Seeing his father in a trance again for some reason, Huang Tu took over the words of the head of the intelligence department.

"In that case, let's keep our troops in place and send more people to check to prevent the Cloud Hidden Clan from falling into a trap!"

The Rock Hidden Clan ninja was stunned, and glanced at Ohnoki above without showing any expression. Seeing that his own Lord Tsuchikage did not react, he smiled and agreed.

"Okay, Lord Huang Tu!"

Although his words were beautiful, he did not mean to put them into action.

The highest commander in this camp was the Third Tsuchikage. Even if Huang Tu was the other party's son, he could not really obey the other party's orders.

But he was not very surprised. Huang Tu had strength, at least much stronger than most people in this camp.

But the other party's character was too straightforward, to put it bluntly, he had no scheming at all.

Huang Tu frowned and looked at the head of the intelligence department, wondering why he hadn't arranged the task.

The laughter in the camp gradually quieted down. Looking at this scene, a group of Iwagakure high-level officials were watching their noses and hearts, unwilling to get involved.

At this time, Ohnoki, who had entered a state of wandering in the sky, came back to his senses.

He glanced at his son lightly and sighed again in his heart.

"Although necessary caution is very important, Huang Tu is too cautious..."

The Cloud Hidden Army has all withdrawn. With nearly one-third of the casualties, what other choice is there besides withdrawal?

After all, not everyone has the powerful strength of the Third Raikage who can defeat ten thousand with one.

But after all, Huang Tu had already spoken, and in order not to affect his prestige, Ohnoki could not refute it.

Although Huang Tu's behavior of issuing orders without authorization when he knew that he, the Tsuchikage, was present was actually a very stupid choice, and it would also have some impact on his authority as the third generation Tsuchikage...

"Who made him his son? If I don't pamper him, who will?"

He smiled bitterly in his heart.

Then, he looked at the head of the intelligence department and spoke lightly.

"Just do as Huang Tu said, go down!"

"Yes! Lord Tsuchikage!"

The jonin in charge of the intelligence department stood up and then walked out quickly, his steps seemed to be relieved.

After he left, Ohnoki's eyes were on the end of the door of the headquarters tent.

There sat a ninja who looked younger. At least compared with the Iwagakure ninjas who were mostly in their thirties and forties, he was already more conspicuous.

Moreover, the forehead protector worn by this young ninja was not from the Iwagakure...

After glancing at the forehead protector worn by the other party, Ohnoki withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened.

"The musical note is used as a symbol, and the name of the ninja village is the name of the sound, but there is no ninjutsu related to sound in the village..."


A strange smile suddenly appeared on Ohnoki's face, and it disappeared quickly.

Then, he waved his hand to disband the meeting.

"Okay, the meeting is over, everyone should do their job and be responsible for their respective departments."


"Sir, the leader of the Sound Village, please stay for a while!"

The Iwagakure ninjas who had already stood up paused, turned their heads and looked at the one who had already opened the door curtain and was about to lower his head to go out, their eyes became a little ambiguous, and then walked out of the tent.

The footsteps faded away, and the two Iwagakure ninjas outside the tent put down the door curtain again.

The light inside the command room dimmed again.

"... I wonder what Lord Tsuchikage wants to talk to me about?"

The young leader of the Sound Village turned around and asked with a helpless expression.


Onoki chuckled and looked at the other party with a little mockery.

"Now that there are only two of us, do you want to continue pretending?"

"... I don't understand what Lord Tsuchikage means..."

"I, an old man, don't have the patience to play any guessing ninja games with you! Just say it straight!"

Onoki's face sank. Although he was short and had a very large bulbous nose, which made him look a little ugly. But with the blessing of his status and strength, now he naturally burst out with a sense of majesty in his gestures.

"Should I call you the leader of Otogakure, or should I call you... Toneri Watanabe?"


The leader of Otogakure raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Toneri Watanabe? Who are you talking about?"

Onoki was slightly startled, raised his eyes and scanned his expression that did not seem to be fake, and this time he was really surprised.

"You are very good... As expected, that guy was able to send you out to create and manage a village, which shows that you are not an ordinary person..."

"When I saw you for the first time, I sensed that you had two other chakra auras, very weak, but real. You don't need to explain! Since I have already said it, I naturally understand your identity. You don't have to be afraid. There is no grudge between us. I kept you here this time just to chat with you."

"...You say."

"Hehe... You are indeed a smart person. I like to deal with smart people, unlike my useless son Huangtu, who needs me to worry about him all day long..."


Seeing this, Ohnoki didn't care and continued.

"When it comes to intelligence work, no ninja village can compare to our Iwagakure Ninja Village, because we have the largest number of ninjas! As for how I guessed your true identity, I don't mind telling you, it's also my sincerity."

"Your Yugu Village started with the summoned beasts. It can be said that it was the summoned ninja who brought your village to a height that did not belong to him. So... a few years ago, I began to notice you. If I guessed correctly, the other two chakra auras on you should be the summoned beasts with special effects cultivated by your leader, right? One has healing ability, and the other has the power of amplifying chakra and ninjutsu."

Speaking of this, Ohnoki smacked his lips in amazement.

"I have to say that although your leader is very young, even I have to admit that in some aspects, he is an absolute genius! In the field of summoned beasts, he has brought his talent to the extreme! He actually tied with the third-generation Raikage with just the summoned beast in his hand, and even made the opponent helpless..."

Only he, who has fought with the third-generation Raikage many times, knows what kind of strength that Thunder Barbarian has!

There is even some lingering fear in Ohnoki's eyes.


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