"Where are Uncle Rayleigh and the others now, let's go find them!"

Luffy can't wait to see Shanks, and now he has the strength to return the straw hat.

Similarly, Sabo is also very excited. If Laylo can really revive the dead, then doesn't it mean that Ace can also, the three brothers have another chance to get together after they separated at a young age!

However, just as Hancock took out Rayleigh's life card, a water bomb was shot from a distance, shattering it.

"Finally found the two of you, and it seems that there is an unexpected joy!"

On the top of the mountain not far away, a group of men and women in red suits looked down at the three of Luffy below, with a sinister smile on the corners of their mouths.

"CP1, Rockstar!"

Luffy and Sabo gritted their teeth and said the name of the man with the red free-like hairstyle.

That's right, you heard it right, it's called Rockstar, a newcomer to the Red-haired Pirates two years ago, dressed as a pirate, but in fact he was a big undercover agent thrown into the sea by the World Government for more than ten years.

Anyone who participated in the second big event will never forget how the red-haired Shanks, who came to prevent the tragedy from happening again when Luffy's faction was about to lose, was penetrated by his cronies behind him. chest.

However, even the five old stars did not expect that the strength of the red hair was so perverted. Even if there was not much time, he still turned the tide of the battle with his perverted tyrannical arrogance.

If it hadn't been for Lord Yim to take action in the end, I'm afraid the final result would have been the complete defeat of the World Government.

It can be said without controversy that, in the first major event, Kirby stood up and fought for the last few seconds without fear of life and death, changing history.

In the second major event, only Closda is qualified to recognize the person who changed history.

It was also in the follow-up battle that everyone understood that this weak person who calls himself a big pirate in the eyes of the world is terrifying to the level of a general!

"Sabo, he handed it to me, and the rest to you."

"Luffy-chan, what about me?"

"Stay here, they're too dangerous."

After the words fell, the figures of Luffy and Sabo collided with CP1 in an instant. Only Hancock was holding his forehead with his jade hand, and there was a possibility of fainting at any time.

A straight man like Xiang Luffy will never understand that his concern is the most dangerous attack for Hancock.

Holy Land Mary Joa.

The World Conference has been over for a long time, but the people of many countries are very surprised, why their kings have not returned, only the navy has come to their territory, and temporarily dominates everything in the name of protecting the safety of one side.

"Imm, there is a throne set up by our ancestors 800 years ago to build peace. Do you want to break this precious peace!"


Just as the little king of the unknown country finished his words, his head exploded without warning, and the mixture of brain and blood splashed on the ground, causing the kings who spoke other words to choose silence. .


"Peace? Do you believe in this ridiculous word?"

"This is a world where the strong eat the weak. Only we Tianlong people are the real gods. Between gods and humans, there are two kinds of existences that are destined to be unequal!"

"Master Yimu is the king of our Tianlong people, what qualifications do you stupid mortals have to question the king of gods!"

"The four of you are too fierce, learn from the old man and do it directly!"

The five old stars sneered at the overwhelmed kings with their heads bowed in front of them, their faces filled with sarcasm.


Finally, someone chose to give in, kneeling in the hall with all five bodies on the ground. He turned a blind eye to the disgusting mixed liquid on the ground, allowing it to stain his forehead and long hair.

With the leader's kneeling, the last trace of dignity in the hearts of other kings was shattered. Now they are no longer human, but ordinary mortals, ordinary people who do everything to survive!

"Good, good, good!"

Sitting on the throne, Im was laughing wildly. The reason why he dared to agree to Lai Luo's three-year contract was that apart from his absolute affirmation of his own strength, his biggest trump card was the powerhouses of the more than 170 allied countries.

If you want to ask those countries that have never joined the World Government or who have withdrawn later, maybe you can still linger for a few days before, after all, they have the protection of the revolutionary army.

But now, they have only two choices, surrender or die!

puff quack quack...

Suddenly, there was a sound of a phone bug in the next room, and the long-haired five old star turned back to Yimu, bowed his head and saluted, then turned and left.

"Master Five Old Stars... no... not good... boy in straw hat... he... uh!"

Before the words fell, the person on the other side of the phone bug was obviously terminated suddenly, but the call that still didn't hang up made the long-haired five old stars still waiting quietly.


Sure enough, after more than ten seconds of silence, a young angry voice came from the phone bug again.

"I don't care if you are Wu Lao Xing or Yi Mu, listen to Lao Tzu now, sooner or later, Lao Tzu will definitely beat you up!"

"You brazen brat, who do you think you are!"

The long-haired five old stars are quite disdainful, even if the other party killed the terrifying existence of Rockstar, he did not take it to heart.

A mortal is a mortal, and it is absolutely impossible to compete with God in a very poor life!

"Listen, I'm the man who wants to become the Pirate King, Straw Hat Luffy!"


Looking at the phone bug that was hung up, the long-haired five old star just snorted.

The next day, all the TV stations or newspapers were broadcasting a message - the empty throne welcomed its owner, the only god-king in the world, Lord Im!

On this day, everyone in the world saw the approval of all the heads of state, and the civilians who dared to resist also deeply understood why they did not wait for the king, but only for the navy.

When it arrives, the ruthless navy will take the life of anyone who protests without hesitation.

Finally, the originally extremely unequal system was broken, and the world was completely covered by a brand new dynasty!

Chapter 343 Finding Ancient Weapons

After finishing the CP1 led by Closda, Luffy and Sabo also showed a look of exhaustion on their faces.

CP is the strongest force under the world government. Although there are few people, they are all strong among the strong. If the base is not discussed, the navy is in front of them, that is, there are a few more similar Karp. Just a metamorphosis.

However, what about this individual factor? As far as the rank of generals is concerned, the Navy will always be one move away from chess.

"Hancock, let's set off now, don't let Laylo and the others wait too long."

Facing Sabo's urging, Hancock just looked at Rayleigh's life card in his hand, and his brows became even tighter.

According to the guidance of the life card, Rayleigh is still in the East China Sea category at this time, but his position seems to be constantly rising.

That's right, the secret development place that Laylo envisioned was exactly the infinite land that Anilu longed for, which was the moon.

"You mean that they are now in a higher position above the empty island?"

Even Luffy, who has always been carefree, was somewhat surprised after hearing Hancock's explanation.

Can humans really survive in that kind of place? Besides, the three of them seem to have no way to step into that taboo place for humans.


Suddenly, the space in front of the three of Luffy began to vibrate faintly, and everything around seemed to be stagnant.

After a while, the flowers, plants and trees resumed moving with the wind as before, but there was one more person on the island.

"My clone will take you to the infinite land."

Lai Luo whispered, and then a dazzling golden light erupted from his body, wrapping the three of them away from here.

At this time, on an unknown island on the sea, roaring artillery fire mixed with thick smoke rose up, and the ground was covered with the bodies of naval soldiers.

"Edward Weibull, don't want your mother to die, you'd better surrender!"

The person who spoke was the captain of CP2, a woman with an extremely ugly face, known as Vimalakirti, the wicked woman.

"My dearest son, in order to protect mother's safety, you must kill all these abominable navy!"

Behind Weibull, a short woman with sunglasses and a wrinkled face pretended to be dying, and her words were bound by love, pushing the continuation of the battle.

call out!

However, at the moment when everyone was ready to take action, the navy took the lead in rushing out a laser beam, which bypassed the layers of obstacles with great precision. eyebrows.

"Mom! Mom! What's the matter with you? You... **** Navy, I'm going to kill you!"

At that moment, the overlord's arrogance burst out, Weibull's eyes have been blinded by hatred, what he has to do is to let everyone present to bury his deceased mother!

"Damn it, who did it?"

Vimalakirti took the lead, and the long sword in her hand blocked the big sword that came from the head. The brute force actually shocked her into pain.

Anger can affect people's emotions, it can devour reason, and it can also erupt in combat power that surpasses one's past.

The broadsword moved as he wanted, and while the attacking force was heavy, the coordination was quite clever. For a time, Weibull actually completely suppressed the entire CP2 organization by himself.

That man... that's Laidlaw!

While dodging, Vimalakirti inadvertently saw Lai Luo who was smiling at all of this not far away, and in an instant she understood all the things just now and what Lai Luo meant. He wanted to sit and watch the snipe and clam. fight.

"Hey, it's him, he killed your mother!"

"Kill, all of you are going to die!"

No matter how Vimalakirti yelled, Weibull couldn't listen to him. Now, he just wants to cut all the people alive in front of him in half, so as to dispel the hatred in his heart!

For this accident, Lai Luo just happened to encounter it, and it just happened to shoot, and the next battle was meaningless to him.

At the moment, the most important thing is to go to the Seven Waters and Fishman Island to find two ancient weapons.

In the face of the final decisive battle in three years, everyone understands the sky-defying effects that the three ancient weapons will have. Therefore, it is not only Lai Luo who has acted. People from the World Government have already secretly chosen to start. .

"Bingshan, honestly hand over the blueprints of Pluto Bruton, or the finished product created by your ancestors, otherwise I'm not sure whether Keke Luo and your little secretary can survive the gun! "

The capital of seven waters was occupied by the swarming navy a few months ago, and all the boatmen were in prison. the truth.

It is rumored that Pluto Bruton is a super battleship, and it can wipe out a small island in the world with one shot. This is the worst battleship in history that represents power!

Now, the original design drawings were destroyed by Franky a few years ago, but according to the revelations of the young people, the iceberg has a rubbing seal, and the battleship of Hades seems to be silent somewhere.

"Bingshan, the current navy is no longer the representative of justice. Don't be blinded by the love of children. What you have to do is to be worthy of the whole world!"

Cocolo said his last words, and resolutely chose to take the long spear from the Navy's hands and buckle it at the temple of the little secretary.

As the only iceberg who knew Pluto's secret at that time, the biggest burden was himself and this little secretary. Cocolo, who knew in his heart, did everything he could, and after personally ending the life of the little secretary, he swallowed a gun and committed suicide!

Geek! Geek!

Just when Cocoro closed her eyes and was about to start her plan, a variable happened. There seemed to be something wrong with the pistol, and the trigger could not be pulled, which made her fall into despair again.

Could it be that even God chose to stand on the side of the Navy?

"Fortunately I got it!"

Lei Luo, who held the gun tightly in his big hand, breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, his expression suddenly changed.

On Fishman Island, Lei Luo, who had just landed in the light escape clone, hadn't had time to take any action, and the fishman dressed as a beggar suddenly fell in front of him.

"Lord Lei Luo, I beg you, save Fishman Island, save Bai Xing!"

"You are... Shark Star, the great prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom!"

The loud shouts of the two sounded one after another, but what attracted the helpless sighs of the pedestrians on the roadside turned their heads and left, as well as a large number of naval troops rushing in from a distance.

As the mermaid princess Bai Xing, the sea king Poseidon, it seems that at this moment, it is more fortunate than fortune.

Chapter 344 Hope

In front of the real powerhouses, especially the powerhouses who have broken through the limits of the world, the number is always just one character, and the battle can be easily won with just a thought of the powerhouse, just like Lai Luo now.

"Tell me, Shark, what happened?"

It turned out that Fishman Island withdrew from the World Government because it was under the command of the Alliance of Peacekeepers. It was for this reason that they were bloodily cleaned by the navy. Except for the abducted White Star, the entire royal family was only left with Shark Star. .

This is how the world government deals with it, any kingdom that does not yield will only end in demise!

"Let's go, you follow me to take back Fishman Island first. As for Baixing, we'll talk about it later."

When the words fell, the flames condensed by the golden light mixed with the blue flames, burning the soldiers who fell in front of them into nothingness.

"Huh? Why haven't you left yet?"

After walking a few steps, Lei Luo, who found that Shark Star was not following him, suddenly thought of something, and this body pulled away the dirty rag that covered Shark Star's body.

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