The old man was very happy.

Sarutobi Tsubasa shook his head slightly, with a complicated look in his eyes.

The expression of the Sarutobi jonin seemed a little difficult to understand, and he asked in confusion.

"He Danzo has repeatedly violated the orders of the Sandaime, and this time he even secretly developed foreign forces. What do you think will happen to him after he returns to the village? Even if he doesn't die, his power will be gone. Do you need to be afraid of such a person who has lost power?"

"Ha! Haha..."

Sarutobi Tsubasa was amused by his words, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, and he shook his head slowly.

"You think too simply about the relationship between Danzo and the Sandaime. Danzo has caused public outrage in the village several times before, but the Sandaime has always made a lot of noise but little effort, and finally chose to let it go. That's why Danzo's power is getting stronger and stronger, and now no one in the village dares to disobey his will, not even me. Just wait and see, the Sandaime's treatment of him this time is no exception..."


The two people in the tent were still chatting, but Shangguan Mo no longer wanted to listen.

"Danzo actually took action himself!"

Shangguan Mo's face was a little ugly.

As a veteran strongman in Konoha, although Danzo's performance in the original work has always been a little bit off, it definitely does not mean that he is not strong, it only means that his opponents are all perverts.

In the original work, Uchiha Sasuke, who was beaten by the Fourth Raikage, the Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki and the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, almost killed Danzo in one move!

This makes many people feel that Danzo is not even worthy of the title of Nabekage.

After all, Nabekage is also a Kage, isn't he?

In fact, it was because Danzo relied on his Izanagi technique that he didn't avoid Sasuke's attack.

Later, when Sasuke was looking for trouble with Danzo, Danzo defeated Sasuke at the cost of three Sharingan on his arm. At that time, the Kotoamatsukami he got from Uchiha Shisui was still in the cooling period. If Sasuke's pupil power had not broken through at the critical moment, he would have to rely on the rescue of Obito who was hiding on the side to survive.

Based on this performance alone, Danzo is definitely a Kage.

In the previous life, Shangguan Mo saw someone arguing that Danzo didn't even drag a scapegoat before he died. It was ridiculous. Compared with the battle before his old friend, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, died, there is no comparison.

Before his death, Sarutobi Hiruzen crippled Orochimaru, forcing him to change his body again.

But the last battle between Danzo and Sasuke also directly drained the power of Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan! He almost went blind, which forced Sasuke to transplant his eyes.

Moreover, Danzo's understanding of wind attributes is absolutely at the top of the ninja world. Although he has not transplanted the first generation cells and Sharingan, Shangguan Mo still dare not easily test his edge.


"What should I do?"

In the woods at the junction of the Land of Hot Springs and the Land of Fire, Shangguan Mo's expression changed for a while.

"The next enemy to face is Danzo and his roots. Those ninjas in the Konoha camp may also attack our Yuyin Village under Danzo's orders..."

What made him hesitate and embarrassed was not whether he should stop Danzo outside the Land of Hot Springs, but whether he could do it and how to achieve this goal.

Although he has not been in the ninja world for too long, he has regarded Yuyin Village as his home and will never escape in the face of a battle.

So upon learning this important news, Shangguan Mo quickly asked the summoned beast to gather the 17 Anbu ninjas that had been assigned.

Facing the upcoming war, it was not a wise choice to disperse the manpower. The arrangements made for the original preventive mission were meaningless at this time, because the enemy had already appeared, and it was Shimura Danzo who made Shangguan Mo feel embarrassed at this time!

Hearing the news from Shangguan Mo, the faces of these Tangyin ninjas were a little shocked, and many of them were afraid.

Most of these Tangyin ninjas were from the same era as Shimura Danzo, so how could they not have heard of his reputation as the Dark of Konoha.

Watanabe Toneri couldn't help but ask.

"Captain, what should we do next?"

While waiting for his subordinates to gather, Shangguan Mo had already made up his mind, so he did not seem panicked at this time.

Scanning the crowd, seeing that everyone's face was as if they were facing a great enemy, Shangguan Mo felt heavy in his heart.

He suddenly chuckled and spoke lightly.

"Your mission is to deal with those Root ninjas, as for Shimura

"Danzo, leave it to me. If other Konoha ninjas attack, you don't have to worry. I will let my summoned beasts deal with them!"

"Ah? This..."

Everyone was shocked, and many people showed worry and shame on their faces, ashamed of their previous retreat.

Only Watanabe Toneri and Tian Feng looked anxious after hearing his words, and looked at Shangguan Mo with concern, persuading him.

"Captain! How can you be a match for Shimura Danzo! Why don't you ask for help from the village?"

"Yes, Captain! You are the hope of our Tangyin, how can you..."

Shangguan Mo waved his hand to interrupt the two, looked at them expressionlessly, and said lightly.

"You are already the most elite ninjas in the village, where else can the village send support? The leader is old, and the other Watanabe ninjas and the female ninjas are strong, but facing the one from Konoha, how much use do you think they can play? "

Although his words were unpleasant to hear, the truth was often so cruel, and the two looked depressed.

"We have no way out..."

Shangguan Mo sighed, and seeing the extremely depressing atmosphere, he also felt uncomfortable, and said to encourage them.

"Don't worry, although I am not completely sure, as long as you can face the ninjas of the root without collapsing, I have the confidence to take you alive! "

Everyone looked at each other, and when they thought of Shangguan Mo's flying summoned beast, they felt more or less confident.


Shangguan Mo knew very well the limit of his ninja talent. Almost all of his strength came from the synthesized summoned beasts. Relying on his few high-level summoned beasts with good strength, he was confident that he could survive in Danzo's hands, but it was undoubtedly a pipe dream to defeat or even kill Danzo.

As a ninja, his shortcomings and advantages were very obvious.

The strength of his many C-level summoned beasts was very impressive, and the diversity of species also enabled him to not be helpless when facing various types of enemies. Even the C+-level summoned beast Kunkun that he accidentally synthesized recently had the ability to be invincible for a short time, which gave him a lot of assurance.

But his own weak strength often made Shangguan Mo a breakthrough point for the enemy. Those ninjas with long-range ninjutsu or extremely fast physical skills were a great threat to Shangguan Mo.

Shangguan Mo was very clear about this.

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