The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Orochimaru slowly lowered his raised sleeves, and the scorching flames in front of him slowly dimmed.

"Is this also because of the summoned beast?"

Orochimaru stared at Shangguan Mo not far away, frowning slightly.

He had never seen a fire escape faster than the wind escape, and the flames in the sky suddenly spread to the extreme, completely submerging the snakes he summoned, without causing any waves at all.

As if seeing the doubt in Orochimaru's eyes, Shangguan Mo's mouth corners slightly raised.

"It's just an insignificant little thing."

Shangguan Mo didn't mind delaying a little. His chakra was always at the bottom of the battle, and with the existence of the Ruyi Bug, his chakra recovery speed would definitely be much faster than that of ordinary ninjas.

The opposite Orochimaru was still in good condition, so Shangguan Mo needed some time to recover.

Shangguan Mo raised his palm, and a white worm in the palm appeared in the orange firelight, and Shangguan Mo also drew a dim reflection in the firelight.

Although it was a little thin, it was sharp.

"This is my summoning beast, called Ruyi Bug. It can amplify different ninjutsu characteristics according to the host's thoughts. It may not be useful for ninjas like you, but for me, this little guy is a great help!"

After saying that, he raised his palm and shook it in front of Orochimaru.

Anyway, when the Tangyin ninjas leave the Land of Tang, the information about the two summoned beasts, Ruyi Bug or Black Heart Slug, will definitely be exposed and known to all the major ninja villages. Therefore, it is not worth worrying about Shangguan Mo telling Orochimaru something in advance.

But just after he finished speaking, Orochimaru in front of him swayed slightly, and disappeared from Shangguan Mo's sight the next moment.

"Old cunt!"

He cursed in his heart, knowing that Orochimaru had seen through his plan to delay time.

Shangguan Mo raised his attention to the extreme, and his five senses became slightly sharper in the night. His body was tense, and he looked like he would explode at any time.

The next moment, a spotted python suddenly appeared on the left side of his body, opening its mouth wide and biting towards him.

Shangguan Mo turned his head sharply, but unexpectedly did not find the figure of Orochimaru.

His brows frowned slightly, but the spotted python was approaching him quickly, so he had to divert his attention to deal with it.


He pulled out a kunai from his ninja tool bag and injected the few chakras in his body into it. Although it was not a famous tool made of chakra metal and had no amplification effect on chakra, Shangguan Mo was satisfied as long as he could withstand the high-intensity wind chakra infusion for a short time.


The kunai grew in the wind under the infusion of chakra, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a meter-long white wind blade, and the tip was still slowly swallowing and spitting out the faint piercing edge.


The open mouth of the spotted python suddenly collided with the wind blade in Shangguan Mo's hand. There was no biting or stalemate. Under the amplification of wind attribute chakra, the kunai in Shangguan Mo's hand directly split the spotted python in front of him in half at the mouth.

Blood spurted out from the sky, and Shangguan Mo took two steps back. He turned his wrist, pointed the blade at the ground, and stepped forward and backward, making a defensive counterattack.

The two long snake corpses flew backwards in the direction they came from under the force, and fell heavily on the ground more than ten meters away, making a loud bang.

Shangguan Mo sneered, looked at the direction where the spotted python flew from before, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and shook his body. He actually did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to shoot towards the direction of Orochimaru.

A layer of gauze as thin as a cicada's wing rippled slightly on his body, as gentle as the materialized wind, and greatly increased Shangguan Mo's movement speed. However, as Shangguan Mo walked, the thin gauze around him swayed behind him, like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

There has never been a moment when Shangguan Mo faced such an extreme shortage of chakra in battle.

But even so, Shangguan Mo's face was indifferent as usual. He knew that the more critical the situation was, the more he could not show a timid attitude, otherwise the venomous snake hidden in the darkness would come forward and give him a fatal blow without hesitation!

And with Ahri's [Resistance Aura],

Shangguan Mo had the confidence to save his life, and he was not afraid of fighting Orochimaru in person.

This was his belief in surviving death and the dawn.


His footsteps were fast, and Shangguan Mo's sight suddenly stagnated. A white figure seemed to flash in the woods in front of him on the right.

His face sank, and he stepped forward without hesitation to chase after him. Under the amplification of the wind escape chakra coat, he quickly approached the white figure who wanted to retreat.

Coming to the foot of a tree that could be hugged by two people, Shangguan Mo tapped the ground with his toes, gathered all the strength of his body in his right hand, and his body suddenly turned along with this force, and he actually bypassed the tree directly. He immediately saw a cold side face with a slightly raised eyebrow and a slightly turned head.

"Are you surprised? Orochimaru!"

He pulled a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, sneered and shouted, and the wind escape kunai in his right hand was also slashed out in an instant.


It was like lightning piercing the sky, leaving a dazzling crack in the sky.

The white kunai in his hand cut out a semicircular crescent in the air, slashing towards the unprepared Orochimaru.


Turning back in a hurry and drawing his sword to block, Orochimaru's body shook slightly, and his upper body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

He turned around in a hurry, not only had nowhere to borrow strength, but also only exerted 30% to 40% of his body strength. It was inevitable that Shangguan Mo's full-strength sword would disrupt his body's stability.

But Orochimaru was Orochimaru after all. He suddenly made an incredible waist bend in mid-air, and quickly bent into a spring stretched to the extreme. After dodging Shangguan Mo's pursuit, his body was like a rubber band sticking to the ground and rolling and bouncing, completely violating Newton's law.

Seeing this incredible scene, Shangguan Mo couldn't help but pause, his hand holding the knife trembled slightly, and his face was uncertain.

He never expected that Orochimaru would perform a trick for him right in front of him.

"This... the little flying stick is here?"


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