything, fully understand that if they want to stop the killing in front of them, the only way to stop killing is to kill them. Their only choice is to open the last door of the eight doors!

"Smog, don't, don't!"

However, the fact is that in front of Tina, Smog, who had not yet had time to open the eight doors, chose to sacrifice his life in order to block the sharp claws that attacked her.

"Sister Tina, I'll take a step first."

Leijiu smiled, also opened the final door of death, and rushed into the battlefield with Master Yi.

"Lei Luo, where are you, come back quickly!"

Looking at the dear friend who had grown up with her in her arms, and the sister whose life had come to an end when she got along with her every day and night, Tina finally couldn't bear the emotional outburst any longer. She knelt on the ground and tried her best. He shouted Leroy's name with all his strength.

Chapter 336 The Method of Resurrection

In the endless void, the impatient Lei Luo tried his best to hurry, but in this extreme crisis, the guidance of the World Pass still reached the end, and it was still a boundless void.

"Laylo! Come back soon!"

In a trance, Lai Luo seemed to hear Tina's cry of endless despair and complete collapse.

"That direction!"

As the figure sank into the crack of the void, the daytime-like aurora made it difficult for De Lai Luo to open his eyes.

Here, it is an extremely flat, mirror-like island, without any flowers, plants and trees on it, but only the remains of countless corpses and the blood that is constantly poured into the sea.

The former Peacemaker Alliance base, now the **** on earth!

Seeing this scene, Lai Luo only felt an irresistible force slamming into his mind violently. land.

Anilu, Burning Ember, Master Yi, Gerges, Sanji, Perospero…

Seeing the familiar faces on one corpse after another, Lai Luo's mind felt like a violent storm was falling, and all the light in his eyes disappeared, replaced by nothing but dullness.

Who is that? That's... Reiju!

Finally, when he saw a head that disappeared completely from the lower jaw, Lai Luo only felt that everything around him was spinning.

"Tina, where is Tina, where are you, Tina..."

Lei Luo, who walked forward in a daze, kept whispering the name of the lover who had guided him back here.

This is the last light that keeps him awake!

"Laylo, why, why are you coming back now, why, why?"

Dongfang of the island, as the only surviving Tina, stared blankly at the familiar figure that was getting closer and closer to him, and roared angrily.

What she saw with her own eyes just now was tragic, only Lai Luo can save it, but where is he and why is he coming back now!

"I don't know, I don't know why, I don't know, I don't know..."

With a thud, Lei Luo, who knelt down in front of Tina, kept the picture of **** that he saw in the void in his mind.

He didn't know why he came back so late, he didn't know why he didn't choose to leave Kaido alone in Huangquan Hirazaka, and he didn't know why he finally used the corpse qi and soul that was enough to shatter the space. .

At this moment, the only thing he knows is that everyone is dead, even if it is Tina in front of him, it is just his fantasy. In the real reality, there is a thorough wound on Tina's chest.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the reward god-level lottery point * 1!"

The sound of the system suddenly sounded, but Lai Luo did not respond.

In the system's judgment, the person who finally won this battle was Laylo.

However, in Lai Luo's cognition, he was defeated, and it was a complete defeat!

"Aoki, you are waiting for me here, I'm going to take Lai Luo's Devil Fruit ability!"

In the far-off sea area, Titch endured the pain and smiled at the green pheasant. On his chest, there was a sharp claw slashing through the wound left, and the blood kept dripping.

Tiki, who originally planned to take advantage of the fisherman, did not expect that Ajin and Anilu would be so terrifying. If they hadn't escaped quickly, I'm afraid they would be just a cold body lying on the island. .

However, looking at Titch's back, Aokiji did not choose to stay, but rushed to the island one step ahead of him.

Others don't know it, but Aokiji, who is a naval spy, knows clearly that Kaido is not dead. He who has already colluded with the Five Old Stars has left his heart in the World Government, and that is Kaido's first. Two lives!


At the moment Titch and Aokiji set foot on the island, a pure killing intent suddenly erupted in Lei Luo's body. His slightly thin back was like a world-destroying **** and demon in the eyes of the two of them.

Subconsciously swallowed his saliva. After hesitating for a while, Titch still thought that his own life was more important, but when he was about to pull the green pheasant to escape, he found that the green pheasant had already appeared in front of Lei Luo. .


"Qingzhi, you are a **** lunatic! I won't accompany you here to fool around!"

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