The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

The figure of Qingxu Mantis appeared silently beside Shangguan Mo, with a pair of ferocious pupils staring at Minato Namikaze in the distance, looking like he didn't dare to be careless at all.

His heart was slightly relieved. With Ah Chang, who was also good at spatial power, Shangguan Mo felt a little relieved.

Shangguan Mo felt it was impossible to rely on the unreliable guy Ah Kun to save his life.

But he knew that Ah Kun couldn't be blamed for this. Even he almost didn't react and was killed by Minato Namikaze, not to mention Ah Kun.

After all, it was just a pure auxiliary summoning beast. Although it was the same C+ level as Qingxu Mantis, there was no comparison in terms of reaction.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Mo looked at another battlefield in the distance. Ah Huang was entangled by another Minato Namikaze, but he couldn't use the hollow transformation to get out like the Void Mantis.

"It's a bit useful. At least it took away half of Minato's chakra..."

He could only comfort himself in this way.

But the sense of urgency and crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger. Minato Namikaze, who was almost at his peak, was completely beyond his expectations. Although he still had a few C-level summoned beasts that had not been summoned, Shangguan Mo chose to give up because of various factors.

The Earth Dragon and the Wind and Thunder Eagle were too large to be used in this underground space. With such a large body, they were a living target in front of Minato Namikaze, a speed-type ninja! And Shangguan Mo was also worried that the guy would accidentally collapse this underground space, and then everyone would be buried alive deep underground!

The earth dragon was better, after all, it still had a very good defense. Shangguan Mo only planned to use the wind and thunder eagle as a last resort. If he needed to fly, he would choose to summon it at that time. Otherwise, summoning the wind and thunder eagle too early would be like giving his head away!

Shangguan Mo's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Minato Namikaze.

A faint chakra fluctuation came from there, which gave him a bad premonition.

"What is this? ..."

With a frown, he saw that two big toads suddenly appeared on Minato Namikaze's shoulders.

As Minato Namikaze formed a seal, a stronger and stronger natural energy fluctuation was transmitted to this underground space, which made Shangguan Mo easily notice it.

"This is the Sage Mode!"

Shangguan Mo's expression changed drastically!

How strong Minato was in the Sage Mode, Shangguan Mo had no idea of ​​wanting to feel it.

He immediately turned his head to look at Qingxu Mantis. Before he could speak, Qingxu Mantis had already understood Shangguan Mo's meaning and disappeared suddenly.

"We must not let him successfully enter the Sage Mode!"

Looking at the layer of illusory eye shadow gradually climbing up on his face, he gritted his teeth secretly.

At the same time, Shangguan Mo was in doubt.

"In the original work, he never used the Sage Mode when he was alive!"


Shangguan Mo remembered that in the last battle of Minato Namikaze in the original work, he successfully used tactics and the optimized version of the Flying Thunder God Technique to break the body of the God of Power in the final battle with Uchiha Obito.

In the end, Uchiha Obito was also planted with the Flying Thunder God Mark. It was obvious that Minato Namikaze, the fourth generation Hokage, won this battle.

However, facing the rioting Nine-Tails, Minato Namikaze did not choose to deal with Uchiha Obito, but chose to deal with the Nine-Tails that was harming the village. Under the indifference of the "interested people" in Konoha such as Shimura Danzo, Minato Namikaze could only seal the Nine-Tails with his own life.

"Even before his death, Minato never used fairy arts!"

Shangguan Mo couldn't figure it out.

Is this the original work that killed people?

He remembered that Minato Namikaze was resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation during the Fourth Ninja World War, and it was Minato Namikaze with peak strength.

In the battle between Minato Namikaze and Uchiha Madara, Shangguan Mo also felt that he really deserved the word genius.

Smart mind, flexible tactics, plus the final Sage Mode!

This is what surprised Shangguan Mo.

In the last battle between Minato Namikaze and Uchiha Obito, it can almost be said that it was a scene of extreme danger, and it can even be said that it was not an exaggeration to fight with one's back to the wall!

But Minato did not use any magic!

Instead, he used the ultimate annihilation technique [Shiki Fuujin] to seal the Nine-Tails.

At that time, Shangguan Mo was confused. What the hell is this Sage Mode that suddenly appeared?

Let’s not talk about Uchiha Obito. Anyway, Minato Namikaze is still a strong opponent even without Sage Mode.

But when facing the Nine-Tails that harmed Konoha, Shangguan Mo had every reason to believe that Minato Namikaze, who had activated the Sage Mode, would definitely not be much weaker than the Nine-Tails that had just been unlocked!

Why must he use a move that would lead to mutual destruction?

Shangguan Mo thought it was nonsense to say that he was determined to die because his wife Kushina was about to die.

Would a ninja who sat on the throne of Hokage choose to commit suicide because his beloved was about to die? Did he really ignore his dream all along?

There are so many prejudices and arrogances, injustices and countless crises hidden deep in Konoha Village. Minato Namikaze, who also loves Konoha and is the fourth generation Hokage, has always wanted to solve those problems hidden in the village and make Konoha a loving big family. Isn't this Minato Namikaze's lifelong dream?

At that time, Minato's words "Yes, to be honest, I am not good at using fairy arts." seemed to have plugged this huge loophole, but it hurt Shangguan Mo who had read the original work!

He really never expected that Minato Namikaze mastered the fairy mode!

Without hesitation, Shangguan Mo began to seal the summoning technique.

At this time, it has come to the critical moment of life and death, and he can't afford to think more.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The golden fairy chakra burst and collided violently in the air. The terrifying explosion airflow wave in the distance, even if it blew to Shangguan Mo a hundred meters away, made him almost unable to stand.


A green figure suddenly flew out from the void beside him, with a faint trace of blood on the corner of Qingxu Mantis' mouth, and a rare frustration in his voice.

"Failed! I failed to stop him from completing the Sage Mode..."

When speaking, it seemed that the internal organs were injured, and the skinny muscles on Qingxu Mantis' face twitched uncontrollably.

Shangguan Mo's heart tightened.

"Failure is failure, are you okay?"

Qingxu Mantis shook his head with a gloomy face, without saying anything, and seemed to be a little hit.

In the brief fight just now, his use of the power of space was almost completely defeated by Minato!

But in Shangguan Mo's opinion, the reason why Qingxu Mantis was completely defeated was because the nerve reaction speed of both sides was not at the same level at all!


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