The old man was very angry.

Kun Kun's words were very confident, but they were indeed well-founded, so the summoned beasts didn't know how to refute them for a moment.

After all, except for Konoha, which is the cradle of geniuses, there are not many genius ninjas in the other four major ninja villages who have made a name for themselves in the ninja world.

But the hidden mouse, who likes to argue the most, quickly expressed a different point of view.

"Although the famous Luo Sha will not appear in the Land of Soup, it is not true that there are no other strong people in the Sand Village!"

Hearing this, Kun Kun on the back of the earth dragon shook his shoulder straps casually, but couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and spoke sharply.


"Besides Luo Sha Chiyo and others, what other ninjas are there in the Sand Village?"

With a curl of his lips, Yinshu quickly named a few names.

"Don't argue with me! One-tail Jinchuriki - Bonfuku! Scorch Release - Ye Cang! And Chiyo's son - puppeteer Yuliang and her daughter-in-law, this couple! Although they are not well-known, their strength is quite good! You can beat ten or eight of them without any problem!"

Kun Kun's body stiffened, and the expression on his face instantly became wonderful.

It didn't expect that Yinshu actually used it as a unit of strength...

And it did so much work for the Sand Village and learned the intelligence information of so many people.

Not only did it not expect it, even Shangguan Mo turned his head and looked at Yinshu in surprise.

"Sure! Yinshu!"


The pride on its mouth was harder to suppress than the Yin Release Chakra flowing in Susanoo. Yinshu crossed his arms and wanted to lift his head to the sky.

Shangguan Mo smiled as he watched Yinshu pretending to be cool, but his mind was drifting away.

This time, he went out of the village to stop the Sand Village Ninja Army, which was an unexpected action.

Although Shangguan Mo never intended to make enemies on all sides, if the opponent was Sand Village, he would think it was a good target to establish his authority.

After all, stupid enemies are rare. If it weren't for the Sand Village that took the initiative to let him chop, Shangguan Mo, who was thousands of miles away from the Sand Village in the Wind Country, would really be too lazy to look at this wild desert land in the south that had no oil at all.

But this time, he was the only one who attacked with a few summoned beasts, and even his insect army was not mobilized.

Although ninjas are all positions with strong individual combat effectiveness, the power they can exert when fighting collectively is even more amazing, whether it is a combination of joint ninjutsu or tactics, and Sand Village even has a more special team combat awareness, with a unique special ninja unit in the ninja world - puppet master!

Combined with the invisible poison, Shangguan Mo immediately felt that this trip was still somewhat dangerous and he must not be careless.

You must know that there are few ninjas in Sand Village, and they have always been famous for poisons and puppets in the ninja world. This time he believes that he will definitely encounter the puppet troops of Sand Village, countless puppeteers who control machinery to fight, and various mysterious poisons. This type of ninja is almost something that Shangguan Mo and his summoned beasts have never tried before, and everything is full of uncertainty.

Therefore, this is not the time to underestimate the enemy.

After thinking about it, Shangguan Mo pressed the bat button on his chest and sent a voice to an Anbu ninja who led the team to deploy in the territory of the Kingdom of Soup.

He needs someone who is very familiar with the terrain of the entire Kingdom of Soup to lead the way.

"Dongguai Dongguai! Calling Dongguai! Calling Dongguai! I'm Dongyao. What are the general distribution and movements of the Sand Ninjas who have entered my country of soup? Have you found any people with more distinctive characteristics?"


The country of soup.

As time passed, the Anbu ninja lurking in the bushes suddenly began to feel that the ground seemed to be shaking slightly.

Soon, the amplitude of the shaking became more and more alarming, and a trace of panic crawled across his face, but he still suppressed it by force.

"It should be this feeling that something is about to emerge from the ground, that's what the leader said before..."

He murmured in his heart, and hurriedly tidied up his appearance with his hands.

As the most elite group of ninjas in the village, he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of his boss.

And not long after, the frequency of the vibrations coming from the ground actually began to weaken until it disappeared without a trace.

The Anbu ninja showed a strange look on his face, and felt it was extremely weird.

But the next moment,

The earth melted silently, revealing a circular hole with a diameter of nearly 20 meters.

This horrifying scene frightened him so much that he retreated repeatedly, and he felt his legs and feet were weak and it was difficult to stand.

A strong wind pressure came out from the dark hole, almost sucking his whole body away, and the flowers, plants and leaves around him swayed, but at this time, the Anbu ninja calmed down instead.

As a Tangyin Anbu ninja, the Tangyin ninja who had the most contact with Shangguan Mo, although he had not felt this situation so closely, he had heard about it a long time ago.

"Such an amazing movement should only be made by that extremely huge earth dragon!"

Sure enough, a gray-brown segmented giant beast emerged silently from the hole, and soon coiled its long body into a circle, leaving only a still huge mouthpart at the top.

With his sharp eyes, he immediately spotted Shangguan Mo and his summoned beasts standing on top of the giant beast, and hurriedly approached them.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

But he was still very moved in his heart.

He could not help but be secretly shocked by the amazing stealth ability of traveling from the underground of the soup ninja village to a place hundreds of miles away.

Moreover, if this huge project that is hundreds of miles long and can be reused by the ninjas of the village is completed by manpower, how much manpower, material resources and financial resources will it take?

But in just a call with him, Shangguan Mo relied on the summoned beasts to open a super channel and reached the dangerous front line without any movement.


He half-knelt and saluted, shouting respectfully.


Shangguan Mo waved his hand and nodded to him, and at the same time took in the shock and respect in the other's eyes.

He looked around and saw a new spring land full of green buds, but it was very unfamiliar to him.

"Is there a local map of this place? How are the Sand Ninjas distributed roughly?"

He asked the Anbu Ninja in detail.


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