"Children, you must have suffered a lot during your father's absence."

Suddenly, somewhere in the vortex, a tall soul appeared, and there was a sparkling light in the eyes that looked at Margao and his group.


A roar containing longing rang out from the mouths of all the white-bearded crew members at the scene. At this time, they all knelt on the ground, holding back their tears, just hoping that the old man who sheltered him when he grew up could see him. It's a good life, even if it's suffering, it's still very good.

"Dad, run slowly and pay attention to your body!"

At that time, another young figure rushed out of the whirlpool. While his tone was a little reproachful, he did not forget to support the white beard.

Hearing this familiar voice, Margao and his group shuddered suddenly, and they couldn't help it any longer.

To be able to see my deceased father and brother again, even if I die in this battle, I have no regrets!

However, on the side of the peacemakers, apart from Margao, there were also two people who looked at the young figure who appeared later, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, and their tears were like springs.


Hearing the call buried deep in his memory, Ace turned his head sharply and looked at the two best brothers in his life.

"Mr. Lai Luo, my two brothers may not be very obedient, I hope you will take care of them in the future, Ace will thank you in advance!"

Just after smiling and waving at Sabo and Luffy, Ace turned around and bowed deeply to Laylo with the help of the white beard.

A rare reunion, Ace will never let his brother see his unsatisfactory appearance with sand in his eyes.

"Kapp, Sengoku, and everyone, long time no see!"

"Captain Roger!"

"Roger, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Ace."

Another soul emerged, and it was the famous One Piece Roger.

"It's rare to meet, don't say such words, there are a large group of old friends behind me!"

Roger hugged Ace's mother beside him and laughed, looking back at the old-time powerhouses that kept flying out of the vortex in the air.

At this moment, whether it is an enemy or a friend, a **** feud or a great kindness, it is already a smoke of the past. If we meet again, we are all friends, and an old friend who accompanied me through a glorious period of time!

"Teacher Zefa!"

"Father and mother!"

"Child, Dad is here!"

With the appearance of souls, everyone sees the person they want to see most in their life.

Laidlaw does what they promise!

"Let's all say goodbye, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to see you again in the future."

Lai Luo smiled helplessly. After these souls entered the spiritual wave, they would no longer exist in the world or the underworld.

This is the method of accumulating corpse energy and turning spiritual waves. Human beings use the trick to kill gods. Everyone gathers all their strengths and bursts out a unique trick that is enough to kill gods!

"Father, father, father, are you annoying! Everyone in the world listens to Laozi. If you don't want to die, then bring all your strength to me!"

After being silent for a while, Im's roar resounded throughout the world, and at this moment, he also raised his arms high like Laylo.

At this moment, everyone around the world except the Alliance of Peacekeepers raised their arms subconsciously and pointed their palms in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Ten days ago, the Five Old Stars forced everyone to do so after hearing Yimu's order, or else they would end up killing the whole family.

In the face of this kind of punishment that is even more vicious than the death penalty, the people who are just ordinary citizens can only choose to surrender and let the light blue light swept out of their palms, and the sense of powerlessness constantly impacts their brains.

"Not good! Im is condensing the vitality bomb!"

Seeing that the energy bomb that Imto lifted was getting bigger and bigger, Lai Luo exclaimed, and hurriedly turned to face the souls who were still trying to look at his relatives and friends, and nodded solemnly.

"Goodbye, everyone!"

The voice that hit the depths of the soul sounded. Under the leadership of Roger and Whitebeard, thousands of souls were transformed into the cleanest energy, submerged into the energy ball in Lai Luo's hand, and became part of the corpse-accumulating energy and the spiritual wave.

On the one hand, it relies on the strength of living people, condensed vitality bombs.

On the other side, the souls of deceased people are gathered together, and the accumulated corpse energy is formed to turn spiritual waves.

Between the two, it seems that they are born to represent the enemy of life and death. Once they appear, the sky will be shattered!

"Go to hell, let me hate Laylo for the rest of my life!"

"The victory of this battle will definitely be me, because this is everyone's strength!"

Im and Laylo's roars sounded in unison, and even the timing of the move was exactly the same.

With such a high degree of tacit understanding, Lai Luo even felt that if the two of them knew each other, they would definitely be no weaker than Ace, Sabo and Luffy, as well as brothers like Naruto and Sasuke.


Two powerful energy bombs collided with each other, this is the strongest trick they can use!

Everyone, whether they were government troops, peaceful people, or ordinary people, held their breaths, quietly watching and waiting for the result of the collision between the strongest and the strongest.

Chapter 349

The sky is like a **** setting sun, exuding its own warmth, and a few old geese flew by, and the miserable cry from their mouths seemed to be telling the unwillingness and longing of the dead soldiers.

On the ground, the light white cards scattered wantonly were dyed scarlet with blood, and the red ones were horrifying. The broken weapons scattered everywhere, faintly screamed, sending a final ride for themselves and their masters.

The corpses were scattered all over the field and no one was collecting them, and there was no sound of life within a thousand miles. Only a few of the millions of soldiers struggled to look at the energy bombs that were still facing each other at a high altitude, their fists clenched extremely tightly.

Must win!

Feeling the weakening heartbeat of their own, watching the aftermath of the energy that is constantly destroying the island, even if they know that their life is not long, they still have an incomparable belief in victory!

"It's not enough! I need more power!"

The clothes on Lai Luo's arms had already been blown to dust, and the blood was flowing rapidly in the violent veins.

"Boss, here we come!"

At this moment, a series of familiar voices suddenly sounded, and the blue rays of light burst out. After finally showing his own smile to Lai Luo, he rushed into the corpse accumulation energy and turned spiritual wave.

Looking at the faces that accompanied him in the past, Lai Luo didn't have any emotion, because he understood that only by completely defeating Im, could he repay the power that everyone gave him by giving up his life!


The deafening sound of the explosion came, and Nuo Da's corpse-accumulating energy turned spiritual wave added a bit again, breaking the original calm situation.

The power of the move has reached this point, even a little bit of enhancement is extremely terrifying, and a little bit is enough to break the deadlock and establish victory.

"This is impossible, impossible! How can the power of the entire world be inferior to the power of the undead!"

The veins on his trembling arms were shattered, and the pressure was already beyond the limit that Im could bear. At this moment, he couldn't do anything, including running away, except for his unbelievable rage.

Success or not is now an irreversible foregone conclusion.

"I will never lose!"

Not only that, but an incomprehensible violent force suddenly erupted from Im's body, supporting him to forcibly straighten his arms and gnashing his teeth in the void.

Between life and death, there are great mysteries in the world, and only at this juncture can a person's full potential be stimulated.

"This is impossible!"

Another unbelievable roar, but this time it came from Lai Luo's mouth.

All words, quickly trigger ten times the combat power!

Lin Zijue, why hasn't the divine ban been triggered yet?

Dou Zi Jue, aren't you the great terrifying technique known as invincible power!

Lei Luo, whose fingertips had begun to be eroded by energy and collapsed, roared in his heart. This blow was a move condensed by the life of a peacemaker, and he must not end in failure.

However, the reality is always so cruel, no matter how Laylo stimulates the secret technique in his body, he still cannot prevent his body from turning into dust.

"Is my journey over?"

At the moment when Laylo's forearm completely disappeared, his whole person seemed to be thrown into the endless deep sea, and the images of the past, either beautiful or difficult, flashed quickly in his mind.

I don't know what happened to Kaguya, Hong and the others.

I don't know what kind of path Naruto took when he grew up.

There is also Xiao Mi, after so many years, I don't know if he still remembers what his father looked like.

I really don't want to die!

The light in front of him was getting darker and darker, and Lei Luo only felt that his whole body was extremely weak, and he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

And behind him, the endless dark abyss, like the giant mouth of the devil who has been waiting for a long time, wants to swallow everything he has.

Suddenly, a long rope appeared in front of Laylo, with a tender little hand.

"Little future, my father may have to break the appointment."

Lei Luo, who was struggling with all his might, couldn't reach the scene in front of him. In the end, he could only choose to close his eyes and silently accept all this while recalling the past.

"Dad, it's all your fault, you broke my kite, I'm going back and tell the mothers!"

"Where did you learn to complain? Huh? Isn't it just one kite? How about buying you a hundred kites of all kinds when Dad finishes fighting the bad guys tomorrow?"

"Then let's pull the hook."

"Okay, alright, hang on the hook, you can't change it for a hundred years, whoever changes is a pig!"

Lai Luo smiled and sighed, he was really an incompetent father.

However, if he could do it again, he would still choose to deliberately break the future kite and squeeze out a little time to accompany the child.

Let's try it one last time, even if it's all just my fantasy.

Knowing in his heart that he would never be able to hook up with the future again, Lei Luo still endured the severe pain all over his body and raised his broken right hand with all his strength.


What Derelo didn't expect was that this time he touched the little hand of the future, because behind him, there seemed to be a large hand made of warm forces that were constantly holding him up.

The moment Lei Luo touched the little hand of the future in his fantasy, everything around him dissipated and returned to normal, but now he knows that behind him, he will always have his wife, children and friends. support!

"Imm, go to hell!"

The dust in the space spun, and Lei Luo's hands emerged again. At this moment, he felt that he was full of power, which was enough to overcome everything!

"How can this happen? How can this happen? How can this happen!"

The corpse qi turned the spiritual wave and devoured the vitality bomb in an instant, and a more terrifying energy popped up in the air, as dazzling as the second sun.

An unwilling and incompetent roar sounded from Yimu's mouth. At this time, he had already seen the huge sharp sickle of the **** of death, slashing towards his throat.

Is this what it feels like to die? No wonder so many people gave up everything, even dignity, in order to survive.

As the corpse qi turned the spiritual wave closer and closer to him, Yimu calmed down from the panic instead.

He was ready to accept death.

"Do you know why you lost? Because my strength is everyone's dedication, not just like you, just forcibly ask for it!"

Laidlaw's voice drifted into Im's ears, a bit harsh and a bit sarcastic, but none of that mattered.

If you lose, you lose, and the weak will explain it, and Lord Im, he will only choose to accept it decently.

Chapter 350

call out!

No one would have thought that at the moment when the corpse qi turned the spiritual wave and was about to devour Im, Lai Luo suddenly shouted, mustering all the power of every cell in his body, and forcibly threw it into the sky!


The splendor like a meteor exploded the sky, and above the Holy Land Mary Joa, there was a hole like the ancient times, but that time there was a Nuwa mending the sky, but this time only two weak figures fell to the ground.

"Are you pity me? I don't need your mercy!"

Im lying on the ground with all the muscles and veins all over his body broken, viciously cursing Leroy who was supported by the iron sword in his hand not far away.

"Useless death can't change the rules of reality, I just hope you can turn back."

Lai Luo's voice had no emotion at all. He had just experienced death, and he deeply understood the feeling of powerlessness and yearning for life.

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