As time passed, the lavender chakra gradually spread to the unknown end of this underground world.

Shangguan Mo found that the center, where the chakra first erupted, had a dark color that had become stable and dim. However, from a distance, the space there seemed to be distorted by the extremely strong chakra. It looked unpredictable, but Shangguan Mo had no intention of approaching it.

He turned his head to look at Ah Huang and found that there was no sound coming from the battle there. It seemed that it should be over.


Shangguan Mo turned around and looked at the more intense distortion wave coming from there, and his brows couldn't help but frown more and more.

He seemed to feel familiar with this feeling.


A sign of the divine power being activated!

His pupils suddenly widened, Shangguan Mo thought to himself that it was not good, and his body retreated again.

It was not until he retreated nearly a hundred steps that the increasingly strong sense of crisis subsided, and Shangguan Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected!

The next moment, an extremely strong light emanated, and in just a moment, a blinding feeling like looking directly at the sun at close range was transmitted to Shangguan Mo.


He subconsciously lowered his head and covered his eyes, and a fear he had never experienced before filled his heart. Shangguan Mo had never thought that he would have such a strong reaction when he was blinded for the first time!

"Is this Ah Huang's ancestor coming?"

He cursed secretly in his heart, but squatted in place and did not dare to make any extra movements. He just pulled his vigilance to the extreme and carefully sensed the situation around him.

He tried to blink his eyes, but it was not until two minutes later that he felt patches of light and shadow began to appear in the world, like an ink painting gradually blending into a blurred world.

"Hiss! This is sour..."

Shangguan Mo grinned, and the feeling in his heart was a little indescribable.

He shook his head, and his vision gradually became clearer, but Shangguan Mo's movements suddenly stagnated, and with slightly narrowed eyes, he looked towards the direction of the purple crystal platform before.

In his perception as an ordinary ninja, several strong and weak chakra reactions suddenly appeared.

The thoughts in his mind turned rapidly, this picture...

He seemed to have seen it somewhere.

He slowly stood up, staring at the direction in front of him with a solemn look. He didn't know what happened and what was the situation with the dragon vein?

But he could guess that the time here, oh no!

It should be that time and space are completely distorted!

"Who is it?"

Secretly clenched his fists, feeling a little irritated.

He just wanted to collect the dragon vein chakra, but now it seems that he has messed up things...

"It's getting troublesome..."


When the deep purple chakra became dimmer, Shangguan Mo's vision finally recovered. At least, he could see the location where the strong light just emitted from a distance of several hundred meters. At this time, there were four unfamiliar figures standing there.

"No! It should be said that they are all "acquaintances"!"

Shangguan Mo sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that things have become interesting now.

A blond young man in his twenties, a white-haired boy who looks to be in his early teens, and the other two did not attract too much attention from Shangguan Mo.

Although he still couldn't see the faces of those people clearly, Shangguan Mo recognized them just by looking at the hair color of those two people.

"People who shouldn't be here in this time and space actually appeared here..."


"Captain Minato, what...what's going on?"

A male ninja in his thirties turned around and asked someone with a confused look on his face.

The blond young man didn't answer immediately after hearing this, but frowned and looked around. It was just that the space was full of purple chakra surging, and nothing else could be seen.

"It seems...nothing has changed?"

He muttered secretly in his heart and shook his head at the male ninja who asked the question.

"Are you all okay?"


"I'm fine, Captain Minato!"

The two teammates shook their heads quickly, indicating that they were not injured.

Only the white-haired boy had a cold face and didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear anything.


The two teammates couldn't help but glance at the white-haired boy, and their brows wrinkled slightly. One of them moved his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but finally held back and just muttered in his heart.

"Really indifferent..."

Following the sight of the two, the blond young man turned his head and looked over. What he saw was a cold young man's face, as if he had no life at all, and it seemed that anything in the outside world could not shake his frozen heart.

With a slight bitter smile on his face, the blond young man could only sigh silently in his heart.

"What's going on, Captain Minato? We... Aren't we sealing the dragon vein? Why did the dragon vein suddenly erupt, with such a manic chakra, but now there is nothing wrong, this..."

The face of the male ninja in his thirties showed a deep confusion. As his drowsy head regained consciousness, he became more and more confused at this moment.

As one of the two ninjas in the Sealing Class, he followed Minato Namikaze to Loulan to seal the dragon vein that was about to move, but when he was performing the sealing technique, the dragon vein suddenly erupted. At that time, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness immediately. But after waking up, they were all standing here intact.

"It's just the dragon vein..."

He looked up at the purple crystal full of cracks, and his confusion became more intense.

At this time, several cracks of more than ten meters appeared on the sealing crystal. Although it was not very eye-catching compared to its nearly 100-meter-high body, the purple chakra that was still slowly flowing out of the cracks seemed to tell him.

"Did the seal fail..."

Disappointment appeared on his face. As a member of the sealing team in Konoha, he rarely went out of the village to perform tasks. Moreover, the captain was Minato Namikaze, the strongest genius of Konoha's generation, one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya's disciple, and extremely good at sealing techniques. With such a lineup, would it fail to seal a mere dragon vein?

Hearing his somewhat lost muttering, Minato Namikaze didn't know what to say. Until now, he didn't quite understand the specific reason why the dragon vein that was about to be sealed suddenly erupted.

"Don't think about it so much. Our mission is to seal the dragon vein. Fortunately, the dragon vein is located deep underground. This eruption should not cause casualties to the people of Loulan. Although the seal broke more severely, after this eruption, our next sealing work should become easier!"

Hearing Minato Namikaze say this, the two ninjas of the sealing team nodded involuntarily.

Then the three of them prepared to perform the sealing technique and seal the dragon vein again.

At this moment, the white-haired boy who had been standing still and silent with his arms folded suddenly spoke.

It was a voice that was extremely silent.

"There, there is a person..."

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