Hei Dao and others who were standing not far away were shocked when they saw that Lai Luo actually launched an attack on the gate of hell. They thought Lai Luo wanted to blow open the gate of hell, and then let him pass through and enter the bottom of hell. He shouted right now.

"Don't waste your efforts, the gate of **** is like the pitch-black stone pillar, except for the blame, no one else can pass through!"

They were also kind, but they misunderstood what Laylo meant.

But Lai Luo was too lazy to explain that when the ball of light hit the gate of hell, the explosion sounded, and the gate of **** did not respond at all as Lai Luo expected.

"Can't you?"

Lai Luo was a little frustrated, the gate of **** could not be opened, then his idea of ​​leaving **** and going to the present world, Jingling Court and even the virtual circle of the world of death could not be realized.

"There's one more thing, maybe it's useful..."

With a thought, Lai Luo thought of the same item he once obtained, perhaps that holy garment could allow him to pass through the gate of hell.

When he thought of it, he did it, and Lai Luo didn't hesitate. When his thoughts flashed, the Pluto holy robe was draped on Lai Luo's body.

A faint black air overflowed from the Pluto Saint Clothes, and quickly flowed all over Lei Luo's body. At this moment, the sound of the system sounded in Lei Luo's heart.

"Ding Dong, an emergency is detected, activate the mission: escape from hell!"

Escape from hell: Hades' holy clothes appeared in **** and attracted the attention of the will of hell. The will of **** distributed all over **** will rush to the host's location within ten minutes to kill and attack the host. The host must escape from **** as soon as possible to avoid The Cloth of Pluto was obtained by the will of hell, and thus the Lord of Hell-Pluto was resurrected.

"I kao! System, what the **** is this mission? Who is Hades? Why don't I remember that there is such a number one character in the anime of death?"

Lai Luo was surprised, this "Saint Seiya" Pluto battle suit has nothing to do with the **** of death, and he took it out just to try it, but it actually triggered a hidden mission! !

"Host, it's very troublesome to explain this matter, why don't you escape first? When the time is down, I'll explain it to you slowly?"

The system's voice sounded in Lai Luo's heart, a little gloating and a little smug.

Chapter 361 The bottom of hell!

"Escape hell? How to escape?"

Based on Lai Luo's understanding of the **** in the **** of death, it seems that the only way to leave **** is through the gate of hell. As for the cracks that appeared between **** and the world for no reason in the original plot, it is obvious that Lai Luo did not exist during the time when Lai Luo came.

But now the gates of **** are closed! And according to the information Lai Luo got from the blame, it seems that the gate of **** is not only connected to the present world, but also may go to the bottom of hell, and even enter the Jingling Court where the **** of death is located, or the virtual circle of life in the virtual gate. .

Time is pressing, the meaning of **** will rush to this place at any time, it will be a scene of gathering all the meanings of **** in hell, it will never be as simple as a few meanings of hell!

At that time, facing the meaning of **** surging like a swarm of bees, Laylo may not be able to escape without injury.

And as long as Lai Luo is in hell, he will never be able to escape the pursuit of the meaning of hell, which means that Lai Luo will face the permanent pursuit of the meaning of hell! And the meaning of **** can't really die. In other words, as long as Lai Luo is in hell, he will continue to fight with the undead monster, the meaning of hell, until the Cloth of Hades is taken away.

If the situation really develops to that stage, maybe Laylo will choose to throw away the Pluto cloak, but now, Laylo still decides to try something in his heart.

"Since there is some connection between Pluto's holy clothes and the world of the **** of death, then I might as well try whether the Pluto's holy clothes can open the door of this hell!"

With a flash of divine light, Lai Luo jumped into the air, wearing the robes of Hades and approaching the huge gate of **** in the air step by step.

Coming to the front, facing the huge gate of hell, Lei Luo noticed that the Pluto holy clothes on his body had suddenly changed a little bit.

Feeling carefully, I found that the Pluto Saint Cloth was shaking slightly, as if the gate of **** in front of him and the Pluto Saint Clothes were communicating silently.

It didn't take long for Lai Luo's underworld clothes to gradually calm down, and then a trace of black aura penetrated into the gate of **** from the underworld clothes. The next moment, the closed door of **** gradually cracked another slit.


Lai Luo was overjoyed, took two steps forward, raised his hand to push the gate of hell, there was a soft sound of 'squeak', and a light overflowed from the door, instantly wrapping Lai Luo who was standing in front of the door.

"He actually opened the gates of hell!"

In the distance, Hong Lian and the others were startled and wanted to step forward, but they dared not move even half a step.


A faint voice came from the gate of hell, like an old servant who had not seen his master for many years, whispering to his master.

In the light, Lai Luo knew that his thoughts were solid, and the Pluto holy clothes he wore became even more extraordinary in this light, and even gave him a feeling of blood connection.

"Master, the gate of **** is open for you at any time!"

Ruoyouruowu's voice continued to sound, reaching the bottom of Lai Luo's heart through Hades' holy clothes.

With a thought, Lei Luo instructed the gate of **** to reopen the passage leading to the bottom of hell, but after waiting for a long time, there was no change in the gate of **** and the gate, and the soft white light still overflowed from the door.

"Master, I can't let you enter the bottom of hell, because there is a realm enchantment set up by the Spirit King. If you fall into it, you will disappear into this world again."

The voice of the gate of **** sounded in Lai Luo's heart, explaining why Lai Luo did not open the channel at the bottom of **** for Lai Luo. However, Lai Luo didn't care whether Hades disappeared or not, so he still ordered the door of **** to open the passage in his heart.

"Yes! Master!"

The sound of the gate of **** sounded, and then countless chains of **** gushed out from the white light, and those white lights also turned blood red in an instant, a scarlet and hot breath spurted out from the inner door, Rao is that Lei Luo was already prepared. , and it was inevitable that he was half a step back by the sudden hot breath.

When he stood firm, and through the layers of scarlet heat, Lai Luo saw that countless ghosts were suffering different punishments in various areas at the bottom of hell.

Among them, the most attractive area for Lai Luo is the area closest to Lai Luo, where the red lotus karmic fire is burning on the ground, the pitch-black thunder pillars keep falling from the sky, and all kinds of auras will turn into various weapons constantly. Attacking the guilt person in this area, all the guilt people in the area are screaming loudly.

However, there is one exception. That person stood in the sea of ​​​​fire, facing the pitch-black thunderbolt falling from the sky without any fear, and even took the initiative to hit the thunderbolt falling in the air, and even at the moment of contact with the thunderbolt, that person would withdraw. The spiritual power on his body only uses his body and soul to forcefully receive the baptism of the Thunder Pillar, and often after the lightning strike, his body will be torn apart by the blast.

However, as a person to blame, as long as the mind does not collapse and the soul can still condense, it will not really die. Therefore, after each smash, the person will return to human form in a very short time, laugh wildly, and then face the blade formed by spiritual power. Keep looking for new Thunder Pillars.

"Purple Thunder..."

Lai Luo whispered the name of the figure, it was Zi Lei who was pulled into the bottom of **** by the gate of hell.

"Sure enough, a crazy person."

Lai Luo's impression of Zi Lei deepened a lot. Even if Lai Luo has experienced two worlds, he has never seen a few of such crazy people.

The scene in **** could not frighten Laylo, and the chains that rushed out of the gate of **** did not dare to approach Laylo. Step by step, Laylo slowly walked into the gate of hell.

At this moment, dozens of **** intents appeared around and rushed over like crazy. This time, they no longer cared about those white stone pillars, and their speed was countless times faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight **** intents have surrounded the gate of **** in the center, and a pair of iron fists clenched tightly, smashing Lei Luo, who was half-length into the gate of hell.

But they were a little late after all. The gate of **** had disappeared before their fists hit, and in the sky of hell, the terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly appeared after the gate of **** disappeared, killing Honglian and others who were not far away. Pressed directly to the ground.

"The Cloth of Hades reappears, is the war about to start again?"

The Reiatsu in the air quickly disappeared, leaving only a sentence that made Guren and others puzzled.

At this time, Lei Luo had already entered the gate of hell. In the scorching hot breath that kept coming in, he moved forward step by step, but found that no matter how fast he accelerated, it was difficult for him to get close to the bottom of hell.

"How is this going?"

Lai Luo inquired about the gate of **** in his heart.

"Master, this is the enchantment of the God Realm set up by the Spirit King, and it is for all creatures except the blamer, especially you..."

The King of Spirit, the creator of Jingling Court in the anime of Death, has the power beyond the God of Death "True God"! It is the only officially recognized 'god' existence in the world of death.

"What does the Spirit King have to do with hell? Why is there a God Realm barrier set up by the Spirit King at the bottom of hell?"

Chapter 362 Void, Blame and Death

"What does the Spirit King have to do with hell? Why is there a God Realm barrier set up by the Spirit King at the bottom of hell?"

Lai Luo was confused, he had an impression of the Spirit King. Although it did not appear in the animation of Death, but in the Manga of Death, there is a chapter of the Spirit King in the Millennium Blood War, and the entire length of the Millennium Blood War also revolves around the Spirit King, the 'true god'. 'Expanded.

It's just that in the comics, the Spirit King is a puppet-like existence with no limbs. He is placed in the Spirit King Palace like a living dead, guarded by the four most powerful gods of death.

However, in Lai Luo's view, the four strongest gods of death may not only be guardian spirit kings, but also have the meaning of guarding and detaining them.

I won't delve into these for now. Anyway, Lai Luo is in the world of death, and sooner or later, he will have the opportunity to clarify these questions.

At this stage, what Lai Luo is most interested in and wants to know is why there is a 'God's Domain Barrier' set up by the Spirit King in hell.

Regarding Lai Luo's question, Hell's Gate knew more or less, so after Lai Luo's question, the Hell's Gate's voice sounded again.

"Master, in fact, the Spirit King, like you, has evolved from the Void, and the Spirit King, like you, is an existence that surpasses the Vastrode (superior) Great Void..."

From the narration of the meaning of hell, Lai Luo found that his world view of the animation of the Shinigami seemed to be collapsing little by little.

Void is a kind of evil spirit body formed after human beings turn into undead after death, and because they are obsessed with something in the world, their mind gradually disappears, and finally the chain in the chest disappears and turns into a black hole.

This kind of spiritual body, from the initial change of mind and mind, to the final change in the body, grows a mask and incarnates into a void.

And once the mask is created, its behavior is not completely controlled by the original owner's consciousness, and the attack consciousness will be amplified.

And in order to fill the vacancy in his heart, he will prey on the person he loves the most. When he completes this stage, he will become an emotionless real emptiness.

The ability to become a true phantom is completely determined by the original owner's inner character (or subconscious), but if it can pass the initial infancy, the strength of the late phantom will be determined by the amount of other phantoms it eats.

This way of improving strength determines that the virtual existence is to keep killing each other, and it will not stop until the evolution is complete.

In the animation, the level of the virtual, from the lowest virtual, to the big virtual, is divided into two levels.

However, due to the different abilities, Daxu can be divided into Gillian (the most common level; lower level), Adjuchas (intermediate level), and Vastrode (upper level).

These three big virtual forms have been reflected in the animation, and the broken face is also a Vastodian-level big virtual, but its ability and form have evolved and improved due to the collapse of jade.

Whether there are still higher-level virtuals above the Vastord-level phantoms, this question may have been a mystery to those who love death anime.

But from the mouth of Hell's Gate, Laylo finally found the answer to this matter.

The answer to this matter, of course, is! And this kind of virtual also appeared in the anime!

According to the gate of hell, there are three levels above the Vastord-level Daxu, Scriabinto (advanced), Wangxu-Dominions, and Sanxu-Ofanim Ofanim.

However, since the concept of the virtual circle, the entire virtual circle has only evolved one Wang Xu, and tens of thousands of years ago, this Wang Xu has disappeared.

Under Wang Xu, there are two Skrito-level Daxu, one of which is the King of Spirits who created Jingling Court, and the other is the King of Pluto who rules hell.

These two Skrito-level Daxu, originally under Wang Xu's rule, they could live together peacefully, because even if they devoured each other, they would not evolve to Wang Xu's realm.

But after Wang Xing disappeared for no reason, friction between these two big Xings came into being. As Xings that evolved by devouring, even if their reason had been awakened, their instinctive desire to swallow was hard to restrain.

And in the face of the temptation to rule the entire virtual circle, even a Skrito-class big virtual is hard to resist.

With the acquiescence of both sides, the Daxu who followed them began to clash constantly, which finally turned into a war between the two camps.

Death God and Guiren originally had a unified name in the era when Wang Xu ruled the virtual circle, and they also admitted that they were the same existence, but after the outbreak of the war between the Spirit King and Hades, both sides redefined their identities for themselves.

Originally, the war between the two sides was only between the virtual circle and the big virtual, but the treacherous and cunning Spirit King followed the advice of his subordinates, let the humanoid humanoid enter the human world, and hypocritically rescued those who were harassed by ordinary virtual harassment. A bewildered human soul.

Afterwards, the use of spiritual power was handed over to those human souls who were not virtualized, trained them to become 'death gods', and established a Jingling Court with their own spiritual power, so that these human souls could live in it and prevent them from being affected by The effect of the virtual circle is blurred.

Perhaps the form of human beings is the most suitable for displaying spiritual power. These human undeads in the Jingling Court have entered the realm of cultivation very quickly, and even far exceeded the expectations of those who proposed to train human undead as combat power.

This discovery has also led to a large number of Vastord-class great virtuals wanting to transform into human forms. This is the first opportunity for the broken face to appear, and we will not talk about it here for the time being.

On the Pluto side, although they quickly discovered the Spirit King's plan, it was too late to follow suit.

In the end, the human undead organization named 'Death God's Thirteenth Division' intervened in the war between the Spirit King and Pluto, and because the 'Death God' had a large number of Wastord-level combat power, it directly led to the death of Pluto. One side's defeat.

Although Pluto himself finally tried his best to kill the Spirit King, he was unsuccessful in the end, but at the cost of his own disappearance, Hades still shattered the Spirit King himself and fell into eternal sleep.

Afterwards, the Pluto faction, the defeated party, ended up being sealed in hell, unable to escape for eternity, and in order to punish those who follow Pluto, the bottom layer of **** was built as a place to torture and blame people.

And those human souls whose beliefs are different from those of the **** of death or who are not accepted by the **** of death, after they enter the Jingling Court, their memory will be erased by the **** of death, and they will be imprisoned in **** through special methods, and will be tortured forever until their souls become the purest. the power of...

In fact, transforming the bottom layer of **** is not only for torturing the blame, its real purpose is to restore spiritual power to the severely injured Spirit King after the war!

Those souls who were tortured to death at the bottom of hell, the purest spiritual power they transformed into will enter the spirit king's body because of the enchantment of the god's domain, so that the spirit king will gradually restore the full strength of the Skrito-level Daxu.

Chapter 363

There was a wave in the void, and the gate of **** carved with the evil ghost Shura appeared over a city, attracting the attention of several gods of death patrolling here.

At the same time, Lai Luo stepped out and came to the present world of the world of death.

Due to the seal of the gods set at the bottom of **** by the spirit king, Lei Luo had to retreat and enter the world of the **** of death first to find the key props to go to the spirit king palace to kill the spirit king.

Kongza Town, the city where the protagonist lives in the Shinigami anime, is also the place where the Shinigami story line begins, and it is also a key prop to the Lingwang Palace, a necessary place for the birth of Wang Jian.

When the gate of **** retreated and disappeared, Lai Luo slowly landed from the air, and before he could stand firm, the voice of the system sounded in Lai Luo's heart.

"Ding, detect the figure of the death patrol, activate the task, kill the **** first!"

First Kill God: Kill the Shinigami patrolling in Kuza Town, the mission is completed, and you will get a god-level lottery point*1.

Hearing the sound of the system, Lai Luo did not hesitate, the Pluto robe quickly disappeared, and then his body turned into a golden light, swept towards the city at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.


While Laylo was flying through the city, near the edge of the city, three patrolling Reaper were engaged in a virtual battle with a hole in the chest.

This virtual did not enter the ranks of the great virtual, but the size is not comparable to the general virtual, and the strength is not inferior to the siege of the three gods of death.

"Damn it! Isn't there a weaker Kuzu in Kuzacho?"

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