The more he tried, the more he tried.

Shangguan Mo assigned all the self-destructing flies to a few miles around. In order to avoid falling asleep again, he began to refine his chakra.

His own chakra was only average, not as vast as the sea of ​​the Senju or even the Uzumaki clan.

According to his estimation, his chakra was far less than one card!

Although the ninja world does not measure the strength of a ninja by the amount of chakra, a powerful ninja will definitely not have less chakra.

Therefore, whether it is for the improvement of his own strength or to reach the standard of 200 chakra points for synthesizing a D-level summoning beast as soon as possible, he must work harder on chakra cultivation.

Nothing happened overnight.

The night began to fall, and the dawn soon emerged from the horizon.

Shangguan Mo practiced all night.

Although he looked a little haggard after many days of running around and not resting for a night, his expression seemed a little happy.

[Host: Shangguan Mo]

Race: Human

Summoning Beast: ...

HP: 221

Chakra: 155

After practicing for a night, his chakra amount increased by 1 point in the system display.

He didn't know what 1 point of chakra was used for, but he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, his chakra amount would reach 200 points within half a year, and he could synthesize the D-level summoning beast he wanted without spending HP.

And the D-level summoning beast, in terms of strength, must be above the average Chunin!

"By the way, I said I would prepare to synthesize it again, but I was drafted by Jingxia Rino and forgot about it. The main reason is that my chakra has not reached 200 points. After synthesizing a D-level summoning beast, there will be a period of weakness..."

Shangguan Mo stopped practicing and frowned in thought.

As their actions continued, the ninjas of the evil god cult would become stronger and stronger, and it would only become more and more dangerous.

Shangguan Mo wanted to synthesize a D-level summoning beast again to enhance his strength.

But if he wanted to synthesize, he had to consume 45 points of his life value. Although it was less than a quarter, Shangguan Mo, who had experienced many times of losing life value, knew it clearly.

These 45 points of life value could directly reduce his own strength by half, and it would take at least a week to recover.

But he was at a critical moment in the execution of the mission, and he must not do such a thing that would lose sight of the main point. He was in a weak period, and if he was not careful, he would be in danger of losing his life.

"Besides, I have no idea about this second summoned beast..."

The wind attribute chakra that he can initially transform is considered a green quality synthetic material. After learning the Phoenix Fire Technique, he should be able to achieve the change of the nature of the chakra when it is released after practicing more, and it should also be judged as a green quality material by the system.

In addition, he has no other green quality materials, which is somewhat inconsistent with his idea of ​​trying diversified synthesis.

According to Shangguan Mo's idea, it would be best to find the one with the highest affinity and a synthesis success rate of more than 100% among various creatures of the same quality.

In that case, he can directly get a D+ grade summoned beast with elite Chunin strength.

Compared with D grade, D+ grade summoned beasts have much more strength and growth potential.

"Forget it, let's wait a little longer. There is no D-grade creature in my hand at present. If I encounter a suitable one, I will synthesize it first..."

Shangguan Mo secretly made up his mind.

"Shangguan Mo, what are you daydreaming about?"

At this time, a calm middle-aged male voice suddenly sounded, pulling Shangguan Mo's thoughts back.

He turned his head to look at Watanabe Mousse who came to his side.


He smiled faintly, not saying much.

A trace of interest flashed across Watanabe Mousse's face, looking him up and down.

"Compared to your endless spiritual beasts with different abilities, I am very curious about you as a person.

However, at the age of fourteen, how can your mind reach this point now? Even if you have experienced several hardships, you are not so mature in all aspects! Whether it is about people, things, or even your future path, you have very clear ideas!"

Shangguan Mo's heart tightened slightly, and then he quickly relaxed.

It's just curiosity, it's hard to say.

Can he chop off his head? Besides, Tangyin Village doesn't have such weird Yin Dun Ninjutsu as soul searching and mind reading, so what should he be afraid of?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Watanabe Mousse mistakenly thought that he felt that he had bad intentions, and hurriedly added another sentence.

"It's about that guy Satono who came to me to apply for early graduation. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any other intentions, I'm just very curious!"

"It's okay, Captain Watanabe."

Shangguan Mo smiled slightly, his expression suddenly became a little confused, and he murmured.

"Maybe, there is a soul from my previous life living in my body..."

" guy! You are talking nonsense here again!"

Watanabe Mousse smiled bitterly and shook his head. He turned and left, leaving only a voice.

"Call back your goshawk, let's pack up and continue our journey!"


After eating some dry food and drinking a bowl of freshly cooked mushroom soup, Shangguan Mo and his party rode the wind eagle again and began to continue sweeping along the predetermined route.

In order to ensure that the Hidden Tang Village can continue to survive under the wrath of the Daimyo of the Tang Kingdom, Shangguan Mo and his party can only continue to work hard on missions in the cold winter.

Even though he and Li are still children who have not graduated from the Ninja School...


The wind eagle shuttled quickly at an altitude of 200 meters, and Shangguan Mo's party of eight people plus his summoned beasts were all sitting firmly on the eagle's back.

At this time, two hours had passed since they set out.

But at this time, Shangguan Mo's eyes were closed, his breathing became slow, and he finally couldn't help but doze off.

After practicing all night, he drank another bowl of hot mushroom soup in the morning. The cold wind in the sky was also blocked by the chakra of the wind eagle. The quiet atmosphere around was just the right time for people to relax and sleep.

At this moment, Watanabe Mousse, who had been staring at the bottom, suddenly looked serious and poked his head out from the back of the wind eagle.

The next moment, he turned his head quickly and shouted.

"Shangguan Mo!"


Shangguan Mo, who was sleeping, was awakened. His eyelids were heavy and slightly raised. He looked in the direction of the sound with half-open and half-closed eyes and a little confused.

"Something is happening!

Let your summoned beast land!"

Watanabe Mousse shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing that something was happening, Shangguan Mo instantly broke free from his predicament and patted the wind eagle under him.

"Xiaofeng, go down!"


The wind eagle whistled softly, and the next moment, its wings that covered the sky and the sun suddenly changed from parallel to upright.

The speed slowed down instantly.

Emergency brake!

It has been very skilled in this operation these days.

Shangguan Mo pulled out the kunai and looked at the ground below that was constantly changing.

As the altitude dropped, he soon saw a group of black-robed ninjas running at high speed below. Judging from their running speed, these five ninjas were definitely not ordinary people without chakra.

He turned his head to look at Watanabe Mousse.

"Captain, can you sense anything?"

Watanabe Mousse looked a little solemn and said slowly.

"They are ninjas from the evil god cult. They have a lot of chakra, and two of them are not inferior to me."

"Two jonin?"

Jingxia Rino and Shangguan Mo looked at each other, and their expressions changed slightly.

"I can only deal with one, and I can't deal with the remaining jonin."

Watanabe Mousse said, and then looked at Shangguan Mo.

"With your summoned beast, do you think you can handle the other jonin?"

He actually handed the choice of fighting or not to Shangguan Mo!


"Captain Watanabe! He's still a child, how can he decide on such things?"


The three teachers who didn't know Shangguan Mo well all changed their expressions and began to persuade him.

Watanabe Mousse waved his hand to stop them from talking, and just looked at Shangguan Mo indifferently.

Shangguan Mo lowered his head and began to calculate quickly.

"Two evil god cult jonins, the remaining three are chunins, we have one jonin, five chunins, and one genin, Li is a medical ninja, not a combat force.

In other words, the remaining evil god cult jonin needs me and two chunin teachers, plus my summoned beast to deal with..."

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