The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Watanabe Mousse is back too.

Previously, he took some newly-made ninjas to take down an underground black market in the Kingdom of Soup, which was also a training for the soldiers.

So Shangguan Mo once again summoned the managers of the Soup Ninja Village and held an unprecedented collective meeting.

Anyway, unlike Konoha, where there are many jonins, there are only a few cats and cats in the Soup Ninja Village, and one of them is not at home yet! Another one is in the capital of Soup Ninja Country as her guardian ninja!

The only person attending the meeting this time is the representative of the Soup Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Soup - Jonin Tianfeng.

The head of the "administrative department" of the Soup Ninja Village - Special Jonin Saburo.

The head of the Anbu of the Yunin Village - the senior ninja Watanabe Mousse.

And the initiator of the meeting, Shangguan Mo.

After closing the door of his house and looking at the three people staring at each other in the house, Shangguan Mo almost burst out laughing.

"It's not easy to have a meeting. I feel like a boss. I can't laugh..."

He counted the stars in his heart, walked to the main seat in the living room and sat down. He swept his eyes across everyone's faces and spoke slowly.

"I have already said about this meeting in advance. What do you think about the current situation in the ninja world?"

Watanabe Mousse and Tian Feng looked at each other, their eyes widened, but they just didn't speak. The atmosphere became a little awkward for a while.

Tian Feng was stunned!

"When I was a Chunin before, I never heard of such a thing!"

Kosaburo was also a little confused.

It is said that ninjas like them have never just followed orders and done things, right? Shangguan Mo has always done this. Once things are arranged, even if they are difficult, he can complete them with a grit of teeth. But how come it has suddenly risen to the level of discussing the situation in the ninja world?

"I am a special jonin, and you want me to talk about the situation in the ninja world? Am I qualified?"

Thinking of the heavy burden on his shoulders, he wanted to quit!

Only the mature and steady Watanabe Mus noticed something from Shangguan Mo's rare attitude. After all, he has decades of life experience, and he will be more sensitive to everything.

After a little thought, Watanabe Mus's brows gradually frowned. He thought of nothing else, but a piece of information that Shangguan Mo showed great importance to before.

He looked at Shangguan Mo and said in a deep voice.

"What the leader wants to say is about the disappearance of the Third Kazekage!"

Hearing this, Tian Feng raised his eyebrows, and Sanlang's pupils shrank slightly, and his expression became thoughtful.

"As expected of an old veteran, he is alert at the slightest sign of trouble!"

Shangguan Mo raised his lips with approval.

Although there was a "right" in Watanabe Mousse's words, Shangguan Mo heard a very obvious affirmative tone.

But Shangguan Mo felt that this was not enough.

Of course, he did not blame these three people. After all, if he did not know the direction of the plot, he would never have guessed that the Third Ninja World War would be launched for an inexplicable reason!

And this inexplicable reason was the disappearance of the Third Kazekage!

As a continuation of the Second Ninja World War, this all-out war was actually an uneven distribution of interests and resources, mixed with hatred and the conspiracy of some troublemakers.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is a matter of opinion.

But in Shangguan Mo's opinion, the secret manipulation of Black Zetsu must have played a very important role.

If he remembered correctly, after the Third Kazekage was made into a human puppet by Scorpion and disappeared from the village, the Sand Village secretly searched for several months but to no avail. Faced with the increasing public anger, the top leaders could no longer conceal the truth and could only blame Konoha.

"It was Konoha that secretly killed our Kazekage!"

There was no other way. The hatred between Konoha and Sand Village was too deep among the people of Sand Village. Putting the blame on Konoha was a convenient and quick way to calm people's hearts.

But the words had been spoken, and their own Kage had been killed. The top leaders had to pretend, right?

So, the Sand Village's full-scale attack on Konoha was a matter of course, and the Cloud Village, which was originally a fighting faction, was afraid that things would not go well!

Coming back from his contemplation, seeing three pairs of eyes looking at him, either confused or worried, Shangguan Mo relaxed instead.

Anyway, this was all his background in Tangyin, and he had no idea what he was doing.

The children are all on his summoned beast, so why not try to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

"After the New Year, the ninja world will definitely be in chaos!"

Shangguan Mo's short words stunned the three people below.

Before they could think about it, Shangguan Mo's words continued.

"The next war will affect most of the ninja world, and it will no longer be a small fight between countries at the border. If Yunyin wants to bite off a piece of the fertile land of the Land of Fire, their ninja army must pass through our Tang Country. Although our Tangyin has proved to the major forces in the ninja world that it is a hard bone to chew, and there is not much meat, Yunyin will not focus on us, but our Tang Ninja Village wants to get itself out of the fiercely burning war, but it is a foolish dream!"

The three people below were silent.

They would not doubt Shangguan Mo's judgment, even if the person who said this alarmist statement was just a young man under 20 years old.

But the wisdom and means he showed along the way often make people overlook his age.

Once it was clear that a war would definitely happen next, Tian Feng and San Lang, who were originally a little confused, instantly understood what the leader Shangguan Mo meant.

Once the war that swept almost the entire ninja world really broke out, it would definitely be a battle that lasted a very long time, so Shangguan Mo needed to make countermeasures and some arrangements in advance.

"But what does this have to do with us?"

Tian Feng and San Lang looked at each other, their faces were not eyes and noses.

At least in the Tang Ninja Village, neither of them was known for their wisdom and strategy. Now they couldn't figure out why Shangguan Mo asked them to hold a meeting. Wouldn't it be more convenient to notify them directly when there was any arrangement?

Although they didn't say it explicitly, the meaning they wanted to express was really clear. How could Shangguan Mo not see it?

But he could only smile bitterly in his heart. It was undoubtedly extremely dangerous to want to get involved in the battle between the big ninja villages to grab a piece of meat. What Shangguan Mo wanted was just to gather ideas. As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. If he wanted to formulate a perfect strategy, Shangguan Mo alone would definitely not be able to do it behind closed doors.


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