The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

"Then there is the northern trade area, which I will leave to Yinshu and Ah Mantis. No matter how you two arrange your tactics, I have only one requirement, that is, not to let even one Sand Ninja escape. As for manpower, don't worry. Whether it's you or Ah Huang, I will let Xiaolong summon his insect descendants to support you."


Yinshu and Qingxu Mantis both straightened their chests and felt the pressure, so their expressions became serious.

Shangguan Mo finally looked at Gray Wolf and Kun Kun, who were full of expectations, and chuckled and spoke.

"You two can team up with me and be responsible for the mixed northwestern no-man's land, is that okay?"


The two guys shook their heads quickly, indicating that they dared not.

Then Shangguan Mo began to talk about some details that need to be paid attention to.

"Except for Alang, I basically have not arranged for you to go out on a mission alone, so your experience in carrying out missions is inevitably a little insufficient. Although the lives of the residents in the city are also important, even more important than killing those Sand Ninjas, you must not lose sight of one thing while focusing on the other. Instead, you are restrained because of your concerns. What I mean is that if you can save them, then save them. If you can't save them, then you can only give up!"

He swept a circle among the summoned beasts with a serious look.

"Keep a calm mind during the action, and each be responsible for your own area..."

All the summoned beasts listened to Shangguan Mo's nagging with an honest look.

It doesn't matter how you joke around at ordinary times, but if you don't take it seriously when Shangguan Mo is serious, these summoned beasts know the consequences.

However, at this time, most of them had such a thought in their minds.

"The master's attitude towards ordinary people is really very kind! Except for a few ninjas in the ninja world, I'm afraid no one is kinder than him..."


Time passed little by little, and those hardworking figures in the underground cave had disappeared, leaving only a deep and bottomless hole above the head.

The cave entrance, which should have been pitch black, now seemed to be covered with dense infrared cameras.

Countless dark red lights reflected from a very far distance, and finally hit the wall, forming a gorgeous red crystal sea in the darkness, which looked quite shocking.

Feeling the faint red light on his face, the heartbeat of the Anbu ninja was almost overflowing, and he did not dare to make any careless moves.

If these enchanting red lights were the product of nature, he would not be so nervous.

But when he thought that these dazzling red oceans were actually emitted by countless ants with poisonous bodies, he suddenly had only one thought in his mind: stay away from them.

Shangguan Mo didn't care what he was thinking. He calculated the time outside and was waiting for the best time to show up.

After a while, he tapped his feet on the ground. The powerful recoil force instantly made him cross a distance of more than ten meters and come to the top of his head, in front of the cave leading to the ground.

Then he stepped on the wall of the cave several times with his feet. Chakra came out from the soles of his feet, allowing him to firmly attach his whole body to the cave wall in an instant. In a few breaths, Shangguan Mo's figure disappeared in this underground cave.

The remaining summoned beasts looked at each other, and followed suit. One after another, they disappeared deep underground, and the Anbu ninja was the last.


It was winter weather. The sky above the mining city was covered by a thin layer of cold fog at night. A full moon hung high in the sky, but it did not shed too much light. The sky looked a little hazy.

This kind of dark and windy weather is very suitable for sneaking.

At least Shangguan Mo was very satisfied with this kind of weather.

He made a gesture to the summoned beasts behind him, and Gray Wolf and Kunkun came to his left and right sides. Kunkun didn't even need to be told and sensibly played basketball art to buff his teammates.

The buf lasted for one hour--it increased the chakra, stamina, and willpower of the friendly forces who saw it by 30%, which undoubtedly greatly improved the combat capabilities of Shangguan Mo and his summoned beasts.

So after successfully receiving the blessing of the buf, whether it was himself or the summoned beasts, the whole temperament immediately changed, and the most obvious change was their respective spirits.

The faces of the gods all seemed to become excited in an instant, as if they had been injected with chicken blood...

The basketball, which was a few sizes smaller, was still spinning around the tip of Kun Kun's wings. As the ending action of basketball art, Shangguan Mo still remembered it clearly, so when he saw that Kun Kun was still thinking about doing it again, he quickly reached out to stop Kun Kun's action.

"Guo Guo Da!

- What's the matter?"

"Ahem! It's enough! Time is tight, you should go back and perform your basketball art later!"

After coughing twice, Shangguan Mo looked up at the moon and spoke as if nothing had happened.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with being interrupted by Shangguan Mo while playing basketball, fortunately Kun Kun still listened to the advice. Seeing that the brothers and sisters looked at him with a bit of unkindness, he shut up obediently.

"Master leader, then I..."

Seeing that Shangguan Mo and a summoned beast were about to leave at any time, the Anbu ninja couldn't help but whispered.

"Wait for us ten miles north of the city!"

Hearing this, the Anbu ninja was shocked.



The temperature on winter nights was extremely low, but fortunately it had no effect on Shangguan Mo.

Whether it was Ahri's possession or his own physical fitness, he had a relatively strong resistance to abnormal environments. He was no longer like when he first came to the ninja world a few years ago, being chased all the way by a follower of the evil god cult who was not even a ninja, and finally had to risk jumping into the river. After surviving a near-death experience, he activated the synthesis system and changed his fate from then on.

Thinking of the original scene, he was very emotional.

But he did not forget the current business. He quickly swept his eyes to the perspective shared by the self-destructing flies that were distributed in the sky above the entire city. He soon had a perfect understanding of the dynamics of the Sand Hidden Ninja in the entire mining city.

"Most of the Sand Village ninjas who control the main roads in the city have rested. Only a few teams of ninjas are patrolling the streets. The closest one is only about one thousand meters away from us, and the farthest one is nearly ten thousand meters away. There is a lot of room for us to play. Everyone should act according to the previous plan!"


After a few whispered responses, the wind blew, and the figures of Ah Huang, Wind and Thunder Eagle, Qingxu Mantis, and Hidden Rat disappeared under the night.

"The assassination... has begun!"


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