
Even though I, Lu Ya, was the one with the best defense and strength among my companions, I was still unstoppable by the day tiger in my body.

No longer worrying about the lack of energy in the body, Lai Luo can use all his strength for every attack. Facing these culprits whose abilities are only comparable to the vice-captain of Death God, Lai Luo can solve it with only physical techniques!

Seeing the death of their companions, there is nothing unusual about these culprits. As long as the chains on their bodies are not broken, then they are immortal, and they only need to survive the torture at the bottom of **** to be resurrected.

"Friend, don't waste your efforts, even if you can kill us this time, our ability will become stronger after the torment at the bottom of hell, and death and resurrection again and again will only make us stronger. !"

A fat man came to Lai Luo's back at some point, and while he stretched out his arms, **** mouths appeared all over his body. There was no doubt that as long as Lai Luo was hugged by him, he would definitely The first time was eaten up the flesh and blood of the body.

"Light Shield: Resist Halo!"

A dazzling golden light flashed from Lai Luo's body, turning into a halo and rushing around, and the fat man behind Lai Luo screamed and was immediately bounced out.

Before he landed, Laylo was already standing in front of him.

"It's okay to brush your teeth, so many mouths, are you trying to stink?!"

With a punch, the fat man with a mouth all over his body hung up, and his soul turned into a streamer and got into the pitch-black stone pillar beside him.



At the same time as Lei Luo took care of Fatty, two tentacles emerged from the ground and went straight to Lei Luo's lower body.

"It looks so wretched, and it's so wretched to attack!"

With a thought, Lai Luo turned into golden light again, dodging the attack under his feet, and at the same time, a golden light shot out from his fingertips, targeting a ground beside Lai Luo.

"Light Escape. Laser Light"


There was a scream of pain, and then the ground quickly shattered, and the tentacle monster with a large hole in its chest jumped out of the ground.

At this time, the ultramarine blue, hands, feet, and all parts of the body are covered with tentacles, and there is also a tentacle sticking out from the two mouths, and the image is a tentacle monster.

"It looks so disgusting! Can you stop coming out to be scary!"

Lei Luo turned into a golden light. Before Qun Qing could react, he grabbed the chain on the tentacle monster, golden light emerged, and the chain that bound the tentacle monster suddenly shattered, turning into black light and disappearing in front of the three of them.

"I'm free! I'm finally not to blame anymore!"

Seeing that the chains tied to his body were broken, the tentacle monster was very excited, and turned his head to look at the red lotus, his excitement was beyond words.

"I'm finally not to blame anymore! I can finally return to this world!"

"Yeah! You're not to blame anymore, but you won't be able to return to this world!"

Lei Luo's voice sounded in front of the tentacle monster, and at the moment when Red Lotus wanted to rush over, a punch was thrown, and the tentacle monster's body instantly became torn apart.

Without the shackles of the chains of hell, the death of Ultramarine becomes a real death, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

"Why did you kill him?"

Red Lotus shouted a little excitedly, Qun Qing is his confidant, and also among his subordinates, the strongest and most loyal to his subordinates, how can such a good subordinate die, how can Honglian not be angry!

"It's nothing, I just don't like his appearance..."

When it comes to tentacle monsters, Laidlaw can't help but think of those hot cartoons, and his perverted feelings are beyond words!

Chapter 357 Attention from people in the dark!

In the **** covered with stone pillars, Red Lotus stood motionless in front of Lei Luo, and on him, a layer of raging flames was burning.

The scorching aura melted nearly half of the white stone pillars close to him. This is the ability that Red Lotus acquired from the constant resurrection at the bottom of hell, Red Lotus Hellfire!

With the power of the Red Lotus Prison Fire, Red Lotus can fight the three of the Ultramarines alone, but there is no way to do it as easily as Lai Luo, let alone kill the most powerful Ultramarine of the three.

"This person in front of me can kill Qun Qing and the others so easily. I'm afraid I can't help him with my ability."

"In this case, it is better to continue to cooperate with him."

"Oh, it's just a pity that the ultramarines are..."

Red Lotus couldn't stop thinking about it, and although the red flames on his body continued to rise, he never shot at Lei Luo.

After a while, Red Lotus came back to her senses, and the focus of her eyes shifted from Lai Luo's body to Lai Luo's hands. The fire in her eyes was instantly replaced by a kind of joy called fanaticism. Those palms covered in golden light, It quickly caught most of his attention completely.

"Sure enough, you can really break the chains of hell!"

While muttering to herself, Red Lotus took two steps closer to Lai Luo, and it was obvious that Lai Luo was the person he dreamed of finding.

"These chains can be broken as long as they are at the level of Captain Death. Your strength should not lose to Captain Death. If you are not subject to the rules of hell, I am afraid that you can break these chains yourself."

Lai Luo had already probed the strength of the **** chain when he broke the chain before, so this is only now.

"What's the use of saying these, as long as we are still to blame, there is no chance to break these chains."

Guren didn't catch what Lai Luo said at all, looked at Lai Luo coldly and said.

"Is our agreement still valid? As long as I help you get to the bottom of hell, you will help me break the chains on my body."

Hearing that, Lei Luo nodded lightly.

"Naturally effective, as long as the barrier in front of you is broken, I will help you break the chains on your body and give you back your freedom."

"Okay! It's a word!"

Red Lotus removed the flames that had been lit, and sat silently waiting for my Luya and Taijin to be resurrected.

Seeing that the opponent lost his fighting spirit, Lai Luo also removed the simplified version of the God and Buddha mode and stood aside.

Time passed by in a hurry, and when Lei Luo had been waiting impatiently, a black shadow burst out from the pitch-black stone pillar. When the shadow stopped, I saw that I, the green-haired Lu Ya, had come back to life.

I Luya, who is tall and strong, has grown even bigger after this resurrection, but his eyes were extremely tired. When he first appeared, he couldn't even concentrate.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that I Lu Ya gradually recovered, and the look in my eyes gradually brightened. The moment I saw Lai Luo, I Lu Ya clenched my fists with both hands and subconsciously prepared to attack Lai Luo.


Gulian's voice sounded at the right time, stopping my Luya's actions.

"But boss..."

I wanted to say something more, but after seeing the look in Honglian's eyes, I still folded my fist unwillingly.

"It's not over!"

As I walked past Laylo, my Luya's voice whispered into Laylo's ears.

Lai Luo was too lazy to pay attention to him. Although his strength had indeed improved after the torture at the bottom of hell, in Lai Luo's opinion, he was still too tender.

Then, half an hour after I was resurrected at Lu Ya, Tai Jin, who was all over his mouth, was resurrected from the bottom of hell.

However, unlike my Lu Ya, Tai Jin was absent for longer after being resurrected, nearly an hour or so.

And the moment he returned to his senses, the first sight of Lei Luo was not an attack, but he was so frightened that he froze in place. Taijin would kneel in front of Laidlaw on the spot.

"Not yet!"

Honglian's voice sounded, Taijin's strength was the worst among them, if it wasn't for the fact that it was not easy for Hell to gain power, I am afraid that Honglian would have kicked Taijin out of the team long ago.

"Everyone has already gathered, what are your plans next, and how can you find clues to destroy this layer of enchantment?"

When Taijin stood behind Red Lotus, Lai Luo asked at the right time.

"There are more powerful culprits in **** than us. Some culprits are much stronger than me and have lived longer in hell. Maybe they will have clues about this enchantment."

"I'm going to find them now, you can follow me, or you can just wander around here, anyway, the meaning of **** can't help you."

After Gu Lian finished speaking, she turned around and took the lead to leave, but Tai Jin, who was behind her, spoke up.

"Where's Ultramarine? Shouldn't we wait for him?"

For Tai Jin's question, Gu Lian did not answer, and walked into the distance on her own.

"Don't wait for him, he is completely free..."

I, Luya, who was following behind Gulian, answered Taijin's question on behalf of Gulian, and I couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad.

These powerful culprits, without exception, are all sinners who have been tortured at the bottom of **** to gain power, and the stronger they are, the more times they enter the bottom of hell.

That kind of torture, that kind of pain, has long been deeply imprinted in their hearts, so they want to cut off the chains of **** on their bodies, one reason is to escape the great cage of hell, and the other reason is that among them, No one wants to go back to the bottom of **** again to experience that kind of piercing pain.

Perhaps for them, the real death is another kind of freedom! It's just that there is a slight gap between this freedom and what they want most.

Lai Luo didn't understand the thoughts of these blasphemers, and he was too lazy to understand their thoughts. He came to this world for a very clear purpose, to find a way to resurrect the future, and then find a way to return to the pirate world to resurrect the future.

Although there is no clue about the latter matter, the method of resurrecting the future is close at hand.

Not far from another dark stone pillar in hell, several culprits gathered beside a young man.

"Hei Dao, is your perception correct? The Reiatsu called Qun Qing under Red Lotus has really disappeared?"

asked a culprit who also had chains on his body.

"There's nothing wrong. I felt a very strong spiritual pressure just now. It's the same as the feeling when the meaning of **** was killed. It should be that person who killed Honglian's men."

"It's very strange. It seems that only the tentacle monster's spiritual pressure has completely disappeared under Honglian's subordinates. The spiritual pressure of other people has not completely disappeared. I am afraid they just entered the bottom and revived."

A guilty man in white clothes and long white hair replied, at this time he was slowly opening his closed eyes.

"In this way, there really is a person who is not to blame in hell..."

"It shouldn't be wrong, but judging from the current situation, that person may have reached some consensus with Red Lotus."

"Hey, that scumbag, Gulian, I'm afraid he can't deal with that person. I'm really looking forward to someone who can kill the meaning of hell..."

Chapter 358 The Stronger Blame

"I'll go first! You two are too slow!"

A culprit who was advancing with the black knife suddenly accelerated and disappeared in an instant.

Next to the black knife, another culprit pouted after seeing the opponent's actions, and turned his head to look at the black knife.

"I don't know what he is anxious about, and that person can't run away. Even if the other party is not to blame, **** will not let him in and out of **** casually."

Hei Dao didn't show any expression when he heard the words, he just said lightly.

"However, because of his shot, the meaning of **** has been killed three times. I am afraid that there will be more will of **** looking for him in the future, so we still have to speed up our pace and find him as soon as possible, lest he be killed by the meaning of hell. become the same culprits as us."

When speaking, the speed of the black knife suddenly increased a lot, and the two blame people advanced on the stone pillar one after the other.

They all have skills similar to Shunpo, the Shinigami, so they are very fast, and they will soon be able to see the dark stone pillar where Laylo is.

At this time, Lu Ya and the others were just resurrected, while Gu Lian was turning around and walking into the distance.

"Red Lotus, you're not being kind. You don't tell your old friends about such a good opportunity."

A voice came from overhead, and the culprit who was one step ahead of the two of them stopped at the top of Honglian's head, the purple electric light flickered on his body, and bursts of thunder sounded.

Aware of the difference on the top of her head, a red lotus inferno immediately rose from Honglian's body, and then a fist slammed into the air, and the blazing red lotus inferno appeared in the air along with the punch.

"It's been a long time since my old friend, so I don't even say hello when I meet you. I just add fists and feet together. It's a bit unreasonable."

The blamer in the air shifted his direction in an instant, dodging the red lotus' fire fist at the same time, purple thunder flickered all over his body, and the next moment, a purple thunder pillar the thickness of a bucket fell from the sky and slashed at the red lotus on the ground.



Red Lotus clearly knew the power of the purple thunder column, and the flames rose from her body, condensing into a wall of fire in the air, blocking the purple thunder column in the air.

However, the purple thunder pillar did not dissipate, and some small thunder and lightning overflowed, hitting many surrounding stone pillars with scorched holes.

"Zilei, what are you doing here? I'll manage this area that I said earlier..."

Red Lotus tried her best to resist the purple thunder pillar in the air, but the culprit in the air seemed very relaxed.

Hearing Honglian's shouting, the blamer known as Zi Lei chuckled, and the thunder light on his body gradually disappeared. At the same time, the purple thunder column with the thickness of the bucket also gradually became thinner until it disappeared.

"Red Lotus, don't think that you have the capital to negotiate conditions with us. You must know that we are the rulers of this layer of hell."

Zi Lei looked arrogant, completely ignoring the red lotus under him.

Although the two of them were sinners who entered **** at the same time, and the time when they became blamers is similar, but because Zi Lei entered the bottom of **** far more times than Red Lotus, the difference in strength between the two sides is still very obvious.

Due to various personal reasons, the number of times the guilt person can enter the bottom of **** is not the same. For example, Zi Lei, who is crazy by nature, has an extremely firm will, and can withstand the various tortures of the bottom of hell, so he dares to seek death at any time. , and then use the hand of the meaning of **** to enter the bottom of **** to improve strength.

Another example is Red Lotus, his character and will do not have the ability to seek death at any time, so after he is strong enough to protect himself, he has not been killed by the meaning of **** for a long time, and his strength is naturally incomparable to Zi Lei.

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