The battle was over, and the situation was not good.

"The battlefield here has been dealt with, and no useful information can be found. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the enemy has mastered the earth escape technique with great power and scale..."

Standing at the place where Shangguan Mo and Tu Tai fought for the last time, Yu Mu Ren murmured slowly.

Although she is still young, as a senior ninja who has performed many S missions, her experience can be said to be very experienced.

She made such a judgment after just a little exploration, but she couldn't observe the specific battle scene.

Not only because the battlefield has been beaten to pieces, but also because Tu Tai's opponent left very little information.

"But at least... it must be the kind of powerful ninja who has been famous in the ninja world for many years, otherwise it would be impossible for Tu Tai to be unable to escape!"

Yu Mu Ren made such a judgment in his heart.

After circling around the burnt land for a few more times, she couldn't find any useful information, so she headed straight for the Frost Village.


Tangyin Village.

Shangguan Mo woke up from a deep sleep and slowly opened his eyes.

He slept until the sun was high in the sky.

But until now, he felt a little tired.

When he returned home last night, it was already a few o'clock in the morning. He personally experienced a big battle and traveled for such a long time, but he was very tired.

He temporarily put the matter of Frost Village behind his mind.

A pair of Kumogakure ninjas had just been killed, including a genius like Dodai. Kumogakure would definitely not let it go.

So this stage is definitely not a good time to attack Frost Village.

Due to physical fatigue, Shangguan Mo did not rush to get up this time, but began to think of things in his mind.

"The Lava Release Ninja in the original book, Dodai, actually died in my hands..."

Shangguan Mo murmured.

Lying on the bed, his face was still a little dazed. For some reason, he always felt unreal.

It was as if he was just a passer-by, but he changed the historical trajectory of the ninja world.

Such a big contrast made Shangguan Mo feel a little at a loss.

With a slight self-mockery, Shangguan Mo's face showed a complicated look.

"It seems that I still haven't really adapted to my identity..."

Yes, he is no longer the good young man Shangguan Mo in the 21st century on Earth, but the second-generation leader of the Yuyin Village in the ninja world, a genius ninja who has intelligence records in major ninja villages.

With his current strength, it can be said that every move has the ability to change the original plot.

It's just that he killed a well-known ninja in the original work. The contrast brought by this identity, Shangguan Mo couldn't adapt for a while.

At this time, Watanabe Mousse walked in from outside.

He also heard the news that Shangguan Mo suddenly returned in the middle of the night covered in blood, so he hurried over.

As the head of the Anbu of Yuyin Village, he is actually mainly responsible for the expansion of the village. Even the Anbu ninjas have no tasks to do at this time. Instead, they are all working as construction workers in the village.

It was the eve of the outbreak of the Ninja World War. No one dared to come to Yuyin to post employment at this time.

Watanabe Mousse walked to Shangguan Mo in two or three steps and looked at him with some concern.

"Are you not injured?"

Shangguan Mo shook his head slightly. Although Tutai's counterattack before his death was particularly fierce, Shangguan Mo had many means. Except for being a little tired, he was not injured. The blood on his body last night was also the blood splashed by Tutai when he was fighting with him in physical skills.

"That's good!"

Watanabe Mousse was obviously relieved. Shangguan Mo was the biggest pillar of Yuyin now. If something really happened to him, he couldn't imagine what the end of Yuyin Village would be.

"Don't sneak out of the village alone in the future. In case of any accident..."

Halfway through the words, Watanabe Mousse's voice suddenly stopped.

He also suddenly realized that Shangguan Mo's summoned beasts, which were extremely intelligent and powerful, were more reliable than the Tangyin ninjas.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized it.

But he teased with a mean look on his face.

"By the way, when are you going to get married, the leader of Tangyin? You are not young anymore, it would be good to get engaged to that girl as soon as possible, so that she won't be suspicious all day long!"

"......How is the expansion of the village going?"

Shangguan Mo's mouth twitched, and he immediately changed the subject.


Mo felt somewhat helpless.

He treated Li as his sister, but the people in the village did not think so. They all regarded Li as Shangguan Mo's child bride.

Now that Watanabe Mousse had also done this, Shangguan Mo felt powerless.

But there was no way to explain this kind of thing.

After all, the more he explained, the more he seemed to have something to hide, and others would think that Shangguan Mo was a strange pervert who liked to raise lolita.

"The expansion work has been put on the right track, and all aspects are proceeding in an orderly manner. With the unreserved financial support of the daimyo, all problems are no longer problems..."

As he said this, Watanabe Mousse looked at Shangguan Mo with a meaningful look.

Shangguan Mo smiled faintly and did not mean to say more.

With the wisdom of Watanabe Mousse, he had seen the wrongness of this at the beginning.

The daimyo has always been so stingy, never so generous as now, so it must be that Shangguan Mo, the leader of Tangyin, used some means to make the daimyo of Tang Country obediently submit.

But Shangguan Mo was extremely obscure about this matter, and even he didn't hear any wind. Although he was very curious, he was very satisfied that he could get sufficient financial support from the daimyo without causing any turmoil.

Unlike Chiyujing, who founded Tangyin Village, he did not have the kind of closeness to the daimyo, and he did not have the kind of kindness that Chiyujing had for the daimyo.

He was just a simple ninja. He was very happy to see that Tangyin Village became more and more vigorous. Even if Shangguan Mo secretly used some means to make the daimyo obedient, he didn't care at all.

Being able to control the daimyo was the ability of Shangguan Mo, the leader of Tangyin, and he, Watanabe Mus, was too late to be relieved.

The two then talked about the expansion work for a few more words, and the topic returned to the right track.

"Since Kumogakure has also intervened, let's put the matter of Frost Village aside for now, so as not to be caught by them. Next, we just need to be careful before the outbreak of the Ninja World War, and the war will not burn our Yugakure Village."

Watanabe Mousse also nodded in approval.

If Yugakure, a small country surrounded by major countries, wants to develop, it will inevitably have disputes with other forces, and finally evolve into a dispute between the country and the ninja.

Expansion without strength is called eating full and having nothing to do, but since Shangguan Mo has shown extremely good strength, Watanabe Mousse will not be too worried about the fact that he and Kumogakure are enemies.


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