The strong lightning gradually dimmed, revealing a sharp-edged eagle with wings spread.

"Daddy's big son!"

Looking up with difficulty, Shangguan Mo looked at the wind eagle that had almost doubled in size, and even though he was very weak, he was happy.

[Spiritual Beast · Wind and Thunder Eagle]

Level: C

Race: Falcon Family Birds

Attributes: Wind, Thunder

Ability: Dominate the World: Wind escape surrounds the body surface, and thunder escape blesses the body. The wind and thunder eagle can increase its speed to the extreme in an instant! Even breaking the speed of sound.

(The Wind and Thunder Eagle can use the wind and thunder attribute chakra in its body to greatly increase its flying speed in an instant. The speed of increase is related to the degree of control of the Wind and Thunder Eagle over the chakra, and the duration of the ability is related to the amount of chakra in the Wind and Thunder Eagle's body, but this ability consumes a lot of chakra.)

Wind Blade Technique: Spit out a thick wind blade from its mouth to attack the opponent.

Explosive Rasengan: The Wind and Thunder Eagle condenses the chakra in its body to the extreme, and then spits out a rapidly rotating explosive wind ball from its mouth, which can cause devastating damage to the opponent's body.

Disabling Strike: The Wind and Thunder Eagle gathers a large amount of chakra in its body to form a continuous stream of lightning, launching a devastating large-scale attack on the enemy.

Thunder God's Advent: The Wind and Thunder Eagle spits out a beam of strong electric current lightning from its mouth, and all objects hit are annihilated in a short time.

System Evaluation: Wind and thunder are invisible, but when they gather together, they represent the extreme aggressiveness of the ninja world! After the transformation of wind and thunder attribute chakra, the Wind and Thunder Eagle has become a rare dual-attribute ninja beast in the ninja world. If the power of wind and thunder can be truly integrated, the strength of the Wind and Thunder Eagle will change greatly.

Looking at the system information, Shangguan Mo showed a satisfied smile on his pale face.

"What a ninjutsu turret!"

He could even imagine the scene of Xiaofeng bombing the ground in the sky.

Air to ground, invincible!

Shangguan Mo was very satisfied with the secondary synthesis of the Wind Eagle. With the ability of the Wind and Thunder Eagle to fly, it is an extremely correct way to develop into a ninjutsu eagle, which can perfectly play its air advantage.

"The way of fighting in the future will become diversified. Xiao Huang, the physical dog, will act as the front row to contain the enemy, and Xiaofeng can bomb ninjutsu in the air as much as he wants!"


One month later.

Shangguan Mo finally finished his last synthesis.

Except for Gray Wolf, the remaining five summoned beasts were all transformed again with chakra metal.

But he also used up all the chakra metal.

He had asked a blacksmith to forge and cut the chakra metal into dozens of pieces before, hoping to save some money, but when synthesizing, the system prompted that the amount was too small and not enough for synthesis.

Especially the Earth Dragon Beast at the time, which was considered huge among all the summoned beasts, and it consumed nearly half of Shangguan Mo's chakra metal, which made him feel distressed.

This material is extremely precious and hard to find, and it is often out of stock, and there is no place to buy it.

Fortunately, the result of the synthesis made him feel relieved instantly.

[Summoning Beast · Earth Dragon]

Rank: C

Race: Invertebrate

Attribute: Earth

Ability: Earth Escape Technique (Earth Dragon has an affinity for earth and stone, and can move freely in these two environments without hindrance.)

Petrification Defense (Passive): The body of the Earth Dragon is composed of rock and rare metals, and has a very high defense effect against sharp and blunt weapons, and even ninjutsu.

Earth Escape · Rock Armor: The Earth Dragon has a high degree of control over the changes in the properties and forms of the earth attribute, and can form a layer of extremely hard rock armor around the body to enhance its own defense.

Earth Escape · Petrification Ray: The Earth Dragon shoots a beam of gray light waves to petrify the enemy.

Earth Escape · Earthquake Wave: The Earth Dragon dives into the ground, using its own chakra as a springboard to destroy the balance of the geological plate and cause local earthquakes.

System Evaluation: The most disgusting troublemaker in the eyes of the enemy!

"The Earth Dragon Beast still doesn't have a strong offensive power, but it has a very rare control ability, and it is very tanky!"

Shangguan Mo sighed in his heart.

Originally a marginal OB player who could only dig holes, after his secondary synthesis, he turned into a tank!

It immediately occupied an extremely important strategic position in Shangguan Mo's mind.


He looked at the house that had become a ruin, and his face couldn't help but twitch.


There was a loud noise in the ruins, and the earth dragon came out with its head.

It was still a gray-brown body, but it looked much thicker than before. The huge ring-shaped body looked like a creepy fear.

The part that was exposed above the ground was larger than Shangguan Mo's entire house.


The earth dragon spit out a piece of Shangguan Mo's room floor in its mouth, looked down at him blankly, and said softly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!

- Master, I didn't mean it..."

Shangguan Mo took a deep breath, pulled an ugly smile at the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"I know, I know...

Thanks to you, we can move to a bigger place to live!"


Shangguan Mo walked alone towards Zhi Yujing's home.

He had finished his own business, so he naturally had to report to the leader of Tang Yin.

Although Zhiyujing said that someone would notify him in a month, Shangguan Mo thought it was better for him to understand things.

Moreover, after a month, Zhiyujing still hadn't notified him. It was estimated that other soup ninjas were still working hard on their missions. This made Shangguan Mo, who had been staying at home for a month, feel a little embarrassed, but he was also more grateful and respectful to Zhiyujing.

Shangguan Mo believed that there would be no other person in the ninja world who would take care of him and indulge him like Zhiyujing.

Now his summoned beasts are bigger than each other, and they really can't hang on him all day like before, and it's not convenient to bring them out, so as not to scare the villagers of Tangyin Village.

On the way, he was also summarizing the experience of synthesizing in this month.

"My current summoned beast integrates control, burst, defense, and strong attack. It can almost be said that there is no shortcoming, but its own strength is still a little weak..."

But Shangguan Mo can't do anything about improving his own strength.

He is not like those summoned beasts. As long as he finds the right materials, he can greatly improve his strength. Although his own talent is not bad, it also takes some time to develop.

But as the strength of the summoned beast continues to improve, his own low combat power will become the most fatal weakness in future battles.

But Shangguan Mo has no good solution.

"It's useless to rush to improve my strength. Now I can only rely on the summoned beast to protect my safety. The ninjas I will face in the future are getting stronger and stronger. In order not to be targeted by powerful or fast ninjas, it seems that I have to stay with Xiaofeng or Xiaolong at any time when I go out. One can take me to fly, and the other can take me underground..."

Shangguan Mo suddenly thought of his new C-level summoned beast-the Blazing Ant Queen.

"Except that the Blazing Worker Ants it produces have metal-like defense, there is no change..."

He was a little disappointed, but when he thought that the synthesis only consumed the smallest piece of chakra metal, he was relieved.

Moreover, the neurotoxin of the Fiery Worker Ant is already terrifying enough. This synthesis increases the defense of the Fiery Worker Ant, which can be regarded as making up for its most fatal weakness.

Thinking about it, Shangguan Mo came to the two-story building of Zhi Yujing.

Just from the location and appearance of Zhi Yujing's house, it is obvious that he is a very low-key person.

Tangyin Village is not big, and the place where Shangguan Mo lives is not far from Zhi Yujing's house. They are all in the more remote areas of Tangyin Village.

"Brother Sanlang, please go in and report."

Shangguan Mo said with a smile.

In front of him was a young ninja in his twenties who was standing guard. He was Zhi Yujing's trusted subordinate.

"The leader said that you can let him go directly if you come over. The master is resting in the house. You can go in by yourself!"

Sanlang shook his head slightly, looking at him with a complicated look.


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