The room was a little dim, but Chunxia saw the boy who made him go through hell at first sight. He poked the butt of a small worm on his chest with his fingers with interest, and the special feeling of rebounding hard after touching it seemed to make him feel very interesting. What made Chunxia disappointed and fortunate was that Shangguan Mo didn't even look at him. But he seemed to feel Chunxia's hidden thoughts, stopped the movement of his hands, and slowly turned his head to look at Chunxia. He said with a smile. "Chunxia, ​​should I call you that?" Chunxia calmed down and dispelled the faint fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice. "I am just an inconspicuous ninja from the Frost Village. Even if you kill me, you won't get anything you want from me!

Young man... I advise you to stop in time to avoid causing yourself a big disaster!"

Hearing his seemingly threatening words, Shangguan Mo immediately felt the weakness of the middle-aged man in front of him.

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke lightly.

"I may disappoint you. I have a technique that can control people's will. This technique is enough for you to reveal everything I want to know."


Chunxia laughed disdainfully, looking at Shangguan Mo with ridicule in his eyes.

"Then why don't you give it a try?"

Shangguan Mo narrowed his eyes and began to seal without any hesitation.

Ninjutsu. Spiritual summoning technique!


The next moment, the figures of Ah Huang and Ah Kun appeared in the room, especially Ah Huang, who almost completely occupied the entire room.

Shangguan Mo looked at the two summoned beasts with Yin Dun and communicated with them through their minds.

"Is there a way to make him lose control of his will?"

"Woof woof woof!

—— Boss, I can't do this. My ability to look down on people can only make him extremely angry with me and lose his mind and attack me crazily. I can't do anything else. At most, I can use my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes to blind his eyes!"

Ah Huang shook his huge head honestly.

"Guo Guo Da!

—— Master, I suddenly have a brilliant idea!"

Shangguan Mo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"What good ideas do you have?"

After finally meeting a ninja from the Frost Ninja Village, Shangguan Mo wanted to get some words out of him, so as not to alert the enemy again.


——Yes, Master! Although my ability can only make people taunt and immune to attacks, willpower is simply mental power. Although Ah Huang and I cannot make him lose his willpower and become a puppet at the mercy of others, the soul comes from mental power, and so does willpower. It is inextricably linked to his own beliefs. As long as we consume his willpower to the extreme, the final effect will be almost the same as those illusions that can control people's wills, right?"

Shangguan Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this. The principle of Ah Kun's statement was very simple, and Shangguan Mo understood it instantly after hearing it.

This is the same method as the torture of ancient times, but this method is a little more advanced.

Torture is to torture the other party physically, so that the other party can't bear the pain and confess.

And through the torture of mental power, the same effect can be achieved, and it is even more terrifying and extreme. If you are not careful, you may even torture people crazy.


——Ah Huang and I released our abilities at intervals to mentally strain this guy, eventually exhausting him and causing him to collapse!"

Shangguan Mo was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah Huang looked down on people with his dog eyes. I performed my dance art for him, making him feel mocked all the time. He would attack me and Ah Huang. In a short while, this guy would go crazy! Through long-term torture, his willpower and mental strength can be weakened to the greatest extent, causing mental confusion and disorder. Although it is a little troublesome, this is the only way, isn't it, Master?"

Ah Huang couldn't help but shiver all over, looking at Kun Kun as if he was looking at a pervert.

"Woof woof woof!

——Just to perform his own dance art, he was so desperate..."

It muttered in its heart.

"If you use Kun

The method Kun said would drive this man crazy, or even turn him into a soulless idiot if he is not careful! "

Shangguan Mo frowned slightly, then looked at Kun Kun who was eager to try with a half-smile.

This smile made Kun Kun's perverted smile slowly stop, and his face became unnatural.

"I think you just want to dance so much!"

Having said that, Shangguan Mo still agreed with its opinion. Although it was a bit cruel, he was watching from the side and could stop it at the critical moment. There was no need to torture people into idiots!


"By the way..."

Shangguan Mo seemed to have thought of something possible.

"After his mental breakdown, what happened at that time, will you know later? "

A Kun shook his head. He was an expert in Yin Dun and had a say on this issue.

"No, although his body would still be his, his soul would have long been lost in the void. He would not have any feeling about what happened to him, and would not recall it afterwards. Unless he woke up at a critical moment, he would not know what happened specifically."

"Well, OK, then you and Ah Huang can start!"

Shangguan Mo nodded.

"Guo Guo Da!

——Okay! "

A Kun's face was full of impatience, and there was a hint of curiosity in A Huang's eyes.

A Kun suddenly turned around, stretched out his wings and pointed at the sky. A mysterious force that came from nowhere instantly filled the whole room, as if some unknown applicant had projected the power to A Kun, the spokesperson. It gave people an extremely weird feeling, and everyone's eyes involuntarily looked at Kun Kun's performance.

Shangguan Mo's heart was shocked, and he quickly pulled Xiao Qi out.

Although he was immune to the ability of the spirit beast, he still didn't want to appreciate A Kun's dance art, and Xiao Qi was just an innocent ordinary person, so Shangguan Mo naturally wouldn't let him suffer an unprovoked disaster.

He even sent a gray wolf dog to Xiao Qi to play with him.

"Woof woof woof!

——Lao Deng! Is there something good? I saw you sent A Huang and A Kun away, and I knew you must be playing something fun! "

As soon as he appeared, Gray Wolf spoke impatiently.


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