The two of them were so excited that they were so excited.

"You are... Uchiha Jerry?"

Hearing this, the hidden mouse was stunned, and the steps he had just taken stopped instantly.

And then, the word "excited" was also reflected intuitively on the face of a mouse for the first time.

It turned its head, its eyes bright, and even its tone became a little high-pitched.


--Have you heard my story too?"

A Fei, who appeared silently from behind the hidden mouse, twitched his face when he heard this, and for the first time lost the desire to communicate with strangers.

Because it couldn't understand at all...

"In that case..."

Thinking silently in his heart, A Fei's body instantly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he actually came in front of Yinshu and punched down with the force of a mountain, and the air vibrated and made a buzzing sound.

Yinshu only felt that the sky turned dark in an instant, and then a huge white fist instantly occupied its entire sight, as if the sky was collapsing.

"This ghost thing! What a strong physical power!"

It was shocked, but not panicked.


Yinshu's figure became illusory in an instant, and the next moment even the phantom was smashed by the fist and splashed into the soil.

Boom boom boom boom.....

A violent explosion sounded, and a large number of rocks broke and flew out to the sky. Even the three White Zetsu who appeared with Ah Fei fled in a hurry, with fear on their faces.

They are not like the special White Zetsu created as combat tools like Ah Fei. As intelligence tools, ordinary White Zetsu have average combat power, not to mention that they were dragged into the high-end battlefield by the heartless Ah Fei this time.


On the other side, after dodging the sudden attack, the hidden mouse predicted that Ah Fei, who was instantly stiff after a punch, could not launch the next attack. In a flash, a series of thoughts flashed through its mind. It hesitated slightly, and the next moment it turned around and started running wildly without looking back.

In less than two seconds, it had run nearly a hundred meters, but still had no intention of stopping.

Although it really wanted to hear the obviously hostile Diaomao tell its legend in person, but thinking of Shangguan Mo's instructions before leaving, it calmed down instantly.

"Forget it... Just think of it as a dog bite. Do I have to bite it back?"

It persuaded itself in its heart, and was also busy trying to save face for itself, the only B-level summoning beast.

The only task Shangguan Mo gave it was to monitor the Cloud Hidden Army hoarded near the Frost Ninja Village, and report to its master at any time if there was any abnormal situation. Before leaving, Shangguan Mo also took a [Communication Bat] from an Anbu Ninja and gave it to it to carry, just to get the first-hand information about the possible abnormal movements of the Cloud Hidden.

Although the hidden mouse is naughty by nature, it is not stupid.

Knowing that Shangguan Mo attaches great importance to this matter, it naturally dares not make any trouble on this mission, and is also afraid of facing Shangguan Mo's anger.

The hidden mouse lowered its head and ran wildly, so fast that it left a long transparent phantom in the air, and its eyes were still flashing with unconvinced and complacent light.

"It seems that he is just a barbarian, and he still can't do anything to me? This ugly bastard! I will definitely punch him back later!"

But when a series of dark thoughts flashed through its mind, it lowered its head in deep thought and didn't notice at all...

The sky...

It's dark!

"The sky seems to be turning green?"

Until it realized something was wrong, it suddenly looked up and such a thought flashed through its mind.

The next moment, everything turned upside down!

The hidden mouse looked around in horror and found that groups of towering trees had completely occupied the space in front of it and the end of its sight like wooden giants.

The originally barren land of the Frost Kingdom has now turned into an endless green ocean.

Then, more trees with thick and tight trunks rose from all directions around the hidden mouse. The branches, which were much thicker than the hidden mouse's body, stretched out from behind it like rubber bands with infinite elasticity, and instantly covered the earth, trying to wrap it up.


The same was true in front and on both sides, all of which were densely packed with thick branches rolling over, instantly blocking all of Hidden Mouse's vision and even the space to dodge.

The pupils began to tremble violently, and more and more regret emerged from the bottom of its heart.

"If I had just left before..."

The sky was covered with cold tree trunks. When the creaking sound of the twisted tree trunks became more and more sharp and piercing, until it became the only main theme of this world, Hidden Mouse finally began to panic!

It never thought that there would be someone in the ninja world who could master such a large-scale attack, so naturally it had never considered that this attack would become the biggest nemesis of its super-fast speed!

The situation became fatal in an instant.


"Tsk tsk tsk... Although it's not the first time I've seen it, the power of Wood Release still makes me envious and jealous!"



Looking at this world-changing ninjutsu in front of them, the three ordinary White Zetsu were almost stunned and silent.

A few steps in front of them, A Fei was squatting with his hands pressed against the ground. Although this full-strength [Wood Release. Tree World Birth] consumed a lot of energy, it was more excited to make the little mouse unable to escape.

A Fei turned his head and looked at his companions.

"Oh! Wood Release is indeed the nemesis of the Uchiha clan!"

When the three White Zetsu heard this, their faces turned pale in an instant, and they looked around in panic. I don't know what they were afraid of, and then they hurriedly advised.

"Brother Fei! Brother Fei! You must not let Lord Madara hear this! Otherwise, our lives will be over!"

"Yes! You should know that Lord Madara is a ninja of the Uchiha clan! You don't want to live, but we still want to live for many more years..."

"But why do I feel that Brother Fei is right... At that time... Lord Madara was indeed defeated by the wood escape of Senju Hashirama..."

After closing his eyes and sensing for a while, and making sure that there was no movement in the sea of ​​trees, Fei withdrew his hands and stood up, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way... Instead of fighting with such an unworthy opponent, I would rather study how to poop!"

White Zetsu: "..."


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