The dead man was lying on the ground, and the dead man was lying on the ground.

[Void Jump]!

The Qingxu Mantis teleported and appeared behind the earthen platform in an instant. It showed a human-like ferocious smile on its face, and the two black scimitars on its feet flashed a dark green color.

The next moment, it raised the scimitar in its hand and chopped it hard at his neck.

But the earthen platform, which was leaning over and spitting magma, actually began to slightly raise its mouth.

He glanced sideways behind him, and he was actually prepared!

The next moment, the Qingxu Mantis's scimitar passed directly over his body, and a touch that seemed to be nothing came, and the Qingxu Mantis couldn't help but change its face slightly.

Knowing that he had missed, the next moment the Qingxu Mantis's body disappeared into the air again.

The essence of an assassin is to kill with one strike. If the strike misses, he must flee thousands of miles away.

Moreover, the battlefield here is completely covered by magma except for a few meters under the foot of Tutai, and it has no place to stay.

But Shangguan Mo's means are not only ground-to-ground, the Wind and Thunder Eagle has the ability of air-to-ground.

So even if the battlefield is completely changed to a situation that is extremely favorable to Tutai and others, making Shangguan Mo's spiritual beasts unable to get close, Shangguan Mo is not without a solution.

Countless white wind blades spewed out from the mouth of the Wind and Thunder Eagle in the air, flying towards Tutai and his group below like thousands of blades.

Clang clang clang!

The continuous bombing sound rang out in the field, and the rock wall in front of Tutai and others kept shaking, but there was no sign of destruction or collapse.

But at this moment, the figure of Qingxu Mantis suddenly appeared behind Tutai again, with a pair of cold pupils bulging, and the whole body was slightly twisted, and it was surprising that he had just appeared from the void.

The next moment, his two swords fell like a storm.

[Lightning Five-Knife]!

Tutai only had time to parry the kunai behind him, and he did not expect that Qingxu Mantis would attack at this time, and the wind blades in the sky continued to fall.

"Isn't this guy afraid of being hurt by friendly forces?"

This thought flashed through Tutai's mind.


The next moment he was hit by a strong force and flew backwards, and then hit the rock wall in front of him hard, this time, he fell on his face!

After a successful attack, Qingxu Mantis was not relenting. One hand parried the attacks of other Kumogakure ninjas, and his footsteps did not stop, but the other hand went to Tutai who was smashed on the rock wall again.

"Lord Tutai!"

The surrounding Kumogakure ninjas cried out in surprise, and attacked the blue mantis in front of them even more frantically, trying to force it away.


Countless attacks were missed, and the next moment, the figure of the blue mantis had already arrived in front of Tutai.

At this time, Tutai had recovered a little, but he could already feel the extremely dangerous breath behind him again.

He picked up a ninja sword on the ground with his backhand, and slashed it down without looking back.

The blue mantis put its left hand on its chest in an instant, and with a clang, it held the ninja sword, but its right hand punched Tutai's chest with a straight punch.


The rock wall suddenly exploded, and Tutai was directly shattered by its attack and flew out, and was about to fall into his own lava escape.

There is no such thing as ninjutsu that one's own ninjutsu will be immune to oneself.

Not to mention the large-scale bloodline boundary of Lava Release, which cannot be touched even by the caster.

When Tutai left the circle, the Kumogakure ninjas around him no longer had any concerns. They all launched lightning releases in anger towards Qingxu Mantis, and the bursting blue electric light almost covered the entire ground within a range of more than ten meters.

But at this time, Qingxu Mantis's [Hypomorphism] cooldown time had ended.

I saw its blue figure suddenly disappear in the air, and the lightning releases in the sky collided and intertwined with each other to produce blue sparks.

At this time, Tutai, who was hit more than ten meters away and was about to fall into the magma below, gritted his teeth and began to save himself.

I saw his hands forming seals like flowers, and he completed the ninjutsu in less than a second, and then his palms pressed towards the magma less than two meters below him.

A fierce gust of wind surged out of his palms.

"Wind Style. Fierce Wind Palm!"

With the powerful recoil force, Tutai's entire body flew into the sky.

Then he stepped on the only remaining shaky blackened tree trunk, crushing the already charred tree trunk with his foot. However, with the help of the force in mid-air, his body finally stabilized and shot straight towards the only remaining small circle of the Kumogakure ninja.


Without the ability to fly, Tutai could only choose this seemingly embarrassing method, but the effect was undoubtedly very good. Even though he was injured and in unbearable pain, he still stepped on the ground again with great effort.

"That was close!"

Tutai's face was somewhat frightened.

He knew very well how dangerous his lava escape was. Not to mention falling down, even if only one foot slipped into it, the next moment he would be melted into a pool of bone marrow by the extremely hot magma!

Or boiling bone marrow!

The kind that even ants find too hot to drink!

"Are you okay, Master Tutai!"

"Master Tutai vomited blood!"

A dozen Kumogakure ninjas surrounded Tutai and looked at him with concern.

But Tutai just shook his head slightly, his face solemn and he didn't mean to speak.

He looked up at the figure vaguely visible on the head of the huge goshawk in the sky, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

At this time, Shangguan Mo's offensive paused, but his summoned beasts consumed too much chakra, especially the Wind and Thunder Eagle, which had run out of chakra at this moment.

"This guy's summoned beasts are too difficult to deal with...

But fortunately, those summoned beasts do not have endless chakra like the tailed beasts, otherwise there would be no need to continue fighting!"

Whether he can survive this time, or to say, whether he can survive with his ninjas, Tutai no longer has the same confidence as before.

Only after experiencing the horror of Shangguan Mo's summoned beasts in person, he knew that he had underestimated the other party before.

"Can I still go back to the village..."

Tutai showed a bitterness at the corner of his mouth. He asked himself this question, but he couldn't give an answer at this time.

He only knew that he couldn't give up hope or resistance. Judging from the fact that Shangguan Mo stopped the offensive now, his summoned beasts were not omnipotent.

Whether it was his own lava escape or the insufficient chakra of those summoned beasts, they were all things that Shangguan Mo needed to worry about and be on guard against.

"Come on, that guy has already used all his skills, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

He turned his head to look at the Kumogakure ninjas behind him and spoke calmly.



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