The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Using lightning as a blade and hands as spears.

Sass never expected that with his lightning skills, the close-range lightning escape he used could not break the enemy's defense!

Now he thought that the paralyzed state of the opponent after being hit by the lightning flow was probably deliberately pretended!

"Woo Lei! Baka!"

Thinking of this, Sass was instantly furious and his face flushed.

He had never felt such a thorough humiliation at this moment!

And the one who humiliated him was a mouse!

"A mouse..."

He recited these words in his heart, and a fishy sweetness surged up in his throat, which he swallowed hard.

At this time, his body, which had jumped up in the air, had already landed on the ground. As he stepped back, he turned his right hand and closed his left hand, and was about to seal again.

But the hidden mouse, which looked like a cow, had turned around and took advantage of Sass's rage to slap him in the face.

He spoke in a cold voice.


- Useless thing!"


Like a cannonball out of a gun.

Sass's head turned 180 degrees in an instant, and his body flew backwards like a missile, knocking down dozens of trees along the way, and smoke and dust filled the night.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The moment he fell to the ground, Sass vomited three mouthfuls of blood in a row, struggled to get up, and kept kneeling on one knee and gasping for breath. Streams of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, dripping onto the ground and gathering into a thick pool of scarlet.

His eyes were a little absent-minded, and Sass felt a splitting headache and his vision became blurred.

The slap from Hidden Mouse almost blew his head apart!

But even such serious injuries and pain could not stop the immense shame and anger that hit Sass's heart.

"That... cough cough! That guy! He's always playing tricks on me! Playing tricks on me!!! Puff!"

With a loud roar, Sass' pupils widened in anger and suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood.

This time, he coughed out the fragments of his lungs, and the spirit in his pupils suddenly became scattered.


He seemed to feel a breeze blowing across his body, and the leaves beside him seemed to be rustling and swaying.

But Sass found that the world was getting quieter and quieter, and the bright moonlight reflected on the ground was gradually dimming in his eyes.


Sass fell to the ground, kneeling on his knees, his upper body sticking out, and his head pressed against the cold ground in a weird posture.

His pupils slowly lost focus.


The two-meter-tall little Jiba instantly changed back to its original size, and Yinshu's two feet gently landed on Sass's head.

It raised its small palm in front of its eyes and looked left and right, with a strange look on its face.

After a while, it sounded apologetic. If Sass could still hear it, he might be so angry that he would instantly revive and fight with Yinshu.

"Squeak! Squeak!

——I'm so sorry! It's my first time to transform, and I'm still a little uncomfortable... What a pity..."

What Yinshu regretted, Sass should have been able to hear it when he was alive.

Smacking his lips, Yinshu sighed and shook his head.

"Squeak! Squeak!

——What a pity for this irritable and angry bearded barbarian... I wanted to play with him for a while longer! Who knew that he couldn't even withstand a slap..."


Shangguan Mo pinched his fingers casually and took out a shuriken from the ninja tool bag again.

Under his feet was a ground dragon, Shangguan Mo stood on it and quickly harvested the lives of the Cloud Hidden Ninjas whose formation was disrupted.


Wherever the ground dragon passed, the crowd fled wildly, and the ground where the ground dragon passed could not bear its overweight body and cracked into wide cracks.

But at this time, five ninjas rushed towards the ground dragon from different directions.

"Huh? It's not coming for me!"

Shangguan Mo raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Thinking of the Cloud Hidden Ninja who specifically came to him but was stopped by the Hidden Rat, he suddenly felt that this possibility was very high.

He guessed correctly. At this time, except for a small number of senior ninja teams who still insisted on commanding, the rest of the ninja army had basically been destroyed.

Once the team was broken up, those Cloud Hidden Ninjas would be attacked by countless self-explosive flies and scorching worker ants.

Up to now, the Cloud Hidden Sect has actually been fighting with the summoned beasts, and not even a human shadow has been seen.

I can't see it at all.

At this time, Shangguan Mo suddenly appeared on the battlefield, standing on the head of the huge beast. No matter how you look at it, he is an important figure and a live target of Tangyin Village, and the last hope of those Kumogakure ninjas who are on the verge of collapse.

"Kill him!"

"If we kill this man, we will win!"


A roar sounded on the battlefield, and more and more black shadows rushed towards Shangguan Mo.

But this is the effect Shangguan Mo wants to see. The Kumogakure ninjas have lost the hope of winning, and now they only want to escape, so Shangguan Mo uses himself as bait to try to catch all these Kumogakure ninjas in one fell swoop!

Soon, eight Kumogakure ninjas gathered around the earth dragon.

"Lightning escape. Lightning pillar technique!"

Eight ninjas used the same ninjutsu at the same time, and a blue lightning pillar that reached the sky lit up in eight directions at the same time.

Shangguan Mo's face changed slightly, and he looked up at the sky.

It was discovered that the earth dragon was surrounded by a stream of lightning that covered half the sky.

The blue light shone brightly, and Shangguan Mo felt numb in his nose with just a slightly heavier breath. The air was filled with countless extremely fine lightning, making his breathing suddenly uncomfortable.

"Very good technique!"

He couldn't help but nodded in approval, but a trace of pity rose in his heart.

This combination of ninjutsu was extremely impressive in both its might and power, and they chose to restrict the earth dragon's ability to move, and their idea was right.

With the size of the earth dragon, any movement would cause the earth to shake, and ordinary ninjas really had no way to resist it.

"But... these senior ninjas don't know the ability information of the earth dragon..."

With a slight sigh, Shangguan Mo watched the lightning net covering all directions shrink towards himself and the earth dragon.

Without Shangguan Mo's instructions, the earth dragon would naturally find the weakness of this technique.

The blue net suddenly tightened, and the next moment it was about to bind the earth dragon. At this critical moment, the earth dragon in the center of the blue lightning net suddenly raised its head and plunged into the ground.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

The extremely strong blue light finally dissipated in the air. Taking advantage of the light, the eight Kumogakure ninjas couldn't help but look at the position of the earth dragon.

"Why is it so dark?"

"It seems... to be a hole?"

Several people looked at each other, and the joy left their faces, and they felt something was wrong in their hearts.

But at this moment, the eight ninjas who wanted to escape from here found that there was an extremely strong chakra reaction coming from the top of their heads, which seemed to cover the entire world.

Everyone couldn't help but look up.


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