The old man was very happy.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru didn't hesitate too much, and asked the white snake to lead the way for him, chasing in the direction of Watanabe Toneri.

He was very curious about Shangguan Mo.

"What kind of ability can cultivate such a powerful and strange summoning beast? Could it be... really some kind of bloodline limit?"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's cold eyes flashed a ray of excitement.

He was very interested in any new things, especially various bloodline limits and genius ninjas.

That would bring a lot of gains to his dream of immortality.

"If we can tie that kid to the operating table and dissect him, it would be a very interesting thing..."


Orochimaru left the burned forest without saying anything, led by the white snake.

After leaving the battlefield, the white snake leading the way simply identified the direction, and then quickly slid away following the smell of those people in his memory.

And Orochimaru followed without hesitation.

He knew the ability of this summoning beast with perception in the Ryuchi Cave very well.

The white snake twisted forward on the ground at a very fast speed, but Orochimaru's speed was not slow, and he looked even more elegant and graceful.

His figure was like a bird, flying between the branches, occasionally stepping on the treetops, but even the branches and leaves under his feet did not fluctuate at all, as if it was nothing.

The trees in the Land of Fields also grew very tall. After all, this was the Ninja Realm, where all kinds of natural energy were abundant, and trees and beasts often grew to be huge.

His figure was as fast as lightning, and the scenery around him flashed behind him like a phantom. Orochimaru looked down.

He could see every flower, grass, and even birds and insects under his feet clearly.

With a leap, he could often cover a distance of more than ten meters or even dozens of meters, and he was even more agile than monkeys in the woods.

His own physical fitness was already very high, and with the blessing of chakra, his speed was inevitably amazing.

But if seen by ordinary people, Orochimaru's flickering figure in the woods would be like a ghost.

The white snake on the ground raised its head in the air from time to time, its nostrils shrinking unsteadily, carefully distinguishing the smell in its memory.


An hour later.

The white snake stopped moving again. This time, it did not just pause for a few seconds like before. Instead, it stretched out its snake apricot and made a hissing sound.

Orochimaru on the branch raised his eyebrows and landed lightly on the ground beside it.

"Are we almost there?"

"Hiss, hiss!"

The white snake turned its head to Orochimaru, as if explaining something.

"The daimyo's mansion?"

Orochimaru frowned slowly.

If the other party was in the daimyo's mansion, it would be a big trouble for him, of course, that was when his identity was exposed.

"In other words, those people have been instructed by the daimyo of Tianguo?"

Orochimaru was a little confused.

With the size of Tianguo, it is impossible to pay too much money to create a ninja village, and those people are not local ninjas. How could the daimyo choose to trust them?

"Did I guess wrong... Are those people really just a force composed of wandering ninjas in Tianguo?"

Orochimaru's eyes turned, revealing a thoughtful look.

He has a reason for this judgment.

In the ninja world, the daimyo is a very special role.

In the hearts of the ninjas of the major ninja villages, the daimyo is a sacred and inviolable existence.

Although he is just an ordinary person without chakra, he has great power. Even the shadows in the five major ninja villages are respectful when they see the daimyo.

Although this is related to the habit of "ninjas are just tools" that has been passed down in the ninja world for thousands of years, it also reflects the irreplaceable nature of the daimyo in the ninja world.

The ninja villages of the five major countries all have a supreme leader - the shadow!

As the highest symbol of power in a village, the shadow is respected by tens of thousands of ninjas, but it is only the village chief of each ninja village.

Above the shadow is a more authoritative daimyo, also called the 'name master'!

They all rule this vast land and are the highest leaders in each country.

As the leader of its domestic subordinate institutions - the shadow, in fact, is just a subordinate of the daimyo.

As a powerful ninja who is only one step away from becoming the Hokage, Orochimaru naturally knows that the daimyos have never had a good impression of ninjas like them, and even privately regard them as "tools"!

Although the pattern of the ninja world has changed, the ninjas have finally ended the disputes between clans that have lasted for thousands of years.

From the previous identity of mercenaries to the people under the daimyos, they have received more attention from the daimyos of their own country.

The ninja villages of small countries are completely dependent on the daimyos above to survive, and even in the ninja villages of the five major countries, daily expenses and military expenditures basically come from the support of the daimyos of their own country.

In Orochimaru's impression, there are countless examples, all of which are because the daimyos cut the expenditure of the ninja villages under their control, thus stagnating the development of the ninja villages.

That is, Konoha, the relationship between the third generation and the daimyos has always been very harmonious, which has almost never affected the development of Konoha.

But other ninja villages are different. Without the economic support of the daimyos, the ninja villages will fall into the embarrassing situation of shortage of funds.

Moreover, if the ninja village under his command is too powerful, the daimyo will even intentionally or unintentionally reduce their military strength to consolidate their own rule.

In other words, nobles like daimyo have never trusted ninjas, even ninjas from their own country!

This is what Orochimaru was very surprised about.

"The daimyo of Tianguo must have been bewitched by those ninjas!"


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