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On the other side of the mountain forest, the originally dark night was slightly illuminated by the fire, revealing a group of more than a dozen people.

"Lord Tutai, that guy escaped!"

"Well, I saw it."

A young ninja who looked to be in his twenties and wearing a Kumogakure forehead protector spoke calmly, without seeming to be too surprised.

Tutai slowly opened his mouth.

"After all, they are the ones who can defeat those two guys. If they are really killed by me with a melt escape, it will appear that they are too incompetent..."

The faces of all the Kumogakure ninjas beside him showed complicated expressions.

A ninja next to him who also looked to be in his early twenties couldn't help but asked.

"That is the second-generation leader of Yuyin, Shangguan Mo, who is called a psychic ninja by Kirabi-sama? He actually has the ability to fly, and can actually defeat Kirabi-sama, who is the Eight-tailed Jinchuuriki. Yuyin Village is so How could such a talented ninja suddenly appear in an unknown village?"

Hearing the astonished words of his ninja, Tutai shook his head slightly.

"Why did it come out of nowhere? If you check his information carefully, you will find that that kid had a record of beating the leader of Konoha, Shimura Danzo, and escaping in embarrassment three years ago. , It’s just covered by Konoha.”

As soon as these words came out, all the Kumogakure ninjas looked even more surprised, and some people exclaimed.

"Three years ago! Does that mean that guy was able to deal with a veteran jounin like Shimura Danzo when he was still fourteen or fifteen years old?"

"It's not that he is very strong. His own strength can be described as weak. The key is that he possesses a very powerful psychic beast!"


What is not much different from the information those guys know is that Shangguan Mo's own strength is not weak now.

Although he has a record of defeating Shimura Danzo and Kumogakure's ab brothers, that does not mean that he already has the strength of Kage.

But with the [Wishful Insect] and the [Black-Hearted Slug], plus the possession of the [Civet Cat], Shangguan Mo's current strength is not far behind even if it does not reach the level of an elite Jonin, but he himself does not have Mastering some powerful ninjutsu or blood inheritance boundary, facing the elite ninjas of the great ninja village, he would have no advantage in a one-on-one fight.

And although he doesn't know what level of strength he can reach now that he adds all his psychic beasts.

But Shangguan Mo estimates that it will definitely not reach the strength of the five great shinobi village shadows at this stage.

Of course, except for the later [leg shadow] and [pot shadow]...

In a sense, it is not wrong to regard the current Shangguan Mo as a ninja with strength below the Kage level and above the Jonin level. After all, his main source of strength still relies on his many psychic beasts with different abilities.

Therefore, Shangguan Mo cannot underestimate these ninjas of Yunyin Village. After all, facing the previous [Relting Escape], even Shangguan Mo did not dare to test its edge easily.

Several hundred meters above the ground, the Wind and Thunder Divine Eagle slowly flapped its wings and froze its body in place. Its movements were so gentle that Shangguan Mo could hardly feel the flow of air.

Above the head of the Wind and Thunder Divine Eagle, Shangguan Mo's face turned slightly solemn and he murmured to himself.



In the half-dark sky, a stream of light suddenly flashed across, causing the expressions of the Kumogakure ninjas who were standing there to change. Their bodies tensed involuntarily, staring at the arrival of the stream of light.

The next moment, the gray shadow suddenly enlarged in their eyes, revealing a huge gray goshawk.

Immediately afterwards, several huge streaks of smoke that almost occupied the Kumogakure ninja's sight suddenly exploded in mid-air, revealing several huge psychic beasts.

Tu Tai's expression changed and he shouted.

"Be careful! That guy has bad intentions!"

The huge link body of the earth dragon quickly fell towards the earth. At the same time, the surging chakra also condensed in its mouth, and some magical changes in its properties rapidly occurred.

The next moment, a gray beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters spurted out from its mouth, completely covering the area where the Kumogakure ninjas were.

All the wrapped trees, grass and rocks along the way were instantly covered with a layer of gray-brown rock, and no trace of life was revealed.

The moment he saw this gray beam of light that was only in the intelligence, Tutai quickly made a judgment and shouted sharply.

"don't want

Look straight at him! Just treat him as the Uchiha ninja who is famous for his illusions! Use Lightning Release! "

The Kumogakure ninjas reacted quickly and formed hand seals one after another the next moment.

"Lightning Release. Lightning Pillar! "

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

Countless deep blue lightning streams converged into an extremely thick lightning column that reached the sky, and actually blocked the petrifying light of the earth dragon in mid-air.

Two extremely amazing ninjutsu attacks, one gray and one blue, collided with each other, but there was no sound at all, making some Kumogakure ninjas even feel that the scene in front of them seemed to be just an illusion.

Time seemed to be deadlocked.

But it must be said that lightning does overcome earth!

Everyone could clearly see that the two thick light columns that collided in mid-air were now dominated by the joint lightning escape.

The petrifying light of the earth dragon seemed to be constantly eroded by the power of thunder and lightning, and slowly retreated back into the mouth of the earth dragon.

"Sure enough, the nature of the lightning escape ninjutsu restrains the change of the earth attribute, not to mention that it is a lightning escape launched by so many ninjas..."

Shangguan Mo on the other side He thought to himself.

He could clearly see that under the influence of the lightning column, the petrified light spit out from the earth dragon's mouth was only one-third of its original thickness, and even the gray light waves in it quickly dimmed, as if the gunpowder soaked by rain could no longer exert any power.

After just one or two seconds, the petrified light of the earth dragon was actually dispersed by these people!

The blue lightning column was not yet exhausted, but it just brushed directly over the top of the earth dragon that was still falling in the air, and then shot into the boundless darkness, lighting up the world into a strange deep blue.

With a slight lift of the corner of his mouth, Shangguan Mo did not care too much.

Looking at the evasive eyes of the Cloud Hidden Ninjas on the opposite side and the joy that could not be stopped on their faces, Shangguan Mo's eyes gradually became cold in the sky.

"You launched a sneak attack of that degree as soon as you met. You really don't take me, the leader of Tangyin, seriously! "

He stood in mid-air with his hands behind his back, his face extremely silent.

He didn't want to cause trouble, but since Yunyin insisted on causing trouble for him, then he would fight!

Shangguan Mo shouted in his heart.

"All the summoned beasts are here! No need to hold back, attack with all your strength!"


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