As the crowd jumped off the back of the wind eagle, Shangguan Mo felt a little nervous. But he turned back and shouted at the wind eagle subconsciously. "Xiaofeng, protect Li, edge OB!" Without caring whether Fengying could understand the meaning of edge OB, Shangguan Mo rushed to the fierce battlefield in front. And faster than him was Watanabe Mousse, a senior ninja. A figure flashed in front of him, and a black-robed figure fell to the ground a few dozen meters away. Another flash, and the powerful evil god cultists in front were harvested and beheaded like wheat. At this time, Shangguan Mo had just stepped into the battlefield. With a slight bitter smile, Shangguan Mo took out the kunai from his ninja bag and rushed forward to meet the scattered evil cultists in front of him.

As he moved forward, countless self-destructing flies flew out from the ground under him and spread out to the entire battlefield, providing him with a vision of various places, but most of the flies could not resist their yearning for art and flew into the eyes, ears, mouths and noses of the evil cultists one by one.

They want to dedicate themselves to art!

And art is explosion!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Countless egg-sized explosions suddenly lit up the entire battlefield.

The next moment, screams and cries of evil cultists were heard everywhere.

Some people covered their broken and bleeding mouths and noses, some held their heads and screamed wildly, and some even covered their anus, stared at their eyes and fell to the ground motionless, and were actually killed by anal explosions!

"Oh my god!"

Watching the other self-destructing flies follow suit, they all rushed into the enemy's anus, scaring the followers of the evil god cult to flee in all directions.

Shangguan Mo only felt a chill rising from his feet.

He seemed to have accidentally synthesized something very perverted!

He murmured.

"This is really just running towards the smell, and it's accurate when you drill..."

Looking at the black-robed figures around him running around in panic, Shangguan Mo also put away the kunai in his hand.

He began to make seals somewhat awkwardly.

One seal per second!

Fire escape · Phoenix Fire Technique!

Several red fire phoenixes spewed out of Shangguan Mo's mouth, opened up in the wind, and soon became the size of a football, and nimbly pounced on the evil god followers not far away.

Although Shangguan Mo made seals slowly, his control over ninjutsu was still very strong.

Several fire phoenixes seemed to have eyes and directly hit the three panicked evil god cultists, as if it was arranged in advance.

However, in an instant, the flames completely buried their bodies and eventually turned them into charred corpses.

Shangguan Mo's eyes lit up and he was shocked by the power of ninjutsu.

After all, it was the first time he used ninjutsu to kill people, and he still felt very accomplished.

"Chirp chirp!"

At this time, an eagle cried in the sky.

Shangguan Mo's eyes lit up and he turned his head to look.

In the sky 100 meters high, he could vaguely see the wind eagle opening its mouth wide, and a white storm visible to the naked eye quickly gathered in its mouth.

The next moment!


The explosive wind ball flashed in the sky and hit the ground hard.

With a loud bang, a storm exploded on the battlefield 100 meters away from Shangguan Mo.

More than a dozen black-robed figures were blown up into the sky, with their limbs flying everywhere.

"Is it worthy of being a D+-level summoned beast? It can participate in the battle without my command. Its intelligence is comparable to that of the toads in Myoboku Mountain..."

Shangguan Mo smiled knowingly, turned his head again to look at the somewhat chaotic battlefield, and began to concentrate on making hand seals to prepare for the next ninjutsu in actual combat.

This large-scale battlefield soon ended with the strong participation of Shangguan Mo and others, and with the existence of the wind eagle, none of the evil god cult members escaped in the end, and they were all caught up and killed by Shangguan Mo riding the wind eagle.

But Shangguan Mo did not become complacent because this group of enemies were basically ordinary people without chakra, that is, they were just the lowest-level cannon fodder members of the evil god cult.

A week later, Shangguan Mo and others gradually became familiar with this highly mobile mobile combat method.

He was becoming more and more proficient in using ninjutsu. Although he could not perform six seals in one second, he did not have to wait more than ten seconds to perform a ninjutsu like in the beginning.

During this week, they encountered two waves of evil cult members, but each was led by a Genin, and the others were just ordinary people without chakra. This made

Shangguan Mo felt relaxed, but also a little bored.

He was the one who wanted to hide and grow, but he was also the one who was very happy in the battle.

"Not fun at all!"

Shangguan Mo, who was sitting on the back of the wind eagle and chewing dry food, suddenly muttered as the breeze gently brushed his face.


Jixia Rino laughed and turned his head away, not even bothering to look at him.

Even Watanabe Mousse felt a little speechless and sighed.

"You are still young, don't you know that for ninjas of our age, being free from danger is the greatest happiness!"

"This kid has always been in a blessing and doesn't know how to appreciate it. Captain, don't worry about him. After a few hardships, he will know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

Jixia Rino took a piece of compressed biscuits from Li and ate it slowly with water.

"Teacher Quan, here!"

Li said softly, and then obediently handed the food and water in his hand to Quan, the first-grade head teacher.

Izumi smiled and took it, looking at her with some kindness in his eyes.

Shangguan Mo's eyes flickered slightly.

In the ninja world, there are many ninjas like Izumi who have no surnames.

Or, most ninjas have no surnames.

The only people with surnames, apart from the daimyo and those nobles, are the ninja clans that have been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

Ninjas who are not members of the ninja clan but have surnames are mostly surnames given by themselves or their ancestors.

And such ninjas have always been looked down upon by those ninja clans.

The Warring States period has only been over for a few decades, and many ninja clans still retain a superior mentality.

But there will be no such situation in Tangyin Village!

As far as Shangguan Mo knows, there is no one in the village who can be called a ninja clan.


In other words, all the ninjas in Tangyin Village are civilian ninjas without surnames.

"No wonder it has never developed..."

Shangguan Mo felt a little emotional.

In the five major countries of the ninja world, except for the Kumogakure ninja of the Land of Lightning, the core forces in the ninja villages of the other four countries are always those ninja clans or even blood-inherited families!

With the development of the times, they have thrived and settled down in the villages one by one. They seem to be inconspicuous and their family reputations are no longer as high as they were in the Warring States Period, but in fact, in the major ninja villages, the positions of senior officials and even shadows are almost all firmly controlled by these family ninjas.

Until recent years, Konoha began to vigorously develop and promote civilian ninjas, and the major ninja villages began to follow suit and recruit civilians with chakra talents in their own ninja schools.

This is an unstoppable trend under the development of the times.

The birth of the five major ninja villages not only did not end the war in the ninja world, but instead dramatically expanded the scale of the war!

This led to an increase in the death rate of ninja clans in each village, and they could only start to vigorously develop those civilian ninjas that they looked down on from the bottom of their hearts.

Up to now, the number of civilian ninjas in the major ninja villages has reached a considerable scale. The first civilian ninjas in Konohagakure Village, which was vigorously reformed and developed by the Third Hokage, have even reached half of the number of civilian ninjas in Konohagakure.

"If Yugakure Village wants to break the current situation of only a few big cats and small cats, the first thing is to break the constraints of the daimyo!"

Shangguan Mo knew it clearly.

The economic lifeline of the ninja village is controlled by the daimyo of their respective countries. They control the ninjas who are "tools" under their command by controlling the economy and even resources!

The daimyo of Yu Country has imposed great restrictions on the development of Yugakure Village. Yu Country is a hot spring town famous in the ninja world. Its annual commercial income is so huge that it can almost be said to be the richest country among small countries.

However, Yugakure Village has been established for nine years, and there are still only two or three hundred ninjas.

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