The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Loulan - the only oasis in the vast desert.

The night was dark. Although it was an oasis, the capital of Loulan was still covered by a faint yellow sand. The foreign objects that could be seen everywhere in the sky were swept by the breeze, making the air full of the smell of gravel.

But compared with the sandstorm that Shangguan Mo encountered when he came, this place can be said to be the only paradise in the desert.

Shangguan Mo was standing on a not very wide street in the capital of Loulan. From here, the towering palace in the distance only showed a hazy black shadow outline in the night. The building full of cold and hard style looked like it had a different style.

According to the situation detected by the self-destructing fly, Shangguan Mo determined that the dragon vein was hidden in the underground world of the capital.

"Fortunately, the self-destructing fly was used to do the investigation, otherwise it would take a long time to find it..."

He secretly felt lucky.

He only remembered that the dragon vein must be in the capital of Loulan, but Shangguan Mo had read the original book, but he could not remember the exact location. After all, it was not a historical monument like Nanhe River. Most people would not take the location of the dragon vein too seriously.

Fortunately, the self-destructing fly was small. After most of the day's efforts, it turned the capital of Loulan upside down. Whether it was the palace or the underground, the fly's inconspicuous size and body shape made it easy to sneak in.

Shangguan Mo secretly looked at the position under his feet.

Even on the ground, there are thick pipes everywhere, connecting various buildings. From a distance, the ends of most pipes extend underground and disappear.

He didn't know what these pipes were used for, but Shangguan Mo could clearly sense that gentle chakra fluctuations were faintly emitted through the steel pipes.

"There is a little shadow of technology! They also know how to use the power of the dragon veins hidden deep underground, using chakra as a driving energy source to build this place into a steel fortress..."

Shangguan Mo made an evaluation in his heart.

He felt that if Loulan was allowed to develop like this for a few decades, Loulan, which possessed the power of dragon veins and knew how to use it, might really reproduce its former glory again, and gradually be able to affect the ruling status of the five major countries.

"It looks good, but the defense and vigilance... are too crude!"

As the most important energy pipeline, there are only three ordinary soldiers without chakra guarding it within a radius of 100 meters, and there are no other defense systems or warning systems, so Shangguan Mo easily approached the steel pipeline next to the edge of the street without attracting anyone's attention.

He originally thought that even under the cover of night, it would take some time and effort to sneak into Loulan and approach an underground pipeline that could lead to the power of the dragon vein underground, but Shangguan Mo stood here at this time, and it could be said that he did not spend any effort.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the steel passage under his feet that was sunken into the ground. There was a door left on it artificially, but it was locked at this time.

After the test of the self-explosive fly, he knew that as long as he entered from the door here, he could reach the deep underground where they had sensed at the beginning - the place where the extremely huge chakra was!

"Meow meow meow!

——Are you going in from here? Master!"

It's rare to see Shangguan Mo doing something sneaky, so Ahri's voice is inevitably a little curious and a little excited.


Shangguan Mo nodded slightly.

He actually made two preparations before. After finding the specific location of the dragon vein, if Loulan guarded the dragon vein very strictly, Shangguan Mo might be ready to make a feint to the east and attack in the west, lead away the people guarding the dragon vein, and then wait for an opportunity to enter.

But what Shangguan Mo didn't expect was that Loulan only made such a weak defense for these places leading to the underground world and the most important places in this country.

"Maybe... An Lushan doesn't want to make a plan that makes things worse!"

Shangguan Mo suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

He knew that these steel fortresses that surrounded the entire Loulan capital were actually implemented by An Lushan in the past two years after his arrival, and the root cause was to use the power of the dragon vein leaked from the ground.

Thinking in his heart

, Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand and tore off the door lock in front of him, which was as big as a baby's fist. He took the lock in his hand, then gently pulled the iron door open and walked in.

The iron door slowly closed.

In the dark night, if you don't pay attention, no one can find that there is a missing lock on one of the doors of the thousands of pipes.



A slight buzzing sound sounded in front, faintly surrounding Shangguan Mo's ears.

A self-destructing fly was flying at a constant speed a few meters in front of him. Originally, the buzzing sound made by its high-speed flapping wings would not be heard at this distance, but the environment at this time was an almost sealed steel pipe, which made any subtle sound infinitely amplified and continued to echo.

Shangguan Mo found out after he came in that the underground world of Loulan was extremely huge. It was unknown whether it had evolved from some natural force long ago or was artificially built later. The pipes here were arranged in a crisscross pattern. Shangguan Mo felt that even if he had a very confidential route map in his hand, he might get lost in the endless kaleidoscope deep underground!

But fortunately, there were self-destructing flies!

With the self-destructing flies leading the way, Shangguan Mo was very relaxed along the way, and there was no need to worry about getting lost.

As the only fly that had reached the depths of the underground and was close to the power of the dragon vein, Shangguan Mo was very confident in it.

The tail of each pipe was actually connected to an underground exit. Through the faint candlelight in the distance, Shangguan Mo could judge that those places were all underground hollow worlds. Walking out of any exit was actually an independent small construction site.

Even if he had not seen it with his own eyes, how could Shangguan Mo not hear the knocking and metal collision sounds coming from afar? This feeling instantly reminded Shangguan Mo of the scene of the construction site he had seen in his previous life.

"Presumably, those guys are the workers who were assigned to do hard labor underground..."

A faint wave of chakara reaction came from far and near. Shangguan Mo did not walk out of this exit rashly, but continued to closely follow the steps of the self-explosive fly in front of him.


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