Although he knew that he couldn't underestimate the rising stars in the ninja world, Fu Yue had to admit that he still looked down on Shangguan Mo, who was not strong in himself and only relied on the summoned beast to gain some fame.

In his concept, what is a strong ninja?

It is a ninja who is as strong as his heart!

Just like those members of his Uchiha clan who were trapped in the small Konoha Village all day long and had never experienced any storms, they just had powerful talents and abilities, and seemed domineering and arrogant on the outside, but in fact they were vulnerable on the inside!

In Fu Yue's heart, Shangguan Mo, the leader of the small ninja village, was just a young man! He was able to make a name for himself in the ninja world, mostly because of luck.

He felt that the reason why they could make Kumogakure and even Konoha lose face time and again was that the high-ranking officials of the two ninja villages did not take him, a small soup ninja, seriously. It was like a little bit of meat left on a bone. He couldn't bear not to eat it, but it was too much effort to eat it, and he might even break a tooth, so he simply didn't eat it.

But now Fugaku's original cognition has completely collapsed, but he is not afraid of the two summoned beasts. Although one can fly, which is completely beyond the attack range that ninjutsu can reach, and the other can burrow underground and has extremely amazing defense, if Fugaku wants to leave, these two summoned beasts can't do anything to him.

But the continuous deaths of the clan members are like weights stacked on his heart, bringing Fugaku more and more heavy pressure, and until now he feels a little breathless.

Fugaku brushed his eyes with his hand, and felt his eyes getting hotter and hotter, as if something that had been sealed for a long time wanted to get out impatiently.

If someone could see his current appearance, they would find that in his pupils. The three scarlet magatama spun rapidly, with a tendency to gradually connect end to end.

In the red pupil of his right eye, the magatama spun faster and faster.

Faintly, a strange pattern of a black windmill was formed.

Fugaku raised his head and slowly aimed his sight at the majestic giant eagle in the sky. He murmured with a relaxed look on his face.

"Since conventional means cannot cause damage, for the sake of the object I must protect, then... I don't need to be too careful and continue to hide..."


A ding-dong sound from the depths of the soul sounded in Fugaku's mind.

The next moment, the black windmill in his right eye suddenly took shape.

A stream of cold air like from the Nine Nether Hell spread wildly in his right eye, and finally a burning hellfire rose faintly in his eye!

Fugaku locked his sight on the head of the giant eagle in the sky.

"Eye Technique. Amaterasu!"

Fugaku shouted in anger in his heart, and where his sight was focused, a burst of black flames appeared out of thin air under the jaws of the Wind and Thunder Eagle. It spread rapidly in an instant.

Chi——! ! !

The shocking cry of the eagle resounded through the barrier.

Shangguan Mo, who was far away in the sky, was startled and turned his head to look. Unlike others, he could easily hear the fear in the voice of the Wind and Thunder Eagle.

But when he turned his head, he only saw the direction from which the sound came. A large burst of black flames in the air that was about to go out.

And the Wind and Thunder Eagle had disappeared.


Shangguan Mo was anxious, but he stopped as soon as he moved.

In the dissipated black flames in the distance, four sticky substances as big as a house gradually appeared. The color was black and white.


He was relieved, and seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look at the battlefield where Uchiha Fugaku was. But he found that the distance was too far to see clearly.

But Shangguan Mo knew very well that if he was not mistaken, the black flame that gave him goose bumps just now should be the flame of Amaterasu!

A flame that can burn everything!


"Such a strong fire escape! Whose technique is it?"

"It should be the clan leader, right?"

"It can only be the clan leader, but why have we never seen such a terrifying fire escape?"

"What are the four things floating in the sky? It looks so weird"


The Uchiha clan members turned their heads in surprise and looked at their clan leader, their voices full of surprise and their faces full of excitement.

No one knows how much they have suffered from the wind escape bombing of the giant eagle during this period.

Fugaku quickly lowered his head, and hurriedly used his sleeves to wipe the tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

He wiped off the warmth. He didn't raise his head until he felt nothing unusual.

Facing the surprised and happy eyes of his tribesmen, his serious face didn't show any joy.

His eyes swept across the Konoha ninja outside the barrier without leaving any trace, and Fugaku sighed secretly.

"I just hope that those sensing ninjas won't see anything..."


Looking at this monster with a rat head and a human body, Minato couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He was full of fear.

A green-skinned mantis man with a mantis head and a human body was enough to make him fearful, and with this rat-headed man who was completely comparable to him in speed and reaction. Namikaze Minato finally felt a sense of pressure.

Even though he had already imagined that the summoned beast that could stop the Third Raikage would definitely not be an easy opponent. But he didn't expect that the strength that this rat-headed man could exert was really amazing.


Minato appeared again, with a slightly sky-blue ball in his hand, and came to Yinshu.

However, Yinshu already knew his attack methods. Even Qingxu Mantis had known the three axes mastered by this golden-haired Konoha ninja earlier.

It was not until this time that Yinshu realized how wise it was for Shangguan Mo to let it and Alang deal with this guy!

"If I were to deal with this guy alone, I would probably show my weakness soon. The same goes for Alang, who might even lose faster! But when the two of us attack together, we can almost perfectly limit the opponent's space ninjutsu!"

Looking at the figure who suddenly appeared holding a blue ball and about to hit his chest, Yinshu stood there calmly without even moving.

Minato was not only not happy, but his face became heavy.

The next moment.

A hole suddenly opened in the space behind him, and a green figure emerged from it, slashing at Minato's head.


The blade split the golden afterimage in two, Qingxu Mantis put the knife into his fingers, and then his arms naturally drooped and stood side by side with Hidden Rat.

The two beasts looked at a place more than a hundred meters away almost at the same time.

As expected, a golden figure appeared on the devastated ground. At the moment of appearance, countless self-explosive flies rushed towards the other party frantically.

After repeating several flashes, when the golden-haired figure appeared again, he finally shook off the insects temporarily. At this time, the other party was standing on a protruding stone, staring at Hidden Rat and the others from a distance, and did not launch an attack again immediately, as if he felt it was very difficult.


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