The truth is that the truth is not far from the truth.

The White Zetsu or the Special White Zetsu created by Uchiha Madara through Yin Yang escape and the sacred tree is actually a creation out of nothing.

However, he relies on the Yin Yang escape that he has comprehended as his soul, and the power of the sacred tree to support his body. The system that Shangguan Mo has is to integrate the advantages of materials and organisms, directly replace the original biological species, and realize the leap of life class, strength, and intelligence.

In essence, there is not much difference between the two.

So, when Yinshu thought of this, his heart began to beat.

"Master... don't you have a colleague in the Ninja World?"

As the Creator left, the trees gradually became powerless and no longer posed a threat to the Hidden Mouse. As soon as it left the sea of ​​trees, it rushed towards the white figure who was trying to escape underground.

With its unsparingly powerful physical strength, the Hidden Mouse's speed was not much slower than normal, and it approached the other party in the blink of an eye.

Then, it raised a fist as big as a casserole and smashed it on the ugly monster who was facing it with horror.


"Go to hell! Disgusting guy! You look so ugly that you are neither human nor ghost! I can't even think of what creature you are made of!"

Although he was shocked, Ah Fei did not forget to defend himself.

The chakra in his body burst out crazily, and in the next moment it was transformed into spike-like wooden stakes on its body surface, and a big hedgehog suddenly jumped out.


The Hidden Mouse was stunned!

This ugly thing can actually transform. It feels like it is a ghost if it encounters a fellow creature!


The sharp green tree trunk exploded into powder in an instant, and Ah Fei's body flew backwards like a rag bag for more than ten feet, splashing a trace like the displacement of a car's emergency brake.

With his fists retracted and his head raised, the hidden mouse stomped on the ground, and his body followed like a shadow.

The distance between the two was shortened rapidly.

But... in a flash, the hidden mouse suddenly discovered a phenomenon that made it even more frightened.

The abdomen of the strange creature covered in white was almost pierced by its punch and turned transparent, but not even a drop of blood flowed out!

"Strange... too weird!"

The hidden mouse felt that it was a little difficult to breathe, and the strength in his body was mostly retracted. The scarlet kaleidoscope in his eyes, like a three-leaf windmill, suddenly began to spin at a high speed.

[Divine Power]!

Ah Fei, who had just stood up, didn't even have time to turn around, but the instinctive sense of danger made him try his best to move sideways to the right by a foot.


A pure white arm flew in the air, and the wound still had no blood flowing down, and it even looked neat and tidy, as if it had been cut by a knife.

A basin-sized, violently twisted space vortex began to slowly dissipate.

Ah Fei flew backwards, and his right arm was broken at the shoulder, but the part above the elbow was missing, and it was swallowed up by the twisted space as soon as it was hit by the divine power of the hidden mouse.

The space finally returned to its original flatness, but Ah Fei still felt a chill coming from the front of him.

It gasped heavily, as if it had just survived from the gate of death.

Ah Fei raised his head slightly and looked at the space where the crack disappeared, which swallowed half of its arm. If it had reacted a little slower! It had no doubt that its entire body would be torn apart by the space vortex and then devoured mercilessly!

It can regenerate, but it cannot be resurrected! It cannot be reincarnated!

Ah Fei shrugged his nose, but he could not even smell any body odor. When the cracked space closed, it seemed that the world had returned to peace again, and the previous fatal crisis was just an illusion.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!... This guy... How did he use a special move directly!!! Moreover, I felt the taste of Sharingan from it!

... Such a special space ability does fit the information of that guy... Could it be that it is really the pupil technique in the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

At this time, Ah Fei was puzzled, and even felt an inexplicable fear the more he thought about it.

"In the history of the Uchiha clan, from

The space-type eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan that has never appeared before, which is extremely rare and powerful!"

"Why can a mouse open the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"Could it be... Is this guy the backup that Madara-sama left for me? Sure enough! He is still worried about me who has mastered the power of Wood Release..."

Moreover, A Fei felt that this Uchiha Jerry did not fight according to common sense at all.

"Even if you are the real Uchiha! You can't open Susanoo first! And then use the eye technique? Can your Sharingan's eye power withstand it? Big brother!!! ”

This is not how you fight!

Do you think you are the Eternal Mangekyō?

In Ah Fei's observation and learning, all the battles between ninjas, whether sneak attacks or ambushes or head-on conflicts, are to test each other, find the weaknesses of the opponent's abilities or even certain techniques, and then win by targeting the opponent's weaknesses inadvertently.

This also made it understand a fact.

In fact, the battle between ninjas is actually intelligence gathering! Once the enemy sees through their own abilities and finds the right way to deal with them, then the victory or defeat is only a matter of a second!

"But... Uchiha Jerry... what are you doing? You use your ultimate move as soon as you come, are you afraid that it will be too late...?"

A Fei muttered to himself with an incomprehensible look on his face.

This space-type pupil technique without any warning makes it almost impossible for it to defend effectively, and it can only rely entirely on its own combat intuition to dodge in advance.

"And... both the launch speed and power are too different from what is described in the intelligence! "

At this moment, A Fei realized that they, the White Zetsu, had to believe the information about the summoning beast Hidden Rat that they had collected from all over the ninja world, but they couldn't believe it completely either.

They could only believe half of it!

"The owner of the Mangekyō Sharingan that can transform and space-based eye techniques - Uchiha Jerry!"


It was actually just a mouse!

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