The ninja in Konoha was so angry that he was about to burst into tears.

In the sight of the Konoha ninjas who were watching, the tights companion, who was already almost a blue lightning, suddenly increased his speed again. He quickly closed the distance of several dozen meters from the big yellow dog and came behind it.

The toes were wrapped with extremely rich blue light, and kicked out suddenly. Ah Huang turned around and crossed his arms almost as a conditioned reflex to block the attack.


A huge force was transmitted to his body, and the next moment Ah Huang found that the pain and numbness came almost in order, making his dog face twisted into a knot, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. And his whole body flew out.

"Good opportunity!"

Matt Dai's eyes suddenly brightened. When the opponent loses his center of gravity, it is undoubtedly a good time to attack. Thinking that the opponent's body is too strong, with his pure power under the Seven Gates, it is probably impossible to kill him with one blow.

"In this case... let's do it again..."

Matt Dai gathered his hands at his waist, and then pushed forward at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye, with his fingers crossed. Then a tiger suddenly jumped out from his fingertips.

Daytime Tiger!!!


The translucent giant tiger suddenly roared to the sky. The next moment, it flashed and pounced in front of Ah Huang.

At this time, Matt Dai felt that his eyes went black, and then the whole person fell down. He was unconscious, and only his body was still spasming. The blue steam stopped abruptly, and the Eight Gates Ninja Mode was automatically released after exhausting his physical strength. Fortunately, he fell into a coma because he overdrew his body too much, otherwise the backlash of the Shock Gate alone would be enough to make Matt Dai suffer from pain! It was a pain like being tortured to death!

One second after Might Dai fell, a golden figure appeared beside him, reached out and hugged him, and then disappeared on the spot with one hand. He didn't even look at the frightened big yellow dog.

Because... the ending is already determined.


Feeling the natural energy in his body that almost burst him, the Gray Wolf in mid-air slowly grinned.

"Rookie! You owe me another life!"

Then, his face suddenly became ferocious, and the natural energy in his body gushed out like a river flooded with water. A ball of milky white light enveloped it. As warm and bright as moonlight, it illuminated the entire barrier.

This light was a light that no one could look at directly.

It was also the original power of the ninja world.

"Immortal Technique. Active Transformation. Divine Sky Sword!"

Grey Wolf roared angrily, and an invisible but substantial, mountain-like slash slashed down, and the speed was so fast that it even caused a sonic boom in the airflow. A ripple nearly 100 meters wide was pulled down in the air, and the dazzling sunlight rippled on the air ripples, reflecting the invisible sword of creation.

Like Xuanyuan's sword that slashed the dragon, like Pangu's axe that opened the sky.

Finally, this invisible sword light fell fiercely on the daytime tiger that pounced out.

The daytime tiger and the earth under it split into two at the same time, and a 100-meter-long crack appeared on the ground.

On one side of the deep crack, Ah Huang collapsed to the ground. His face was exhausted to the extreme, and there was still a trace of fear in his eyes.

Its [Ultimate Split] life-saving skill had just been used by Mighty, and now it entered a three-day cooling period.

In other words, if it had been hit by that terrifying technique just now, it would have had no choice but to die!


After the battle, the world returned to peace.

In the Four Purple Flame Formation, Minato suddenly appeared beside Fugaku holding the unconscious Might Guy. Seeing this, Fugaku touched the corner of his eye somewhat unnaturally, where the warmth he had just wiped off still remained.

Suddenly, he noticed that the man in the green tights in Minato's arms changed slightly.

"What's wrong with him?"

After seeing the other person's face clearly, Fugaku was slightly shocked.

This Konoha ninja who made a big fuss before looked like he was only in his early thirties! It stands to reason that this powerful figure of the same era as him, if not knowing him, at least he had seen him and was familiar with him. But he racked his brains and couldn't think of where this strange-looking powerful ninja came from in Konoha!

"Is it the power cultivated secretly by the top management?"

Fugaku had to have such a thought in his mind. Otherwise, this matter is a bit inexplicable.

But how could he know that this thick-browed man, who was only a few years older than him, was just a

A ten thousand year old Genin who was involved in D-level missions! And he, who was born in a powerful family and eventually became the head of the Uchiha clan, although they were in the same village, they were completely in different worlds and had never had any intersection.

It was not until after this incident that Fugaku understood after Minato explained to him. The village was not preparing to attack Uchiha with other intentions, and there was no secret cultivation of ninja power. Might Dai was just a pearl in the ocean that Minato discovered by chance.

At the same time, Fugaku was also shocked.

After the other party woke up, Fugaku praised Might Dai with respect. And Might Dai also tried to give a thumbs up, with a shining star at the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Dai! You have successfully proved one thing, that is, genius can also be surpassed by hard work!"

"Mr. Fugaku, thank you! My youth finally has the recognition of another partner!"

Of course, this is all later.


Time goes back to the moment when Minato appeared.

He swept his eyes across the field and saw the opponent's "full blood" giant eagle, as well as the formation of summoned beasts that gradually surrounded them. Fugaku's face changed slightly, as if he understood something, and turned to look at Minato with a solemn face.

"Do you want to evacuate?"

"......Well, let your people hold hands, and I will teleport out with Flying Thunder God."

"......Okay, I understand."

Seeing the unstoppable loss on Fugaku's face, Minato also felt bad. Although the dead ninjas were Uchiha who were regarded as aliens in the village, he still blamed himself. After all, they were all companions from the same village.

The most important thing is that the plan to surround and kill Shangguan Mo has failed. The moment he sensed Might Dai's fall through the Flying Thunder God Kunai, when he realized that his side could not effectively attack the flying ninjas.

Minato understood that this battle...

The outcome is set.


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