The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.

But after thinking it over again and again, Shangguan Mo finally gave up the idea.

It was not difficult to spread the news that Uzumaki was still alive, and he thought it was not too difficult to make those people believe it, but Shangguan Mo felt that it was as difficult as ascending to heaven to really find the hiding place of Uzumaki!

The last time he got the news of the summoning beast by accident, but after the previous battle...

It can't be said that way, the previous one can no longer be called a battle, it was simply a one-sided massacre!

Although the wings were not seen, when Uzumaki's Susanoo, which was close to the complete form, was opened, he instantly played Gundam, directly deviating from the fighting style of the ninja world!

A 999 critical hit from a single strike instantly chopped Shangguan Mo into slag!

"That level of power is definitely beyond the level that the title of Shadow can express. Even if a few years later, Madara becomes older and weaker, I have no confidence in being able to fight him."

Shangguan Mo had such a thought in his mind.

"But... if other ninja villages can come together, Madara at this stage may not be able to hold on, and it is also very likely that he will die of exhaustion in the battle! But..."

He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

With the caution of Madara and Black Zetsu, how could there be only one hiding place?

Madara must have left the peninsula long ago. With the current perception ability of the ninja world, how can he be found?

Shangguan Mo had no confidence in this.

After thinking about it, he did not find any good solution, and finally the matter could only be left unresolved.

But Madara was like a fishbone stuck in his trachea, making him feel like a fishbone stuck in his throat, without any sense of security.

"We still need to synthesize a life-saving summoning beast..."

Shangguan Mo shook his head and sighed.


Half a year passed quickly.

Shangguan Mo's idea of ​​synthesizing a life-saving summoning beast was ultimately not achieved.

But he successfully obtained a synthesis formula that surprised him in his experiments.

The combination of [natural energy] + [biological organisms] will hardly produce much repulsion, and the synthesis success rate will not be low.

In contrast, the combination of [non-attribute chakra] + [biological organisms] has a high synthesis success rate.

This also made him successfully understand a truth, that is, the local power in the ninja world is really natural energy, not the external energy such as chakra brought by Kaguya.

Since high-level creatures are not easy to find, Shangguan Mo can only pick a general from the short ones. It just so happens that his own strength has basically reached its limit. If he wants to improve his own strength and there is no synthesis formula that satisfies him, he can only choose to try different combinations of synthesis formulas many times. Anyway, he is idle.

But it's true that with his unremitting efforts, he actually made a summoning beast that made him very satisfied.

The material is the natural energy provided by Gray Wolf, and the creature is one of the many creatures collected by Shangguan Mo - horse!

[Natural Energy] + [Horse] = ? ? ?

[Compatibility] 128%

[Material: Natural Energy, Quality (Green)]

[Creature: Horse, Level (E)]

[Synthesis Success Rate] 150%

[Attention! You are about to consume 100 chakra points]

[Synthesis in progress, please wait...]

[Synthesis successful! You get a D-level summoning beast - Pegasus! ]

Looking at the ordinary horse that suddenly turned from a black chicken into a phoenix into a pure white unicorn, Shangguan Mo was still very surprised even though it was not the first time he synthesized this kind of creature.

[Summoning Beast. Pegasus]

Level: D

Race: Equine mammals

Attributes: Natural energy affinity

Ability: Unrestrained (Pegasus, which is naturally compatible with natural energy, has the ability to consume natural energy to fly.)

Enhancement: Any creature riding on Pegasus will be blessed by its special natural energy, increasing its physical strength and the sharpness of its five senses; increasing the strength of its mental power; increasing a certain degree of physical activity and recovery; and increasing the speed of chakra running in the meridians.

Human-Horse Unity: Pegasus will fuse its own natural energy with the rider's chakra in an appropriate and controllable manner, and then feedback a stream of energy to the rider.

Very pure senjutsu chakra, this senjutsu chakra can greatly enhance the explosive power of the rider's next ninjutsu or physical technique.

System evaluation: Yes, you read it right, this! It is the sage mode!


After just a quick glance at the system message, Shangguan Mo turned his eyes away and looked at the Pegasus in front of him.

It stood there quietly, exuding a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

It was one head taller than Shangguan Mo's head, with a pure white spiral horn on its head, and there was no place on its body that was not white.

And its limbs were very slender, and its muscle lines were smooth and tight. Apart from that, the body shape and appearance of the Pegasus were no different from ordinary horses in other aspects.

With a light step, Shangguan Mo sat on it the next moment, squinting his eyes to feel the subtle changes in his body.

A layer of faint fluorescence emerged from the Pegasus under him, and finally completely wrapped him.

"My physical strength has increased by about 15%. My mental strength is hard to judge for the time being, but I do feel clear-headed and comfortable. As for the degree of improvement of the five senses and the speed of chakra operation..."

Shangguan Mo sat on the horse's back and began to make seals, carefully feeling the speed of chakra operation in his body.

"The speed of chakra operation has increased by about 20%. In other words, as long as the speed of making seals is fast enough, the speed of releasing ninjutsu will also be improved! As for the five senses..."

He began to try tirelessly and soon got the answer.

"The degree of improvement of the five senses is about the third level, which is very good."

Shangguan Mo finally nodded with satisfaction, and then jumped off the horse.

This is the tenth Pegasus he synthesized. He accidentally discovered that if the [Compatibility] is higher, the Pegasus synthesized at the end will also have obvious differences in the increase that can be provided to the rider.

Just like the current Pegasus with a [Compatibility] of 128%, it is only at the upper level among the ten Pegasus.

The highest enhancement, after Shangguan Mo's personal test, can increase his combat power by about 30%, which is already a very scary thing.

And the Tianma, whose [Compatibility] was only 101% at the beginning, can only provide about 15% of the enhancement effect.


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